Updated 8/31/21
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      When the Student is Assigned to the School

      CO contacts Building Special Education Administrator & building Psychologist

      • Building Admin notify case manager of new student

      ☐ Services from Out of District IEP begin immediately (to the best of our ability) regardless of expiration date

      Case Manager Responsibilities:

      • Schedule a Transfer IEP meeting within 10 school days (with psychologist for all transfers regardless of eligibility)

      •  Discuss with parents how the IEP will be implemented 

      • Add student to Special Ed Team Agenda for Eligibility Review 

      • Notify all service providers of their need to provide services (OT, PT, VI, S/L, SW, etc.)

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      Completing the Transfer IEP

      If all of the following conditions are met, the case manager may transfer the prescriptive portion of the out of district IEP into the IEP system in a new IEP document 

      •  A copy of the out of district IEP has been received 

      • All services listed on the out of district IEP can be provided 

      • Parent reports out of district IEP is appropriate

      If any of the 3 above listed conditions are not met 

      • Convene an IEP with all appropriate participants invited 

      • Reach consensus on interim services until a re-evaluation is completed or records are    received

      If the Annual Review date falls within 30 days of the date of enrollment or is expired 

      • Upload the out of district IEP in EmbraceIEP        

      • Open a new IEP Document and follow the Annual Review Checklist

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      Complete the Eligibility Review

      The case manager should collaborate with the Special Ed Administrator to request all necessary documents from the previous district and complete the eligibility acceptance form and upload into Embrace.

      The team may accept out of district eligibility if it is: 

      • Current, less than 2 years old 

      • Consistent with District 100 criteria 

      • Includes relevant data and applicable student information

        • The student’s mandated 3 year reevaluation date will continue to be based on the date of the most recent evaluation, not based on the date of the eligibility acceptance. Please ensure that the dates on the top of the IEP match the evaluation dates from the out of district documents***

      The team must reject the out of district eligibility if: 

      • The information is outdated, more than 2 years old 

      • Inconsistent with District 100 criteria 

      • Incomplete or unavailable/not received within 30 calendar days

      ☐ If the team rejects the out of district eligibility documents, open a new Evaluation Package and complete following normal district procedures 

      • Note, if this is an out of state transfer, the evaluation will be considered an initial evaluation

      ***Regardless of whether the team rejects or accepts the outside evaluation a meeting must be scheduled with the parent to review eligibility***

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    If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us