Time Clock Processes

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      Skyward Time Clock Resources

      Here is a list of resources for assistance for Skyward Time Clock situations:
      Step by Step Guide
      Video of Using Skyward Employee Access for Time Clock
      Video of Using Skyward Time Clock

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      If you missed a punch in or punch out time…

      Please follow the directions in this guide
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      Submitting your time sheet for the week

      Time sheets should be submitted weekly at the end of the work week - for most people it would be Friday afternoon. If there is no school Friday or it is a non work day due to holiday or time off, please submit time sheet on Thursday after your scheduled time or right away Monday morning. 

      Submitting Time Sheets on Employee Access
      Submitting Time Sheets via Time Clock (go to 5:19)

    If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us