Technology Requests & Purchasing (Micro - School Based)

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      Staff member reviews "library" (Staff Member)

      Review of the "library" of resources in the Learn Platform to determine if app is already approved and available or denied.
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      Principal Review (Staff Member & Principal)

      If the request requires a purchase using district funds, the staff member must work with school principal to secure their approval and funding.
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      Submit Request (Staff Member or Principal)

      Using the Learn Platform, submit a request that will take up to 30 days for a response

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      Initial Request Reviewed (Assistant Superintendent)

      1. Review request to verify if it is a new app/extension/website

      2. If funding is required, send to principal for review

      3. Request review from Curriculum Director and Instructional Coach for Technology Coordinator
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      District Admin or Principal Review of Request (Principal)

      1. Confirm district admin or principal support for the request & funds are allocated 

      2. Approve/Deny - if deny, include rationale
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      Curriculum Review (Director of Curriculum)

      1. Review forwarded to Curriculum Director by Assistant Superintendent

      2. Examine alignment of request to standards; avoid duplication of core resources

      3. Consult with curriculum area-related instructional coaches or content leaders as need is determined.

      4. Review forwarded to Assistant Superintendent (Title & MTSS) Director of Special Education and/or Bilingual Services by Curriculum Director

      5. Approve/Deny - if deny, include rationale

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      Instructional Technology Integration Review (ICT Coordinator)

      1. Review forwarded to ICT Coordinator by Assistant Superintendent

      2. Review for duplication of core and non-core curricular resources

      3. Review forwarded to other ICTs by ICT Coordinator as needed

      4. Approve/Deny - if deny, include rationale

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      Final Request Review Approval/Rejection (Assistant Superintendent)

      Examine review status from all participants
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      If approved

      1. Forward to Director of Instructional Technology by updating the status of the request to "Under SOPPA Review"

      2. Contact principal to notify them to proceed with purchase order

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      If denied

      1. notify the requestor
      2. update library in the Learn Platform
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      Contract & NDA (Director of Information Technology)

      1. Verifies contract & DPA

      2. Provides final approval or denial; sends notification to requestor

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      Contract Posting (Director of Information Technology)

      1. Posts contract in the Learn Platform

      2. Schedules bi-annual review and update

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      Integration (Integration Specialist)

      1. Director of Information Technology coordinates integration (as necessary) with the Integration Specialist

      2. Integration Specialist coordinators integration with school site(s)

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