Interpretation SOP

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      Need for Parent Contact

      Staff member needs to make contact with a parent (phone, in person, etc.) that speaks a language other than English as their first language.
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      Building Level Interpreter

      If your building has a building level interpreter (clerical) contact that person to set up a time to jointly contact the parent regarding the given matter.
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      Interpreter Options

      If you do not have a building level interpreter or they are unavailable and a contact needs to be made seek another teammate or a paraprofessional in the building (if they are comfortable and willing to discuss the topic)  .
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      Language Line

      If you are unable to find a staff member to help make a parent contact utilize the language line for interpretation services.

      Here is the information regarding how to call the language line.

      This is a paid service for the district so utilize the resources above first.
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      Parent Contact

      During the parent contact the staff member should be the one talking to the parent.  The interpreter will reiterate a direct translation of what the teacher, principal, or administrator said.  If there are given documents that the staff member wants to explain to the parent, have those readily available for the interpreter.

      These structures help to provide two-way communication between the parent and the school.
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    If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us