Dokit vs. SweetProcess: Which is better for writing work instructions and procedures?

Last Updated on February 29, 2024 by Owen McGab Enaohwo

Dokit vs. SweetProcess

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Traditional business document processing processes are sapping the energy out of your business. It is time for an efficient and cost-effective business process management system. In your search, you have come across Dokit.

However, despite the rather hefty cost of their monthly enterprise solution package (300€/$321), the Dokit site lacks access to a live demo. But you want to give their platform a try. So, after some fumbling, you come across a ‘Request a demo’ tab at the bottom of their pricing page.

You quickly fill in your email address. Unfortunately, if your experience was anything like ours, it will be some time before you can access that demo version.

However, like many savvy managers, you know that the best business process management platform should not have you jumping through hoops just for a trial run. Instead, it should offer you quick access to a live demo, as it is on SweetProcess.

The team at SweetProcess understands that you need 100% assurance that the software you pay for will meet all your documentation needs and then some. To this end, they provide an ultra-fast and seamless dry run via a live demo on their page.

On top of that, you have access to a 14-day free trial program too. So, if you are feeling stuck, give SweetProcess a test run.

We will not ask you for your credit card details until you are ready to enjoy our $99/month sweet deal for a team with up to 20 active members. In addition, we have written this comprehensive Dokit vs. SweetProcess comparison to give you further insight into what these two platforms offer.

If you are a team leader who wants to match your software needs to the right provider, read on.

Dokit vs. SweetProcess Full Comparison – Table of Contents

Chapter 1: An Overview of SweetProcess

Chapter 2: An Overview of Dokit

Chapter 3: Feature-by-Feature Comparison

Chapter 4: Customer Reviews for SweetProcess

Chapter 5: Customer Reviews for Dokit

Chapter 6: Documenting Processes and Policies

Chapter 7: Should You Choose Dokit or SweetProcess?


Chapter 1: An Overview of SweetProcess

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SweetProcess is an all-in-one business process management system with various business document management features. Like Dokit, SweetProcess generates and stores crucial business documents in a centralized location.

These processes range from creating, editing, and sharing policy documents to developing knowledge bases. Accurate and efficient business process documentation can help your startup scale rapidly in the future.

It is also a process that brings team members up to date on service delivery to all customers. SweetProcess’s process design and documentation process will ensure you document all repetitive tasks in one location, closing any knowledge gaps between employees.

Likewise, SweetProcess offers a policy implementation feature. This tool is particularly helpful when regulatory bodies and digital workplaces face increasing scrutiny and expanding policy guidelines.

SweetProcess will assist your team in managing, auditing, and storing organizational policies. Its policy design, access, and storage features will let sunlight in on your compliance workflows. On top of that, it will improve your startup’s performance and mitigate risk.

In addition, business processes are a lifeline that streamlines activities, ensuring that all organizational resources are in optimal use. For this reason, you must enhance process efficiency and communication to keep chaos out of your day-to-day operations.

SweetProcess has sweet procedure crafting, collaboration, and refinement tools. On top of that, it offers a task management feature that will improve efficiency and productivity.

Overall, its task management features will lower employee stress and ensure they never miss deadlines, keeping your customers happy. Lastly, SweetProcess has tools to ease the creation of private and public knowledge bases.

To illustrate the benefits of this feature, did you know that businesses lose an average of 18% of their employees to workforce turnover? Discharges, resignations, and layoffs imply that knowledge leaves your business regularly.

Data shows that only one person knows about 42% of the expertise and skills required to fulfill a task in a particular position at a given time. To this end, your workforce becomes provisionally inefficient whenever a skilled employee leaves your team.

Then, every time new employees take their place, they must learn 42% of that knowledge from scratch. So, new hires spend over 200 of their working hours in trial-and-error work or duplicate the work of their predecessors.

If you use SweetProcess to build a knowledge base, your projects will not stall just because one team member is missing from action. SweetProcess knowledge base documentation tools will build a library of precious business, product, or service data.

