New High School Course Proposals SOP

    Updated SY 24-25

    Course Proposal Form
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      Step 1: Proposal Development

      The initial proposal should be completed by the proposing teacher and shared with edit rights to the BCUSD100 group, so content leader, principals, and central office admin can provide feedback. Central Office.

      Proposal Form (You will be prompted to create a copy. All feedback and discussion will occur in this document that you create.)
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      Step 2: Feedback Loop

      Teachers interested in proposing a new high school course should follow the course proposal form timeline listed on the Course Proposal Form. Proposal development initiates in February with feedback loops throughout March and April 

      Course proposal must first be shared with building department and Content Leader. The Content Leader will share proposal with principal and building Content Leader team. Feedback groups listed below will open each course proposal and add feedback to Section III of the form with all feedback completed by April 30th:
      • Cross-Town Content Leader (ex. if an ELA course, the other ELA dept will provide content-specific feedback.)

      • BHS Principal and Content Leader Team

      • BNHS Principal and Content Leader Team

      • Central Office Cabinet 

      The Director of Curriculum will bundle all proposals and review with central office cabinet the second week of May. 

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      Step 3: Revision & Submission

      The proposing group should review the feedback and make any revisions or clarifications within the original proposal document.  This should include attaching any missing quotes or syllabi. Any missing information may impact the ability to consider the proposed course for next steps. When the proposal has been finalized and is ready to submit, please electronically sign, date, and share with edit rights to Dr. Barb Villont, Director of Curriculum at Central Office.   

      The Director of Curriculum will follow up with content leaders and principals regarding any additional questions or feedback. The Director of Curriculum will review the proposals with principals and content leaders in the fall in preparation for the October Board Educational Services Committee.

       (All final drafts must be received by September 15th to move forward in the approval process.)
    If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us