
Start Your Free Trial

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Small Team Discount
Up to 8 active members:
$  390
per year
Each additional active member:
+ $ 50
per year
  • Unlimited Procedures
  • Unlimited Processes
  • Unlimited Policies
  • Unlimited Quizzes
  • Unlimited Teammates
  • Unlimited Teams
  • Unlimited Managers
  • SweetAI: AI-driven creation of Procedures and Policies
  • 366 days of version history
  • Integration with 1000+ apps via Zapier
  • Schedule Reviews
  • Only pay for users who are active
  • Capture data with forms
  • Process Maps
  • Decision Points (Conditional Logic)
  • File Attachments
  • Build your own Knowledge Base
  • Use your Procedures as Templates
  • Comments and Collaboration
  • Drafts and Approvals
  • Single Sign On (SSO)
  • Easy user management with SCIM. Great for syncing with Microsoft Teams
  • Assign and track Tasks
  • Audit Trail with Excel export
  • Word and PDF procedure Export
  • Two-Factor authentication
  • Email and phone support