 A public knowledge base will help your customers solve their problems quickly, enhancing their experience and satisfaction. An internal knowledge base will protect institutional knowledge and expertise and ease the transfer of skills among employees.

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It is a lesson that Amy Walls of Thimbleberry Financial learned the hard way. Before her SweetProcess experience, Amy, a financial advisor, thought that her Microsoft Word–based operations manuals sufficed her team members’ training needs.

As head of the wealth management and financial planning firm, her mastery of the generation of operations earned her many accolades amongst her peers in business training groups. However, over time, Amy realized that she had made certain costly assumptions about her documentation process.

For instance, she noted that her team members would abandon her well-thought-out training manuals and do things their way. However, her firm’s new employee onboarding process came to a breaking point when her firm’s turnover scaled alongside its growth.

“We were having quite a bit of turnover, which had to do with a few things. One, our team being so small, was wearing too many hats. I’m keeping track of what I have to do with this work, but then I have another hat over here with a different body of work. Not having an easy reference for what had to happen made that hard,” Amy says.

Fortunately, her business coach guided her to examine her documentation process and suggested SweetProcess’s system. A reluctant Amy plugged in and was floored by our business process management system. Thimbleberry Financial now leverages SweetProcess for its employee training and onboarding process.

“Our new employees say they have never gone through a more organized onboarding. We have one or two SweetProcess procedures that they work through. They start on their first day. When they start, we have them get access to three things. One is their email. One is SweetProcess, and one was our Slack channel, but now it’s Teams,” Amy says.

Other excellent SweetProcess features include the  SweetProcess API. It integrates with over 1,000 different apps, including Zapier. Then, its version control and task management tools support accuracy and collaboration in process management.

That is all that there is to it with this fantastic platform. SweetProcess process maps and AI ease the procedure design process, making this platform super intuitive for its users. It also offers other sweet features like version control and the import of DOCX files to its system.

Chapter 2: An Overview of Dokit

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Like SweetProcess, Dokit supports the design, creation, storage, and access to user manuals. Consequently, you can create business guides, processes, or manuals on Dokit and share them amongst team members.

Dokit’s visual editor has drag-and-drop and media gallery features. Additionally, this platform also provides a version control feature that enhances control. It ensures that all stakeholders only access the most current version of your manuals.

If you use Dokit, your employees will not be left out of the loop or work on diverse versions of the same document. Instead, they will enjoy a collaborative workflow and have a clear audit trail of a document’s evolution.

Besides a centralized version control and proofreading system, Dokit offers workflow validation and user permissions features. Approval workflows ensure that all stakeholders sign off on tech content. Its collaborative features include profile pages, comments, and messaging.

Dokit’s publishing features include multi-version support on all media, including mobile devices and PC. You can edit or access your Dokit documents on a website, download them as PDFs, or allow your customer to access them using QR codes.

On top of that, the Dokit API connects its user manual generation features to other electronic management platforms. Over and above that, Dokit has partnered with France’s OVH Groupe SAS.

OVH is a cloud computing company that offers enterprise web services and dedicated servers to businesses. To this end, Dokit offers SaaS platform management support features like shared hosting, private cloud hosting, and secure SS.

It also has a team of designers to help customize your Dokit interface to ensure the feel and look blend with your business’s overall aesthetics.

Chapter 3: Feature-by-Feature Comparison

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Did you know that IT expenses cost the average small to medium-sized business 10% to 15% of its annual revenue? Business owners have only one opportunity to choose a cost-effective business process management system.

So, how can you quickly make the Dokit vs. SweetProcess choice? Well, this guide is all you need. And do not worry—we will check our bias at the door and give you all the information you need to make the right choice.

However, we have to say it: SweetProcess has more robust document indexing features than Dokit. Additionally, it has a flexible billing system.

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Besides that, its outstanding features blow the competition out of the water. SweetProcess’s process, policy, and procedure creation process is a piece of cake. All your editing buttons are conveniently placed at your left, and you can quickly add steps, images, and other multimedia features fast.

On your top right is the actions button. Click on it, and you can assign your process as a task to your team members, duplicate, export, or share it. Next to the Actions button is the View Version and Approve buttons for easy control and audit of all tasks.

