Delegated Care Aide (DCA) Roles and Responsibilities

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      A delegated care aide (DCA) shall perform the activities and tasks necessary to assist a student with epilepsy or diabetes in accordance with the student’s seizure action plan or diabetes care plan, as specified in 105 ILCS 145, et seq., and 105 ILCS 150, et seq. 

      Delegated care aide means a school employee or paraprofessional who voluntarily received the requisite training in epilepsy under 105 ILCS 150/25 or the requisite training in diabetes care under 105 ILCS 145/25, who is authorized by a student’s seizure action plan or diabetic health plan to assist the student in implementing that plan, and who has entered into an agreement with a parent or guardian of that student. 

      School employee, for these purposes, means a person who is employed by a school district as a nurse, principal, administrator, school counselor, or teacher, a person who is employed by a local health department and assigned to a school, or a person who contracts with a school district to perform services in connection with a student's seizure/diabetic action/health plan. 

      Seizure/Diabetic action plan means a document that specifies the services needed by a student with epilepsy or diabetes at school, when riding the school bus, and at school-sponsored activities, and delegates to a specific delegated care aide the authority to provide and supervise these services. 

      No school employee will be required to serve as a delegated care aide. 

      See Board Policy 7:270, Administering Medicines to Students, for more information. In a school in which at least one student with epilepsy or diabetes is enrolled, a delegated care aide must be trained to perform the tasks necessary to assist the student in accordance with his or her seizure/diabetic action plan. 

      Seizure Smart Act
      Care of Students with Diabetes Act
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      Roles and Responsibilities



       Delegated Care Aide (DCA)

      A delegated care aide shall perform the activities and tasks necessary to assist a student with epilepsy/diabetes in accordance with the student's seizure/diabetic action plan.

      Training for delegated care aide:


      All delegated care aides must complete training in the basics of seizure/diabetes recognition and first aid and appropriate emergency protocols. The training must be fully consistent with best practice guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

      Seizure training-  Epilepsy Foundation Training 

      Diabetic training- Pediatric Diabetes School Program- On Demand

      Certificates are tuned into the district health coordinator and the building administrator.


      Parent agreement: 

      DCA, building principal, and the parent complete the delegated care aide authorization form. The DCA meets with parents and nurses to discuss and review the seizure action plan. 

      The completed form goes to the building principal and the district health coordinator.

      Seizure action plan:

      For a student with epilepsy, a seizure action plan shall serve as the basis of the student's federal Section 504 plan and must be signed by the student's parent or guardian if the student seeks assistance with epilepsy-related care in a school setting. If the student has been managing his or her epilepsy care in a school setting before the effective date of this Act, the student's parent or guardian may sign and submit a seizure action plan with the student's school. It is the responsibility of the student's parent or guardian to share the health care provider's instructions on the student's epilepsy management during the school day, including a copy of any prescriptions and the methods of administering those prescriptions.

          (b) The services and accommodations specified in a seizure action plan must be reasonable, reflect the current best practice guidelines of seizure-management care, and include appropriate safeguards to ensure the proper disposal of used equipment and medication.

          (c) A seizure action plan must be submitted to the student's school (i) at the beginning of the school year, (ii) upon enrollment, as soon practicable following the student's diagnosis, or (iii) when a student's care needs change during the school year. A student's parent or guardian is responsible for informing the school, in a timely manner, of any changes to the student's seizure action plan and emergency contact information.

      (Source: P.A. 101-50, eff. 7-1-20.)

      Diabetic action plan:

       (a) A diabetes care plan shall serve as the basis of a student's Section 504 plan (29 U.S.C. Sec. 794) and shall be signed by a student's parent or guardian and submitted to the school for any student with diabetes who seeks assistance with diabetes care in the school setting, unless the student has been managing his or her diabetes care in the school setting before the effective date of this Act, in which case the student's parent or guardian may sign and submit a diabetes care plan under this Act. It is the responsibility of the student's parent or guardian to share the health care provider's instructions concerning the student's diabetes management during the school day. The diabetes care plan shall include the treating health care provider's instructions concerning the student's diabetes management during the school day, including a copy of the signed prescription and the methods of insulin administration.

          (b) The services and accommodations specified in a diabetes care plan shall be reasonable, reflect the current standard of diabetes care, include appropriate safeguards to ensure that syringes and lancets are disposed of properly, and include requirements for diet, glucose testing, insulin administration, and treatment for hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, and emergency situations.

          (c) A diabetes care plan shall include a uniform record of glucometer readings and insulin administered by the school nurse or delegated care aide during the school day using a standardized format provided by the State Board of Education.

          (d) A diabetes care plan shall include procedures regarding when a delegated care aide shall consult with the parent or guardian, school nurse, where available, or health care provider to confirm that an insulin dosage is appropriate.

          (e) A diabetes care plan shall be submitted to the school at the beginning of the school year; upon enrollment, as soon as practical following a student's diagnosis; or when a student's care needs change during the school year. Parents shall be responsible for informing the school in a timely manner of any changes to the diabetes care plan and their emergency contact numbers.


      Keeps list of trained Delegated Care Aides in the building. 

      Share list with building nurse. 

      Will assign DCA to field trips as appropriate. 

      Sets up a meeting between the DCA, building nurse, and parents. Signs the delegated care aide authorization form.

      Send a copy of this completed DCA form to the health coordinator 

      Communicates possible accommodations for 504/IEP if present or needs to be developed

      School Health Coordinator

      Maintains a District level list of all DCA’s. All copies of completed certificates and signed delegated care aide authorization forms are sent to the school health coordinator.

      Coordinates the training of all DCA’s for diabetics and epilepsy. 

      Maintains a master list of all staff trainings completed and renewal cycles

      Pursuant to Section 45(a) of the Care of Students with Diabetes Act, “[a] school or a school employee is not liable for civil or other damages as a result of conduct, other than willful or wanton misconduct, related to the care of a student with diabetes.”  Section 45(b) also states “[a] school employee shall not be subject to any disciplinary proceeding resulting from an action taken in compliance with this Act, unless the action constitutes willful or wanton misconduct.”

      Pursuant to Section 45(a) of the Seizure Smart School Act, “[a] school or a school employee who is in compliance with Section 25 of this Act is not liable for civil or other damages as a result of conduct, other than willful or wanton misconduct, related to the care of a student with epilepsy.”  Section 45(b) also states “[a] school employee may not be subject to any disciplinary proceeding resulting from an action taken in compliance with this Act, unless the action constitutes willful or wanton misconduct.”

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