Gender Support Plan SOP

    Updated 8/2024

    Steps to take when a student and/or their parent has provided information regarding gender identity.

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      State Guidance

      Review ISBE’s Guidance on supporting transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming students.  Become familiar with the document and learn how to support the student prior to launching into the remainder of the SOP.
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      D100 Attorney's Guidance

      • If a student is on a Gender Support plan, we should be meeting with them on an annual basis (minimally) to determine if there are any updates that we need to be aware of or additional support that we can provide.
      • If a student is going by a different name related to identifying as a gender other than their assigned birth gender, we should meet on a yearly basis (minimally) and support the student even if a plan is not desired by the student at that time.  
      • If parent is unaware of the student going by a different name related to identifying as another gender at school, on an annual basis (minimally), the student should be consulted with and ask if there are any supports they may need to start taking steps to notify a family member.
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      Support Team

      Develop a Gender Support Team. 

      • Student 

      • Parents 

      • Administrator

      • Social Worker/School Psychologist 

      • Counselor

      • Teacher 

      • Coach, if applicable

      • Nurse

      Strongly encourage that the parent be a part of the team.  In most cases, a parent should minimally be aware of the situation.  Contact Assistant Superintendent to consult if student is unwilling to inform parent.  See attorney's guidance above.

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      Staff Contact

      Identify a staff member that will work closely with the student/family throughout this process.

      • Typically an admin, social worker/counselor, or case manager

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      Gender Support Plan

      Develop a Gender Support Plan with a shared understanding of how the student’s authentic gender will be supported at school. 

      • Name 

      • Pronouns 

      • Student Safety 

      • Records

      • Participation in Sports/Clubs 

      • Facility Use 

      • Communication 

      • Training of Staff 

      Document gender support plan in this spreadsheet.

      Inform nurse if there is a name change to ensure safety during a medical concern.
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      Sports Participation

      If the student participates in sports, the following steps are taken.

      • Gender Equity in Sports allows for females to participate in male designated sports.  Student does not have to identify as transgender for this to apply.  Annually (7/1-9/30) fill out the Gender Equity Waiver in IWAS for females athletes participating on male sports teams.  If you do not know of any female students who are on male sports teams during the 7/1-9/30 time frame, then the waiver should be filled out immediately during the year when knowledge of a female student has an interest in participating in sports.

      • Refer to IESA (elem/MS) or IHSA (HS) policies and follow the steps described within these policies.  Both policies require school administration to notify IESA/IHSA when a transgender student has an interest in playing sports that aligns with their identified gender. 

      • For D100 documentation, add the student information to this spreadsheet.  

      • Contact Megan Johnson, Assistant Superintendent, if you have questions.

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      End of Year- Transitioning to a new building/level

      A transition meeting should be held (virtually or in person) with the student/parent on a Gender Support Plan and a designated staff member from the new building/level.  For example, a social worker at the middle school could meet virtually with the student/parent and a counselor from the high school.  

      This establishes a contact person and assists understanding the student's preferences at the new building/level to discuss the Gender Support Plan and determine any modifications that could be made to support the student at the next level of school.
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      Consult with Megan Johnson, Assistant Superintendent throughout the process.  MJ will act as a liaison with our attorney if specific questions arise.
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    If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us