Below is a bird’s-eye view comparison of SweetProcess vs. Dokit’s major features.

Dokit vs. SweetProcess: A Comparison of Main Features

Common FeaturesLive web demo 14-day credit card–free trial
Cancel anytime
Procedure, policy, and process documentation
Import offline procedures, policies, and processes
Assign and track tasks
Team notifications
Collaboration via real-time comments
Version history
Public and private knowledge base
AI content
API integration
Two-factor authentication
Top-notch customer support
Export documents  
No live demo
Request demo via email
Create manuals, wiki pages, tutorials, and product pages
Supports comments and discussions
Version history
API integration
Export documents
Costs14-day credit card–free trial
Flexible billing
$99/month for a team of up to 20 active members
$5/month for every additional active member  
Starter, Enterprise, and custom packages
60€/month for small businesses with a single team leader
300€/month for teams with up to 5 leaders
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Chapter 4: Customer Reviews for SweetProcess

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All businesses eventually outgrow using Microsoft Word as a document management tool.

Microsoft Word and Google Docs can save and store your photos, videos, and other Microsoft Office files, but these two platforms are not document management systems. Neither is your hard drive. A business document management system is a comprehensive software solution with a system that structures and organizes documents electronically.

It has features like process documents, forms, and a wide range of useful automated functions. These features can save you hours of work on tasks that would take an eternity of Microsoft Office.

To illustrate this point is Don Houk of Next7 IT and his SweetProcess experience.

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Like many businesses in the pre-pandemic era, Next7 IT relied on Microsoft Word as their process documentation platform.

However, like Amy Walls of Thimbleberry Financial, he realized that word processor features could not scale alongside his business’s crucial documentation needs.

Don Houk’s Next7 IT team caters to their client’s business support needs via custom processes and procedures. Unfortunately, all their documents were in one fraying basket: Microsoft Word.

This IT firm was using the wrong tool for the wrong job. Soon, it hit his team that hard drives, Microsoft Word, and Google Docs are crypts where all business documentation goes to die.

Next7 IT’s core services are in the business IT security, technology planning, and production sector. This SMB had, against all odds, sustained a history of excellent customer service without the support of salespeople.

However, their reliance on Microsoft Word would soon bite their back, threatening their exemplary customer service record. As per team leader Don Houk, his team would spend hours sorting through standard operating procedures and processes.

Some team members could not locate vital processes after hours of searching. Then, some essential documents were lost to the electronic document blackhole, a.k.a. local disk storage.

Next7 IT required a digital work instruction software to seamlessly document, access, and store their internal documents.

“It was an indexing nightmare. No one could find anything. I think that part of it was just being unable to find the procedure you needed,” Don said. 

Then, Don and the team came across various workflow systems.

“We went through an evaluation process of many different companies, and SweetProcess was the one that we ended up going to as a result of that search,” he says.

Why SweetProcess?

Because it revolutionized his decade-old business and its 13-person team in a flash. SweetProcess had all the features Next7 IT needed to escape the Microsoft Word documentation trap. Also, it has a flexible billing process and a 14-day hassle-free trial!

 “SweetProcess came from a search that we did, trying to identify a better way to manage our processes. Before SweetProcess, we did everything in Word documents, which was okay. It was very flexible, but it had several problems with it. We couldn’t consistently take that process and throw it into a checklist. We couldn’t see who had executed it at a particular time,” Don says.

However, with SweetProcess at its beck and call, this 13-member team could identify each member’s tasks. To this end, they could pinpoint errors at conception. Then, they request the team member responsible for making quick rectifications.

Business document systems like SweetProcess offer seamless, customizable procedure, process, and policy generation tools. These platforms work across a wide range of devices, and you can customize them to fit your business’s needs.

The Next7 IT team is one of the many businesses with only good things to say about SweetProcess. For instance, SweetProcess has a 4.1-star rating on G2.

Its users love its centralized process and policy generation feature. They also laud its task delegation, notification, and progress-tracking features. These mechanisms help hold business team members accountable for their work.

