Transportation/Address Changes SOP

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      Parents notify the school that a student has moved (to another school within the district).

      Building level admin/clerical directs the parent to fill out the District Address Change Form.

      Form can be completed at the building level or Central Office.

      Form needs to be brought/sent to Central Office (Attn:District Registrar).
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      Proof of Residency

      Proof of Residency Documents Listed below (are provided to Central Office from the parent):

      • Current Lease or Property Tax Statement


      • One of the following current utility bills (dated within 30 days)

                • Gas

                • Electric

                • Water

                • Garbage

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      Address Update

      New address (once verfied) is updated at Central Office into E-school.

      Building is contacted to let them know if the address changed impacts the need for a building change.
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      Transportation Review

      Transportation reviews their daily report that denotes any address changes that have been made in e-school that impact transportation routes.  

      Transportation notifies the school and parent (at the same time) with the new route information.  School is emailed and parent is called.

      Student is re-routed typically withing a few days.
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      Specialized Transportation Considerations

      If a student is new to the district and has specialized busing that information is sent from the SPED department to transportation directly.

      However, if a building has an IEP/504 meeting that warrants or ends specialized transportation the case manager needs to print the relevant documents in Embrace that denote that to email or fax to transportation.  
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