How to Create a Quiz for Employee Onboarding Using SweetProcess

Last Updated on September 20, 2024 by Owen McGab Enaohwo

How to Create a Quiz

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Imagine this scenario:

You’ve just onboarded a couple of new employees in your organization.

You’ve spent days training them on how your organization works and walking them through your company’s standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Despite the thorough training, there’s always a lingering uncertainty about whether the new hires have grasped the procedures and processes.

You still have questions about whether you should assign tasks to them based on what they’ve learned during the employee training and onboarding process.

  • Will they perform the task as expected?
  • Will they get it right on the first try or make costly mistakes?
  • Will they do it independently without bothering you with follow-up questions?

You might have these questions and many more as soon as you’ve onboarded and trained new employees.

This is precisely where quizzes come in.

By introducing quizzes into your employee onboarding program, you can proactively test your employees’ knowledge after training, empowering you to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

Quizzes provide a way to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and areas that might need further training.

And the best part is that you’ll avoid costly mistakes that might arise when an employee doesn’t fully understand your process.

In this post, you’ll learn how to createdifferent types of quizzes for business purposes and how to use SweetProcess to create quizzes when onboarding new employees.

SweetProcess is our tool, specifically built for growing teams that want to train and onboard their new employees seamlessly and efficiently. Sign up for a 14-day free trial to kickstart your onboarding process correctly.

Here’s What You’ll Learn in This Guide:

The Power of Quizzes for Small Business Owners & Managers

How to Create an Employee Onboarding Quiz in SweetProcess: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Create a Quiz in Google Forms

Other Tools You Can Use to Create Quizzes for Your Business

Create and Manage Your Company’s Quizzes in One Place Using SweetProcess

The Power of Quizzes for Small Business Owners & Managers

The Power of Quizzes for Small Business Owners and Managers

If you’re a small business owner or manager, creating quizzes can help you maximize productivity and improve your day-to-day operations.

The upside is that, by leveraging quizzes, you can save time and resources for your business.

Below are some everyday use cases of quizzes you can explore for your small business.

1) Job Application

When planning to hire new employees, you’ll open up an avenue for interested applicants to contact your company.

This is where a job application comes in.

Previously, you might have required applicants to send their resumes via email, and you would have taken hours to review them individually.

With quizzes, that’s no longer the case. Within a few minutes, you can create a job application quiz for interested individuals to answer some questions about working with your company, saving you hours of individual resume review time.

Once you have done this, you can quickly review the submitted applications, as you have a much more robust platform to work with.

2) Employee Onboarding

Gone are the days when you had to manually contact new employees to determine whether they understood your company’s procedures and processes.

Today, you can easily embed quizzes into your training sessions as part of your employee onboarding process.

This allows you to ask each employee individual questions about specific training material to ensure they fully grasp what they’ve learned.

This helps you stay on top of the employee onboarding process and ensures that team members know what to do and can do it with minimal or no supervision.

3) Customer Onboarding

After successfully closing a new customer, the next thing that comes to mind is how to deliver on your promises.

One of the most effective ways to do this is to have a deep understanding of:

  • What the customer is looking to achieve
  • What they’ve tried before that worked or didn’t work
  • What was going on in their minds before trying out your product or services
  • What success looks like for them

Having a customer onboarding process is your best bet for gaining these insights and many more.

Instead of conducting video calls with customers on the phone or via online meeting platforms, you can streamline the process by using a quiz.

All you need to do is create the quiz and then send it to the customer to do what is required.

4) Customer Survey

One of the biggest concerns you’ll have as a small business owner is how you perform regarding the services you offer customers.

In this case, guessing is not an option.

Instead, you should contact the customers involved and ask them what it’s been like working with you.

This is where surveying customers comes in. With a quiz, you can create a customer survey form in minutes.

This allows you to get valuable insights from your customers on their positive and negative experiences working with your team and areas that need improvement.

5) Personality Test

What traits and habits influence the behavior of your employees or team members?

You’ll direly want answers to this question as a manager or small business owner.

With personality tests, you can get the answers.

And there’s no better way for your employees to take these tests than through a personality quiz.

With these types of quizzes, you can ask participants specific questions and, based on their responses, map them to different personality groups.

