Home Visit SOP

    Updated 10/2020
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      Determining if a Visit is Warranted

      Building has made 3 or more (varied) attempts to contact a family regarding a specific matter (that needs resolution) and the contacts were unsuccessful.

      If it is an emergency situation/safety concern that needs immediate attention a home visit may be initiated regardless of any prior contacts.
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      Contact Information

      Print a copy of the student summary page to bring updated address, phone numbers, and contacts with you on the visit.  Additionally, bring a phone with you to be able to communicate with others (school, emergency contacts, family, etc.)
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      Buddy System

      At least one other person needs to go with you on the visit (related service provider, administrator, resource officer, or truancy officer).  Do not go alone.
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      Prior Contact

      Call the parent/guardian prior to visiting the home to inform them (even in a message) of your upcoming visit.
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      If during the visit if the parent becomes combative, either de-escalate, disengage, or discontinue the visit.  Call police if needed.
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      Visit Safety Measures

      Maintain proper social distancing/wear a mask while in the home or while on their property.  

      Visits can be completed inside or outside of the home based upon the team’s comfort level.
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      After the conclusion of the visit, document the date, time, and visit outcomes using a common building form (admin team/related service providers). 

      If this student has a 504 or IEP maintain contact in Embrace as well (contact log).  
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      Follow Up

      Follow up with other involved stakeholders if needed, after the conclusion of the visit, to discuss any items that need to be reviewed or followed up on.
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    If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us