Club SOP
1Annual Timeline of Club Events
By April 1: School Club Committee is established (Principal & 3 teachers).
By April 15: Deadline for submitting new club interest forms to the principal/designee.
Early June: School Club Committee reviews and determines:
What clubs will run for the year?
If any probationary clubs will replace established clubs.
Business Service Meeting: A list of clubs is presented for review.
School Board Meeting: All clubs (District or Student Sponsored) must be approved.
School Club Committee reviews:
If a probationary club from the prior year becomes a permanent club.
Allocation of stipends for approved clubs beyond their 1st-year probation.
Final Requests: The principal must notify the superintendent or designee in time for the club to be presented for approval at the September School Board meeting.
Fall Personnel Reports: The stipend list is submitted to the Human Resources Department for School Board approval.
2School Club Committee
The committee comprises the principal and three teachers within each respective school. The BEA chooses the three teachers to be on the committee.
The school club committee should be established by April of each year to review new clubs' interest forms and determine if a new club starts the following year for their “probationary period.”
The School Club Committee will review all clubs by June and September and determine the following:
What clubs will be running that year? (June)
If the former probationary club removes an established club from the prior year. (June)
If a probationary club from year 1 is moved to a permanent club (Sept)
Allocation of stipend amounts for all clubs beyond 1st-year probationary club status. (Sept)
3New Club Interest
Students or staff identify a new club interest (either District or Student Sponsored) and complete a club interest form and submit to the school principal or designee. These will need to be completed by April 15.
New 1st Year Clubs
All clubs must run (1) one year without compensation of a stipend to track the following:
Student Participation
Student Interest
The rigor of club requirements (i.e. performances, meeting schedule)
There is no guarantee that after the club has run for one year, it will replace other established District or student-sponsored clubs already in place for that school.
If an existing school club does not run in consecutive school years, it must start the process as a new club interest.
NOTE: School groups, regardless of if they are school-sponsored, do have access to use of school facilities per Board policy 8:20 and 7:330 -
4Activity Account
If a student club has designated on the club interest form the intent to raise/use funds (This includes new clubs that are running for the first year. New clubs cannot use other club accounts or general activity funds as their activity account.)
Suppose a club in its “probationary period of one year” is not approved and has an activity account assigned to it. In that case, the money is disbursed to the general activity account for students.
The Board must approve activity accounts; the principal or designee should notify the superintendent or designee of the need to bring the account before the Business Services Committee to create an account before funds are raised or used by the club by completing and submitting this form to the CFO.
5Board Approval to Make a Club District-sponsored
The list of clubs for all schools must be presented at Business Service Meetings in June.
All clubs (either District, School, or Student Sponsored) must be Board approved per Board policy 6:190 - the June Board Meeting for the upcoming school year.
Final requests for all clubs sponsored by the school district should be made by the school principal. The principal must notify the superintendent or designee in time for the club to be presented for approval at the September School Board meeting.
6Stipend Guidelines and Determination
If the Board approves the club as a District, student, or school-sponsored activity, the school’s club committee and principal will determine if a stipend will be offered to the club sponsor.
The school club committee will tentatively allocate stipend amounts for board-approved clubs beyond the 1st year of probationary club status in September.
If the club sponsor is in the retirement pipeline, they cannot receive an increase in pay. Stipends should remain at the same payment level as the previous year. If a change of stipend payment is to be considered, it must be reviewed and approved by a consensus of the school club committee.
Proposed stipends will be presented to the club sponsors before they are submitted to the Human Resources Department.
Proposed clubs will be identified as a 1st, 2nd semester, or all year for appropriate stipend payment in September.
The Human Resources Department will include a stipend list in the fall personnel reports for board approval in October.