Panorama- Student SEL Surveys

    Two time a year we ask our 3rd-12th graders to participate in a Student SEL Survey.  Data is reviewed and utilized to help improve our school environment and the overall wellness of our students.

    Updated 8.26.24
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      Initial Data Review

      • Review data with your administrative team and SIP team.
        • 0, 1, 2 are not a considered a change in results (not statistically significant)
        • Look for areas of +3 or -3 to symbolize a change in results
        • Review individual questions
        • Review subgroups (comparison chart)
        • Look at trend data over time- scenario- +7 in the fall and -4 in the spring but are still +3% over the past three years
        • Review the free responses
      • Establish 1-2 goals for your building (this could be maintaining or growing in an area).
      • Share results with your staff.
      • Communicate to parents about your results and goals.
      • Communicate to students about your results and goals.
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      • Review the Playbook to find activities and lessons that align to your goal.
      • Provide time for the SIP team and grade level/content teams to review the Playbook to find activities and lessons that align to your goal.
      • Determine a few action steps to commit to.
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      Focus Groups

      • Select groups of students for focus groups.
      • This can be for areas that you want to improve, maintain, or are current strengths- wherever you want to learn more.
      • Consider the following questions:  
        • Our school rating was X for sense of belonging. This is an area that we want to improve in.  Describe how we could receive a 4 or a 5 for sense of belonging.  What would you need to see/experience?
        • Our school rating was X for teacher/student relationships.  This was an area we did well in.  What should we continue doing to help us keep that score?
      • For 3rd/4th grades, focus groups will be more about the exercise of gaining feedback and may not be as formal.  This will help the middle/high schools in the future if students have gone through this process.
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      Check Ins

      • Use the Check In feature to create quick surveys for students/groups of students.
      • This data will allow you to monitor your process on your goal(s).
      • Schools should minimally conduct a check in 2X a year, but can use the feature as frequently as desired.
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      MTSS Data Review (Tier II/III)

      • Review data with your MTSS team.
      • Filter to the "red" and/or "yellow" to review students who are reporting few/no strengths.
      • Review the other leading indicators (Grades, Attendance, Behavior) for your at risk SEL students to see if there is a greater/larger need.  What does the full story tell.
      • Select students for intervention/ intervention groups.
      • Log next steps into the Panorama platform.
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      Start of School Year

      During the First 20 Days of School the following should occur:
      • Students and staff should be reminded of the work done in their focus area last school year (what did the data say, what are we working on as a school, what we hope the results will be in October, etc.)
      • Activities related to the focus area in order to remind students of the skills they worked on, why they are important, and gauge where they are at during the first few weeks of the school year.  
      • Students should be aware that the survey will be out again in October and that we value their thoughts and reflections (provide examples of steps the school has taken in the past as a result of the data).
    If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us