Want to create and manage quizzes for employee onboarding? We built SweetProcess to help you do this right. Sign up for a 14-day free trial of our tool and see it in action (no credit card required).

How to Create an Employee Onboarding Quiz in SweetProcess: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Create an Employee Onboarding Quiz in SweetProcess: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’ve ever struggled to determine whether new employees get your company’s training, it’s time to create quizzes.

That way, you can monitor the progress of your new employees before, during, and after the employee onboarding program.

With our tool, creating a quiz for employee onboarding is straightforward and available to all users.

Let’s say you’ve just onboarded new employees for your email marketing agency and want to be sure they grasp the basics of email marketing and how to create and publish a newsletter in a client’s account. You can use SweetProcess to create an engaging quiz for them.

The first step is to navigate to your dashboard’s “More” tab and click “Quizzes.”

Navigate to you Dashboard

Once done, a new page pops up that looks like this:

Create Quiz

When you click the “Create Quiz” button, you’ll be redirected to the section where you can create your quizzes.

You’ll be prompted to title the quiz and select the team you want to add.

Title the Quiz and Select the Team you Want to Add

In this case, we used the title “Email Marketing Onboarding” and chose the existing “Your Content Mart” team.

After clicking “Continue,” a new window opens in less than 30 seconds. Before creating the new quiz, you should set up how you want it to appear for your employees. To set up your quiz, click on the little pen icon.

Click on the little pen icon

Once you do this, a new page (that looks like this below) pops up.

Provide more context and information about the quiz to the employees

Here you can:

  • Provide a detailed description of the quiz
  • Set a duration for the quiz
  • Choose a pass mark for the quiz

Another important section on this new page is the “Recommended Documents” section. Here you can include some recommended procedures, policies, and processes you’ve created previously related to this specific quiz. That way, the employee can easily double check if they struggle to remember particular information.

"Recommended Documents" sections

After setting up the quiz, this is what it looks like:

After setting up the quiz, this is what it looks like

Once you’ve finished setting up the entire quiz, you can add questions directly from the quiz set-up environment.

Add Question

Right now, SweetProcess supports different question types, such as multiple-choice and open-ended question formats.

This is what the multiple-choice format looks like on the platform:

Multiple-Choice Format

This is an excellent format to explore if you want the employee to show an understanding of basic concepts in your industry.

For the email marketing onboarding example above, a good multiple choice quiz question could be something like, “Which of these is not an email marketing tool?”

A multiple-choice question usually has one correct answer option. If the employee doesn’t get it right, they’ve not fully grasped the onboarding training.

And here’s what the open-ended format looks like:

Open-Ended Format

This is an excellent question type to explore if you want the new employee to explain certain concepts in your industry and how they work.

With the email marketing onboarding example above, a good open-ended question could be something like, “What does an open rate of 35% and a click rate of 3% mean for an email sent to a newsletter of 2,500 subscribers?”

In this case, the explanation of the answer will vary from one employee to the other depending on their level of understanding and knowledge.

Once the questions have been added and approved, here’s what the quiz will look like for everyone.

The employee only needs to click on the “Take this quiz” button, and they’ll be redirected accordingly.

"Take this quiz" Button

As you can see, setting up quizzes in SweetProcess for employee onboarding is a straightforward process.

It’s important to understand that SweetProcess isn’t just a tool for creating onboarding quizzes. It also helps you manage the entire employee onboarding process.

This is why thousands of small business owners use our platform to standardize their processes and train new employees on how their organizations work.

Amy Walls, president and financial advisor at Thimbleberry Financial, a financial planning and wealth management institution, is an excellent example of a startup that uses SweetProcess as (one of) the core tools to train and onboard her new employees.

According to Amy, this aligns with company expectations and creates an organized onboarding process for her employees.

In her words: “Our new employees say they have never gone through a more organized onboarding. We have one or two SweetProcess procedures that they work through. They start on their first day. When they start, we literally have them get access to three things. One is their email. One is SweetProcess, and one was our Slack channel, but now it’s Teams.”

CFO Services Group, an accounting services solution for small businesses and nonprofits, is another interesting startup that uses our tool to effectively train and onboard new employees.

