Introduction to EOS - Part 2

    In part two of our EOS series, let's explore how to actually implement this system!  Reading the book is great, but how do you ACTUALLY do this?

    Here are the Steps to Implement EOS

    1. 1

      Introduction and Commitment

      • Leadership Team:  Every business needs a leadership team. Define and share the book or concept with your leadership team to get buy in. 

      • Commitment: Ensure the entire leadership team is committed to the EOS process.  If someone is not committed, this will not work. 
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      Choose an Implementation Method

      • Self-Implementation: Use available resources like books, online courses, and tools provided by EOS Worldwide to implement the system yourself.  Word for the wise - you MUST have a champion internally, otherwise this will fail. 

      • Professional Implementer: Hire a certified EOS Implementer to guide you through the process, provide expertise, and ensure proper execution.

      At Anomaly, we interviewed about 5 implementers.  We chose Dr Mark Stone.  You can search for an implementer here or if you'd like to talk with Mark, you can email him and let him know you work with us!
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      Vision Building

      • Vision/Traction Organizer (V/TO): Develop your V/TO to clarify your company vision, core values, core focus, 10-year target, marketing strategy, 3-year picture, 1-year plan, quarterly rocks, and issues list.

      • Remember - these all go hand in hand.  You can't  have a 10 year strategy without a quarterly rock nor can you have a 3 year strategy if you have no marketing plan!

      • Go slow!
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      Establish Core Processes

      • Document Core Processes: Identify and document your core business processes to ensure consistency and efficiency.
        • Less is more!  We got stuck trying to make everything perfect.  Document 20% of the 80%.

      • Measurables and Scorecards: Develop scorecards for tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your business goals.
        • Leadership Scorecard = KEY BUSINESS METRICS!  These should not be micro items. 
        • Team Scorecards = each team has their own scorecard.  These may take multiple months to develop but marketing, sales, ops, IT, finance etc should all have their own "KPIs".
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      Create Accountability

      • Accountability Chart: Develop an accountability chart (similar to but NOT the same as an organizational chart) that clearly defines roles and responsibilities.
        • Use an EOS tool online OR your coach will help you here

      • Define Rocks: Set quarterly goals or "rocks" that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
        • Tip:  don't bite off more than you can chew!  Start with 1-3 ROCKS at the Leadership level. Otherwise you will become overwhelmed quickly. 
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      Meeting Pulse

      • Level 10 Meetings: Implement weekly Level 10 Meetings with your leadership team to discuss progress, solve issues, and maintain alignment.
        • Start on time, end on time!  Same time, every week. 
        • Study these meetings
        • Implement at ALL team levels.

      • Quarterly and Annual Meetings: Conduct quarterly and annual meetings to review progress, reset rocks, and adjust the V/TO as necessary.
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      Issues Solving

      • Identify, Discuss, Solve (IDS): Use the IDS methodology during meetings to identify issues, discuss them thoroughly, and solve them effectively.
        • Re-read this section of the book or your coach will help you here.
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      People Component

      • Right People, Right Seats: Ensure you have the right people in the right roles based on your core values and accountability chart.

      • People Analyzer: Use the People Analyzer tool to evaluate team members against your core values and expected performance.
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      Refine and Adjust

      • EOS = Continuous Improvement: Regularly refine and adjust your processes, goals, and strategies based on feedback and changing business needs.   
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      As a reminder, you MAY be eligible for state training grants to 100% offset the cost of your EOS implementer!  Check with your state workforce training agency. If you are in MA, you DO qualify for this so long as you have MA W2 labor.

      We hope this is helpful and best of luck in the EOS journey if you choose to pursue it! 
    If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us