Other users say that they love SweetProcess for its accountability features. They say it holds managers and their teams accountable, ensuring that all members understand whose court the ball is in.

SweetProcess accountability features also won the Next7 IT team over.

 “Not being accountable for who did what and when was probably the breaking point. We saw the need ourselves, and our customers wanted the accountability of having a checklist with a timestamp date next to it of when things occur,” Don Houk of Next7 IT says.

Predictive Analytics Today has also given the SweetProcess team a 9.3 rating out of 10 for its excellent customer support features.

On top of that, following our sign-up process, Owen from SweetProcess has sent a couple of educational follow-up emails. These videos will help you get the most out of this awesome business process management system during the free 14-day trial.

You don’t need to share your credit card details to enjoy this feature. Simply sign up and give SweetProcess a try. Additionally, users love the SweetProcess iOS app for its easy-to-use interface. Consequently, they gave it a five-star rating on the Apple app store.

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Chapter 5: Customer Reviews for Dokit

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As mentioned, Dokit did not send us access credentials to try out their platform before purchase. So, we looked up customer reviews that would give us further insight into their platform’s user experience.

We found a smattering of Dokit’s customer reviews on G2 and Knoji. On Knoji, Dokit has a 3.9 out of 5 rating after five reviews. We were unsurprised that Dokit’s lowest ratings stem from poor customer service and brand experience.

According to this review site, Dokit’s review score implies that this brand is unpopular. This issue raised our eyebrows since Dokit has also been operational since 2017. Dokit has a 4-star rating out of 5 on G2. Unfortunately, this is an aggregate of three reviews.

Chapter 6: Documenting Processes and Policies

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Let us examine SweetProcess’s and Dokit’s procedure and policy creation tools to display why SweetProcess is a sweet deal.

How to Create a Process on SweetProcess

Soon after SweetProcess sent us our trial account login credentials, we quickly headed to their site and logged in to our account.

We created the process “How to descale your Nespresso Pixie coffee machine” for easy comparison with the process with the same title on the Dokit demo page.

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To create a procedure with SweetProcess, follow the steps below.

  1. First, choose the procedure, policy, or process tab.
  2. Click on the title tab and type in your title.
  3. Click on the first step and input its title.
  4. Repeat this process by clicking on the blue plus button at the bottom of each step to add the next step.
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  1. Add all your titles.

One of SweetProcess’s awesome features is automatically generating flow charts as you build your business documents. These visual guides will give you a quick bird’s-eye view of your procedures or policies and ease of editing.

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  1. Finally, press the plus button and select “End Step” as your final step.
  2. Select “Approve” on your far top right and add it to a team for collaboration.

Now you have a minimum viable procedure.

  1. Then go in and add all your procedure details under each step.

You can reorder your process’s form fields using the three-vertical dots at the right side of your form field. Use the menu that pops up to move your field up or down.

You can add text, images, or videos using the toolbar under the form field during the step editing process. All your multimedia content will display in real-time for your consideration.

How to Create a Process on Dokit

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Dokit supports the creation of manuals, wiki pages, tutorials, and product pages. To create a manual on Dokit, click its editor’s “Create a page” tab. Then select the manual option. Click “Create” to access your manual page’s logo, banner, description, and categories page.

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Fill in your manual’s description in 140 characters and specify its category. Then click the “Visibility” button to ensure your manual is visible to the public. Afterward, save your manual.

You can use their tutorial tab to generate a process or procedure. That said, the steps feature is tucked away in the media gallery. To access it, you have to click on it, import an image, then assign your new step a title. Dokit’s tutorial generation process can be intimidating to a new user.

Team Collaboration Features on SweetProcess

Did you know you can assign your procedure to a team on SweetProcess? They will collaborate in developing your procedure, policy, or process.

If you have team members only, you can communicate via chat comments to build an efficient procedure’s details. If your team members are offline, they will receive an email asking them to collaborate on the planning stage of your procedure.

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 Your team members will log in and view feedback. Then, they can type in their thoughts and return the conversation for your processing.

