Updated 8/9/24
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      Schedule Request

      Navigate to the Schedule Request module on the left side and click New Request in the right-hand corner of the screen. 

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      Request Types

      Fill out the schedule request form with the required information; these are fields that contain an asterisk (*).

      *Request Type: This refers to the category of schedule request.

      *Request Type: Staff Event, Community Event or Athletic Event.

      *Event Name: This is the title of the schedule request or event. 

      *FMX will create a unique ID for each schedule request when submitted.

      Examples: Board Meeting, Girl Scouts, Youth Basketball Practice, Varsity Football vs. Central, etc.

      *Buildings: The building(s) where the schedule request will take place.

               *Building: High School 

      *Resources: This refers to the specific area(s) or location(s) in the building where the event will take place.

      *Resource: Conference Room, Gym, Classroom, Baseball Field, Track, etc. 

      *Starts: This is the date when the event will start. If this is an all day event (no specific duration), check the All day box. If this is a one time event (does not repeat) please select the date of the event. 

      *From: the time when the event starts

      *To: the time when the event ends

      *Repeats: This field refers to the frequency of the event. The options are as follows:

      • Never - The event occurs one time.

      • Daily - The event occurs every (x) days.

      • Weekly - The event occurs every (x) weeks on (x) days.

      • Monthly - The event occurs every (x) months.

      • Yearly - The event occurs every (x) years.

      • Custom - frequency with a unique cadence

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      Frequency of Events


      *Every: the event will occur every day (Sunday- Saturday)

      *Ends: the event will end...

      • The following week – the event recurrences will end the week after the original event date

      • The following month –the event recurrences will end the month after the original event date

      • The following year – the event recurrences will end the year after the original event date

      • After a certain number of occurrences – the event will end after (number) recurrences, including the first occurrence

      • On date – the event recurrences will end on a specified date

      Weekly *On: select the days the event occurs each week by marking the appropriate checkboxes. 
      Example: an event that occurs on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; every week

      *Every: the event will occur every (number) of weeks

      *Ends: the event will end...

      • The following week – the event recurrences will end the week after the original event date

      • The following month –the event recurrences will end the month after the original event date

      • The following year – the event recurrences will end the year after the original event date

      • After a certain number of occurrences – the event will end after (number) recurrences, including the first occurrence

      • On date – the event recurrences will end on a specified date


      *By: This refers to the manner in which the schedule request occurs. There are 4  options:

      • Day of month - event occurs on a specific date each month (i.e. the 1st of each month)

      • Day of week - event occurs on a specific day each month (i.e. the second Friday each month)

      • Weekday of month - event occurs on a specific date each month, excluding weekend days (i.e. the first of each month unless it's a weekend, then move to the first weekday)

      • Weekend day of month - event occurs on a specific date each month, excluding weekdays (i.e. the first of each month unless it's a weekday, then move to the first weekend day)

      *Every: the event will occur every (number) of months

      *Ends: the event will end...

      • The following week – the event recurrences will end the week after the original event date

      • The following month –the event recurrences will end the month after the original event date

      • The following year – the event recurrences will end the year after the original event date

      • After a certain number of occurrences – the event will end after (number) recurrences, including the first occurrence

      • On date – the event recurrences will end on a specified date

      *Quarterly events will need to be set up as Monthly, every 3 months.

      *Semi-Annual events will need to be set up as Monthly, every 6 months.


      *Every: the event will occur every (number) of years

      *Ends: the event will end...

      • The following week – the event recurrences will end the week after the original event date

      • The following month –the event recurrences will end the month after the original event date

      • The following year – the event recurrences will end the year after the original event date

      • After a certain number of occurrences – the event will end after (number) recurrences, including the first occurrence

      • On date – the event recurrences will end on a specified date

      *Biannual events will need to be set up as Yearly, every 2 years.

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      *On: If the event has multiple recurrences without a particular cadence, enter the individual dates.

      Setup time: the time needed prior to the start time for the event set up 

      Teardown time: the time needed following the end time for the tear down of the event

      On behalf of: If another user requested the event but didn't directly enter the request in FMX, select their name in here.

      *Number of Attendees: Number of estimated attendees

      * I acknowledge I have reviewed the Belvidere Community Unit School District 100 Facilities Terms & Conditions. This is for exterior Facility Requests that are not sponsored by the District.

      * I acknowledge I have the required insurance as stated by District 100 and have uploaded it to my Facility Request. (Please see page 2 of the Facility Use Application for Insurance requirements.) This is for exterior Facility Requests that are not sponsored by the District.

      Attachments: if the event needs any documentation submitted (seating charts, approval forms, etc.), you can add those files here. **Required attachments for Facility Requests are the Facility Request form and proof of valid insurance.**

      Upcoming reminder: receive an email notification (x) days before the event's start date

      Followers: If you'd like to add any other users as followers to the event (like copying someone on an email), select their name here. Followers can receive progress update notifications.
      Custom Fields: Custom fields are always an option if you need to add any other required/non-required details to your schedule request form. Custom fields must be added by a site administrator. 

      5. Once you have completed filling out the form, click the red Submit button at the bottom of the page.

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      Contact Info

      If you need further assistance please see the attached FMX article or reach out to Kaylla Klimek at kklimek@district100.com - 815-547-8654. 
    If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us