McKinney Vento/Homeless School Liaison SOP
1Start of the School Year- Initial Coordination
- School based liaisons will compare their list from last year to the current-year list which includes the families that have indicated temporary housing and completed the McKV forms during registration. A family has to indicate temporary housing/homelessness on a yearly basis.
- Liaison will check in with families that we previously served but are not on the current list. If they are still living in transition, then a meeting will be set up to complete necessary paperwork (see step 2).
- All families now receive free breakfast and lunch so there are no longer any additional steps for that.
2PaperworkWhen working with families during the school year, follow these steps:
- A family indicates that they are in a temporary living situation.
- Liaison assists family with filling out the green McKV Form.
- Liaison offers school supplies and hygiene kits. Contact OP for Academic Support for supplies.
- If the student is an unaccompanied minor (no guardianship paperwork), then a Caregiver Form is required.
- All forms are then turned into the OP for Academic Support. OP will work with transportation to set that up for the student (if needed).
- Assistant Superintendent signs the forms. Forms are kept on file by the OP.
Beginning of the School Year- Homeless Support
Assistant Superintendent holds an annual meetings with school liaisons, OPs, and Registrar to coordinate efforts.
Liaisons will meet with families to ensure they have what they need to start the school year: transportation, school supplies, hygiene kits, etc.
Liaisons will share the Community Resources doc with families.
Throughout the Year- Homeless Support
Liaisons work with students/families to ensure that their needs are being met and that there are no barriers to education.
School supplies, winter apparel, and personal hygiene items should be offered to all students experiencing homelessness throughout the school year.
Assistant Superintendent will secure funding and order resources. Assistant Superintendent/OP will order materials/supplies as needed and distribute to the school liaisons.
Liaisons will work with new students to determine needs and give out resources when they arrive.
Assistant Superintendent meets with the Regional Office of Education and attends regional meetings with other McKV/Homeless Administrators to remain up to date on forms, the law, and resources available to our students/families.
End of Year- Homeless Support
Assistant Superintendent will organize summer supports available to families and communicate that to liaisons (grant funding dependent).
Liaisons will work with families and link them up to resources available throughout the summer.
4Homeless Indication (End of School Year)
Assistant Superintendent/OP will provide a list from eSchool to the liaisons as a reference for the next school year.
OP will then click the “ends” indicator in eSchool when the system is rolled for the new school year.
Per McKV Guidance, families have to indicate homeless status on a yearly basis.