As procedure manager, you will be notified that your team members have left feedback on your comments. Consequently, you can enjoy a proactive procedure development process with your employees.

Any of your team members can add a step to the procedure during the editing process. When they do, you will receive a notification that they have.

However, they cannot approve the new step. Instead, they can request approval from the manager. Your browser will inform you that a team member has added new content and needs your approval. All you need to do as a manager is review the version on the versions tab.

Check all new information out and approve or delete changes. On top of that, you can leave some feedback to your employees for further guidance on process creation development.

Team Collaboration Features on Dokit

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SweetProcess has a ton of real-time collaboration features that are missing in Dokit. SweetProcess gives managers and their teammates ample control, approval, and collaboration features to ensure that you build an efficient process.

In contrast, Dokit supports comments and discussions during the tutorial development process. However, the managers cannot approve or decline comments on tutorials or assign tasks effortlessly. Dokit’s tutorial interface will make supervision and collaboration a tad difficult.

Dokit vs. SweetProcess: AI Content

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SweetAI is SweetProcess’s content creation feature. You can use it to create new procedures in an instant. This AI tool will document and populate your procedure filling in your steps at lightning speeds. Afterward, edit and approve your SweetAI content to your satisfaction. In contrast, Dokit does not provide AI content-creation tools.

How to Organize and Find Documents

Did you know you can create a folder to store your business documents on SweetProcess? Afterward, your team members can download these items as PDFs.

Alternatively, select your folder and use the “Show QR Codes” button to generate QR codes for your folder’s items. Print your QR code page as PDF or paper and share it with your employees or customers.

Please note that QR codes do not automatically grant users access to your business’s private documents. Any person with your QR codes must log into SweetProcess to view private items.

Dokit, on the other hand, supports the download of its tutorials in PDF format. Alternatively, you can generate QR codes or use the “Embed this tutorial” option from its “Create a page” tab.

How to Create Knowledge Bases

The knowledge base builder is another top-of-the-range feature you will love at SweetProcess. A knowledge base allows your teams or customers access to your policies and procedures from one central and governable point. Dokit, on the other hand, does not offer a robust knowledge base option for private or public file access.

To access it on SweetProcess, follow the procedure below.

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  1. Click on the “More” button at the top of your SweetProcess window.
  2. Then select the “Knowledge Bases” button.
  3. Choose the “Create Knowledge Base” tab on your window’s far-right side. Input your knowledge base tile and click “Continue.”
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the new knowledge base page and tap the “Create Category” tab.
  5. Select your new category and click the “Add New Article” option to add your business document to your knowledge base.
  6. Last, click the checkmark to save your procedure into your new knowledge base category.

How to Import DOCX Files to the Cloud

You have many procedures, policies, or standard operating protocols on Google Docs or your hard disk. Can you import them to SweetProcess? Yes, you can.

You can quickly migrate your business documents to SweetProcess by:

  1. Navigating to the procedures or policy tabs. Then, click the “Create Procedure” tab.
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  1. After that, click on “Upload document” from the drop-down list. A dialog box will pop up.
  2. Choose the “Add to Teams” button to share the imported procedure with your team members.
  3. After that, upload or drag and drop your DOCX process or policy onto the dialog box.
  4. Once the file processing time is up, click the “View Procedure” tab.
  5. Now you can edit or improve your process with your team members. Afterward, approve these changes via the “Approve” tab.

Note that when you import a procedure into SweetProcess, its systems automatically mark it as imported to enhance your business document organization. How cool is that?

Unfortunately, Dokit does not offer its users a stand-alone import feature.

Version History

You can access a Dokit tutorials version history on the “History” tab on the menu bar. Unfortunately, the history tab is code, so it could be challenging to use.

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In contrast, SweetProcess offers its users a beautiful version history feature. Simply click on the little clock-face icon on the left side of your process page.

The version history page will pop open as a sidebar menu. It will neatly display all current versions of your procedure or policy, revealing timestamp data. Choose the version that you want to view, and voila!

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Chapter 7: Should You Choose Dokit or SweetProcess?

