By Lexie Lu | 7 mins
The proliferation of smart technology throughout the economy is significantly impacting every sector. Smart tech is typically associated with consumer goods — like smart home assistants, security cameras and thermometers — but over the past few years, Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and devices have taken the business world by storm. Smart design is the […]
By Owen McGab Enaohwo | 39 mins
In this episode of the Process Breakdown Podcast Geoff Woods, vice president of The ONE Thing, talks about prioritizing, time blocking, and setting goals. He talks about how you can successfully set things in an order of importance, how companies should prioritize and time block for maximum effectiveness. He also puts these methods into perspective […]
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By Owen McGab Enaohwo | 51 mins
On this episode of the Process Breakdown Podcast Bob Sutton, professor of management science and engineering at Stanford, co-founder of Stanford Technology Ventures Program and the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, speaks about the errors companies make, how to correct them, and how they can adjust their game plan for maximum output and profit. He […]
By Owen McGab Enaohwo | 41 mins
Do you want to discover how to show appreciation to employees? In this episode of the Process Breakdown Podcast, author and motivational speaker Chester Elton revealed the steps to take to appreciate your employees and show them gratitude based on his decades of experience helping clients understand the value of appreciating their employees. He described […]
By Owen McGab Enaohwo | 44 mins
In this episode of the Process Breakdown Podcast Cameron Herold, talked about the misunderstood role of a Chief Operating Officer (COO) in a company. He revealed how the relationship between the CEO and COO in a company should be, how a company should run, and how employee-employer relationship can be made better. He talked about […]
By Owen McGab Enaohwo | 26 mins
Looking for tips on how to be a great manager? In this episode of the Process Breakdown Podcast Mamie Kanfer Stewart, an executive coach and entrepreneur shared tips on how to be a great manager, effective delegation, and how to build a team. She talks about how she began down the road of entrepreneurship at […]
Looking for actionable steps on how to grow a small business? In this episode of the Process Breakdown Podcast Michael E. Gerber, a business thought-leader and best selling author reveals the steps to take to grow your small business so that it lasts longer, is successful, and easy to replicate. He gives the example of […]
By Owen McGab Enaohwo | 38 mins
In this episode of the Process Breakdown Podcast, Josh Fonger, a consultant, coach, author, and CEO of consulting firm Work the System Enterprises discusses how to use his “Work the System” methodology to improve businesses and increase productivity. He achieves this by using fun and easy working procedures to guide the operations of businesses by […]
By Owen McGab Enaohwo | 40 mins
Featured Bonus Content: Download the FREE Daily Checklists to use to make Working from Home actually Work for You! You will get access to sample checklists to use for your morning routine, working on your tasks, and wrapping up your day… Click Here To Download It. Do you have to work from home? If YES, […]
By Owen McGab Enaohwo | 31 mins
In this episode of the Process Breakdown Podcast Mark Graban, a consultant, author, and speaker with an international following shares the ways many companies misinterpret the data captured for representing their growth and improvement. Mr. Graban talks broadly on the methods you can use to avoid measuring vanity metrics, and how to efficiently measure and […]