Curriculum Objections

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      Parent or other individual has an objection to the district curriculum.

      This may be communicated to an administrator, teacher, or received through the superintendent suggestion box. Under School Board Policy 6:260, a parent/guardian has the right to review any instructional material to will be used as part of their child's education.  

      School Policy 6:260

      Library book concerns will go through a preliminary process outlined in the Library Policies & Procedures and should be directed to Dawn Brunschon, District Certified Librarian and Program Director.  Dawn will also communicate the concern to the Director of Curriculum immediately.

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      Concerned individual completes the District 100 Curriculum Objection Form and submits to the building principal.

      The form is available on the district website on the Curriculum Department page and the Curriculum Resources area under the Families tab.  The form can also be shared directly with a parent when a concern is shared with a district employee.

      District 100 Curriculum Objection Form
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      Forward the objection to the Director of Curriculum.

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      Building administrator addresses the concern with the teacher and follows up with the concerned individual.

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      Director of Curriculum reviews the objection.

      Director of Curriculum will consider the objection in the following ways:
      • Does the learning or material support objectives identified within the Illinois Learning Standards?
      • Does the learning or material support Illinois-mandated instruction appropriately?
      • Is the learning or material in compliance with adopted school board policy?
      • Does the objection apply to any curriculum topics where parents/guardians can legally opt their student out of participation? (comprehensive sex education, family life (when course is offered by a district), HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, avoiding sexual abuse, organ/tissue and blood donor and transplantation programs, and animal dissection)
      • Is input or review needed from another stakeholder?

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      Director of Curriculum communicates findings to the individual who filed the objection and to the building principal. No changes are made to the district curriculum.

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      Director of Curriculum communicates findings and next steps to the individual who filed the objection and to the building principal.

      Next steps could include:
      • updates to district curriculum tools or to their access
      • a change in core resource
      • direction given on any continued use of a teacher-supplemented resource
      • direction given on any continued use of a library-based resource
      • redirection on instruction to comply with the state curriculum and adopted board policies on instructional content
      • follow up communication to all stakeholders responsible for instruction or resources
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