Curriculum Review/Resource Identification SOP

    Updated 3/22/24

    Curriculum Review/Resource Doc

    To ensure the continuous improvement of our district curriculum, a formal process of review and planning will take place on a six year rotation by content area.  During an identified year, the tools included in the curriculum will be reviewed, and potential resource changes will be identified and scheduled. Purchase of any identified resources may be completed before the following year or may be spread out over a period of several consecutive years based on budget and need.  

    6 Year Rotation By Content Areas:

    2023-24  Elementary Literacy

    2024-25  Secondary Literacy, K-12 SS

    2025-26 Secondary Math, World Languages

    2026-27  K-12 Science

    2027-28  Fine Arts, CTE, Pre-Kindergarten

    2028-29  K-12 PE/Health, Elementary Math  

    2029-30 Return to beginning of Cycle starting with Elementary Literacy

    Additional Tools to Support the Review Team:



    D100 Curriculum Core Strategy for Resource Attainment

    This doc provides teams with an understanding of our need to move beyond textbooks alone and to curate our own curriculum resources.

    Vendor Info Form (example)

    When vendor presentations are necessary, please work with the Director of Curriculum to customize the doc with specific needs/wants.  This supports narrowing to only those vendors who can meet our specifications and honors teachers’ time.

    Resource Review Checklist/Feedback (example)

    Teams should utilize a rubric to evaluate any large scale materials such as textbooks or major programs that require formal adoption. 

    1. 1

      Step 1

      A designated facilitator will lead the cross-town department or K-5 special committee through a discussion process using the  ITP Review Checklist  to identify needs and next steps for curriculum work, teacher learning, and resource identification by NOVEMBER 1st.

    2. 2

      Step 2

      The designated facilitator(s) will meet with the Director of Curriculum, in NOVEMBER to review #1 and discuss feedback, establishment of short and long term goals, vendor engagement needs, etc.
    3. 3

      Step 3

      Teachers and other school staff will be asked to participate in the reviewing of samples and vendor presentations (see support tools below) and the completion of a Recommendation for Adoption/Purchase by course  by JANUARY 31st.
    4. 4

      Step 4

      The facilitator or designee will complete the Order Preparation Worksheet by school (Secondary / Elementary) by FEBRUARY 14th.  We will be able to update as section numbers or assigned staff changes.
    5. 5

      Step 5

      The Director of Curriculum and designees will develop a work plan for any remaining needs identified in the ITP Review by MAY 1st.
    6. 6


    If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us