Specialized Transportation SOP

    Updated 7/20/24
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      IEP Team determines student requires specialized transportation

      As part of the IEP meeting, the IEP team uses data to determine if a student requires specialized transportation (this may include but is not limited to the evaluation/eligibility), data from general education transportation experiences, placement outside of the homeschool. Team keeps in mind that specialized transportation is considered a related service based on needs. 
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      IEP Team completes the Transportation Section of the IEP

      • Special transportation is required to and from schools and/or between schools Yes or No

      • Special transportation is required in and around school buildings Yes or No

      • Specialized equipment (such as special or adapted buses, lifts and ramps) is required Yes or No

      Team must explain and/or detail the transportation plan on the IEP. This information must be reviewed and updated at least annually to address any potential changes in needs. 

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      Specialized Bus Equipment (skip if student does not need specialized bus equipment)

      If team determines specialized equipment is needed, please refer to this document 

      Types of Bus Equipment. It is imperative to consider least restrictive options first and communicate with the parent to address any questions and concerns. Additionally, teams should use terminology (provided in the document) when listing equipment in the IEP for consistency and accuracy. 

       If a student requires a safety vest or houdini vest, please inform the Parent that First Student will contact them to have a fitting for their child.

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      Building Administration or Designee informs First Student of Specialized Bus Transportation Needs

      If specialized bus transportation is added or changed, immediately following the IEP meeting, email belvisped@firstgroup.com providing a copy of the Specialized Transportation Portion of the IEP and specify if they need to contact the parent for equipment fitting.  

      Please include the student’s initials and building in the subject line of the email. 

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      First Student will contact parents via email to begin transportation

    If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us