Manny Cosme, the company’s president and CEO, shared how his team spends a long time trying to show new employees how everything works. Now, using SweetProcess, it (literally) takes them one to two weeks to fully train a new employee.

He said, “We can actually train a new employee within two weeks now, from the time that they start day one. It’s just them shadowing and looking at what we’re doing, and then week two is them doing it on their own using SweetProcess as a guide. By the end of week two, everyone has been trained.”

From the examples above, you can see that SweetProcess doesn’t just stop at helping you create onboarding quizzes for new employees; it also empowers you to train and onboard them the right way.

Below are other use cases of SweetProcess for creating onboarding quizzes for new employees.

Makes It Easy for the Employee to Prepare for the Quiz

When preparing for an onboarding quiz, the new employee may not know exactly what to expect, as they might have gone through a series of documents during the onboarding process.

SweetProcess prompts the employer to include recommended procedures, policies, and processes when setting up the quiz.

That way, it’s easier for the employee to go through these documents and prepare adequately for the quiz.

Read these recommended documents before starting the quiz.

As you can see from the image above, our platform also prompts the employee to read the recommended documents before taking the quiz.

Supports the Version History of Quizzes

If you’re a business owner with different departments and managers, you must be up to speed with how your company runs.

This is why our tool supports the version history of quizzes each user creates.

Version History

This ensures your team’s transparency and accountability. Managers can track changes made to the quizzes, and no one can tamper with their credibility without you being aware.

And if any mistake occurs on any version of the quiz, you can easily roll back to the previous version with the click of a button.

Real-Time Feedback on Quiz Attempts and Performance

Feedback is essential for onboarding quizzes. It will help you identify the respondents who have tried the quizzes, those who haven’t, their performances, and so on.

To help you with this, SweetProcess provides real-time feedback about quiz attempts and performance directly on the platform and via emails.

First, once an employee attempts a quiz, you’ll get a notification immediately on your dashboard.

This is what it looks like:

Notification Bell

You’ll also get an email with the details of the employee and the quiz attempted. Below is an example:

Email with the details of the employee and the quiz attempted.

As you can see, SweetProcess makes it seamless to monitor the quiz results and your each employee’s quiz performance.

Distribute the Quiz to Relevant Team Members

With SweetProcess, you can choose the team members to take a specific quiz.

This is important if your company has different departments and plans to assign different questions for each one.

Distribute the Quiz to Relevant Team Members

As you can see, the Your Content Mart team has two members, and one quiz has been assigned.

So only these two employees can take the email marketing onboarding quiz. Other employees in your company who are not members of this team cannot participate as quiz takers.

Are you looking for an employee onboarding tool that makes it seamless to create onboarding quizzes for new team members? Sign up for a free trial of SweetProcess today to see how our platform works.

How to Create a Quiz in Google Forms

How to Create a Quiz in Google Forms

Google Forms is one of the most popular tools for creating employee onboarding quizzes.

It’s available for free to anyone who has a Gmail account.

Here’s the step-by-step guide to creating unlimited quizzes for your new employees in Google Forms.

Step 1: From your Google Drive dashboard, click on the “New” button.

"New" Button

Step 2: A new tab opens up with different tabs highlighting all the other Google products like Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, etc. Navigate to the Google Forms tab and click on it.

Google Forms Tab

Step 3: From the Google Forms tab, hover over the navigation arrow and click “Blank form.”

Click "Blank form"

Step 4: A new page where you can set up the quiz, set the questions, share the quiz with others opens up.

set up the quiz

Step 5: Click on the “Multiple choice question” box to toggle between different features that Google Form supports. These include file upload, checkboxes, linear scale, checkbox grid, etc.

Click on the "Multiple choice question" box to toggle between different features

Step 6: Link your responses from the quiz to Google Sheets. This means the Google Sheets you created for the quiz will be updated automatically with new responses. You can also choose to get an email notification for each new response.

Link your responses from the quiz to Google Sheets

Other settings of Google Forms that you can use to create an interactive quiz for new employees include:

  • Manual review of each submission
  • Shuffle the order of questions
  • Show the link to submit another response
  • Determine if a question is required or optional
  • Send employees a copy of their responses
  • Allow employees to edit their responses even after submitting
  • Show employees the questions they missed and the correct answers
  • And many more

As you can see, Google Forms is an intuitive, easy-to-use quiz creation tool.