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As you can see from these feature tutorials, one of Dokit’s major turn-offs is its limited business process management features. On top of that, a good reason to choose SweetProcess is its ease of use.

Think about it. Your staff will use the document management platform you choose every day. To this end, you must ensure that your platform has an attractive user interface and is easy to use. Ensure that when your employees log in to either Dokit or SweetProcess, they feel motivated to collaborate and build.

They should easily connect and access all the information that you have stored on your platform’s database. If your platform of choice is unfriendly or difficult to navigate, it will detract your staff’s focus from productivity to learning. Then you will not reap the benefits of your investment.

The best business process management system should offer ample customer support services. Once more, SweetProcess emerged as a clear winner in this category.

Ease of Use

During our Dokit vs. SweetProcess research phase, we created a buyer persona and requested each of these two platforms for their demo version for our experimentation. Here was our first impression of both platforms’ ease of use and customer support.

First, let’s talk about Dokit. At first glance, Dokit has an okay website. We loved that they had a demo version tab where we could take their document management system on trial. We were happy to view samples of manuals and tutorials on that page.

The team at Dokit has gone a step further and labeled these manuals in terms of difficulty, ranging from very easy to very hard. Easy processes include “how to descale a coffee machine” or “how to replace a bicycle cassette.”

Complex processes include “how to address an F1 error code.” Unfortunately, to our disappointment, we could not take the Dokit platform on a quick test run. Its demo page is static. Over and above that, you need login credentials to play around with the demo tutorials.

So there is no actual demonstration of the Dokit platform features on their demo page. However, we later came across the “Request a demo” tab.

Excitedly, we sent them an email and awaited our demo instructions. Unfortunately, at the time of writing this article, we had not received any feedback from the team. If your experience was different and timely, please let us know.

We have to say it: This experience left a sour taste in our mouths, considering that Dokit charges quite a hefty sum for its enterprise version. It only makes sense that you would want to give it a test run before use.

However, as luck would have it, Dokit’s demo/knowledge base page provides a level of insight into the use of their business management platform. If you, for instance, click on the “Descale your Nespresso Pixie machine” process, you will view how to create and edit your process’s steps and add images.

The sampling process looks pretty straightforward, but without an actual demo take, we cannot promise that all your staff will find Dokit easy to use.

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Why SweetProcess is the Best Business Process Management System

We followed the same steps and visited the SweetProcess website. Not to toot our own horn, but we have a beautiful website. There is a customer review page and a feature page. Like Dokit, SweetProcess has a demo page.

What we love about this demo page is that it is live. So, you can take the procedure creation process for a dry run in under a minute. SweetProcess systems will assign you guest account privileges automatically. That means you can edit the sample “How to Create a Procedure using SweetProcess” procedure and add images, text, and multimedia at the drop of a hat. How cool is that?

However, we wanted to take the entire platform on a test run. Fortunately, the SweetProcess website homepage’s loudest tab is the “Try it Free” tab. We clicked on it and input details like name, email, and company size.

Then we accepted the terms of use. And we kid you not—SweetProcess sent us an email verification notification in a minute. We clicked it, activated our account, and gave this platform a test drive.

The free version is available for 14 days—yay! Ample time to create procedures and policies and push them to the limit!

Minutes later, Owen from SweetProcess sent us a welcoming email. How sweet! Among many other valuable features, it had many sequentially ordered links to videos on how to use SweetProcess most efficiently.

Additionally, SweetProcess is an ultra-efficient business process documentation solution. You will also enjoy ultra-fast responses to customer queries and top-notch support and follow-up services. Then you do not have to spend tons of time creating procedures. Use SweetAI to speed up your business document generation process. You cannot go wrong with SweetProcess.


As you can see, there may be various choices out there. But with thorough research, you will find only one perfect choice: SweetProcess. 

SweetProcess offers a wide range of documentation articles and videos and excellent support. Your staff has access to platform guides while working. Sign up for our 14-day free trial and give us a spin before you make any purchases. Afterward, join businesses like Next7 IT and Thimbleberry Financial, which have found unrivaled value in our business process management system.

Dokit vs. SweetProcess – Free Trial Signup

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