IEP Document Translation SOP Spanish Only

    User Requirements:

    1. Follow this process when schools need an IEP Translated (written) for a parent/ guardian whose native language is Spanish.  If native language is something other than Spanish, reach out to CO SpEd Admin.  If a parent requests Translation all documents must be translated and certified for accuracy by a translator. 

    2. Clearly communicate to families  

    3. This is very time sensitive.  Families must have translated documents, according to new ISBE guidelines. within 7 school days of the meeting being held. 

    Roles Included:

    1. IEP team

    2. Building Administrators

    3. Designated point person

    4. LEA

    5. Translator ( 

    Supplemental Documents & Information

    Interpreter Request SOP

    ISBE Guidance Document QI 

    1. 1

      Step 1

      • At least 10 days prior to the meeting confirm the Interpreter (spoken)  has been requested.
      • Case manger, School Psychologist, Team Member
      • Complete Interpreter (Spoken) Request SOP
    2. 2

      Step 2

      Day of the meeting, make sure that all appropriate boxes are checked and notes reflecting that the Interpreter was present and Translation will be completed within 7 school days.

      Conference Summary Page, items related to translation

      Interpreter Services Check boxes

      Procedural Safeguards Language listed

      Parents were given a copy of the:

      • Language in which the Procedural Safeguards were provided

      •  Language in which the written material were provided to parent.

      Educational Accommodations and Supports Page 

      English Learner Status If checked yes complete Linguistic and Cultural Accommodations section. 

      Conference Notes 

      Document conversation regarding translation, timeline and way it will be sent home.

    3. 3

      Step 3

      Immediately after an IEP meeting, evaluation, MDR, etc

      Print and send home with the family the English and Spanish forms from Embrace

    4. 4

      Step 4

      Immediately after an IEP meeting, evaluation, MDR, etc

      Use this form to upload documents in Spanish and English using this form. 

      IEP translation request 

    5. 5

      Step 5

      After this point any changes to the IEP must be done via IEP amendment Begin the translation by accurately converting the source language into Spanish, retaining the original meaning, tone, and style as much as possible.

      Any amended forms will also need to be translated.

    6. 6

      Step 6

      Translator uses Spanish Draft copy from Embrace to create finalized Document 

      The translator all IEP documents, within 5 school days and sends them back to designated point person via email listed on the form. 
    7. 7

      Step 7

      Finalized translated documents are sent home

      Sends finalized translated documents to parents, this must be sent home within 7 school days of the meeting date. Uploads translated doc. 

      Note…In Embrace Parent Contact tab that Translated Docs were sent home. 

    If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us