That said, it has a lot of limitations that might not make it an ideal solution for companies onboarding new employees.

For instance, there’s no centralized platform for employees to take the quiz after onboarding.

Instead, you have to manually send the link to the onboarding quiz to new employees or add their email addresses to the quiz settings. This usually takes a lot of time and complicates onboarding new employees to your company, especially if you have a large team.

Want to onboard new employees quickly and easily? Sign up for a 14-day free trial of SweetProcess to see how our tool makes employee onboarding seamless.

Other Tools You Can Use to Create Quizzes for Your Business

Other Tools You Can Use to Create Quizzes for Your Business

Below are other tools to create a quiz for various business use cases.

1) Typeform

Image source: Jotform

Typeform is a web-based quiz builder that uses the conversational approach to creating forms. You can use it to create signup forms, order forms, feedback forms, quizzes, and surveys.

Some of its core-use cases include lead generation, market research, customer feedback, etc.

It integrates seamlessly with marketing and sales tools like Hubspot, Active Campaign, Zapier, Slack, Calendly, Google Sheets, and many more.

2) Jotform

Image source: Jotform

Jotform is a drag-and-drop form builder that makes it seamless to create forms and surveys. You can use it to collect forms such as registrations, applications, and orders.

Another advantage of Jotform is the ability to collect payments directly from PayPal and Stripe through your forms. This means you don’t need a third-party payment platform if you ever need to accept payments from your customers/donors.

It also seamlessly integrates with platforms such as Zoho CRM, Pipedrive, Google Calendar, IFTTT, Clickup, etc.

3) SurveyMonkey

Image source: SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is an online quiz maker that creates surveys, distributes them to your target audience, collects responses, and analyzes data. You can use it to create registration, employment, consent, and evaluation forms.

Some of its use cases include employee feedback, product development, market research, event management, etc.

It also features several ready-made quiz templates written by experts for different industries, making it easy to collect feedback in minutes.

4) Formstack


Formstack is a workflow automation tool that makes it easy for organizations to build online forms, collect information, automate work, and transform data.

It has a document generation feature that helps you convert your gathered data into beautifully designed documents.

It also features a drag-and-drop e-signature solution that helps you collect signatures for forms and documents.

It integrates seamlessly with third-party tools like Amazon Web Services, Dropbox, BambooHR, FreshBooks, HubSpot, Zendesk, etc.

5) Qualtrics


Qualtrics is an experience management tool that makes it easy for anyone without programming knowledge to create surveys and generate reports.

It features advanced functionalities for conducting complex projects and analyzing data in depth.

The platform enhances customer experience, employee engagement, and strategic research for product development.

It also integrates seamlessly with tools like WorkJam, Outgrow, Twilio, Jira software, Salesforce, etc.

Sign up for a free trial of SweetProcess to create onboarding quizzes for new employees quickly and easily.

Create and Manage Your Company’s Quizzes in One Place Using SweetProcess

Create and Manage Your Company's Quizzes in One Place Using SweetProcess

Now you can see how important it is to use quizzes as a crucial part of your employee onboarding program.

This way, you’ll no longer struggle to show new employees how your company’s procedures, processes, and policies work.

Plus, you won’t spend weeks and months thoroughly training employees and finding it hard to assign new tasks to them.

And with a tool like SweetProcess, creating and managing quizzes for onboarding new employees is seamless and straightforward.

It equips you with powerful features that make it easy to train, onboard, and manage new employees in one place.

Not only that, it can also help you to:

  • Automatically write procedures, processes, and policies with artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Record workflows as you perform them and transform them into a streamlined procedure
  • Turn your procedures into actionable tasks
  • Combine multiple procedures into an effective workflow
  • Turn existing procedures into a beautiful knowledge base
  • Look back at the history of any task or procedure
  • Effortlessly manage user identities and access
  • Collaborate with team members in real time

To take advantage of these features and many more, sign up for a 14-day free trial of our software to see exactly how our tool works—no credit card required.

Sign Up For A 14 Day Free Trial Today

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