Master's Student Onboarding Guide

    Welcome to Rebound! It’s important you know a bit more about us!

    Counselling & Psychotherapy

    A safe place to Bounce Back to the best version of you.

    WHO are we?
    A team of down-to-earth, approachable therapists with a passion for mental health and helping individuals Bounce Back

    WHAT do we offer?
    In person, virtual, telephone & text therapy services for individuals of all ages including children, adults, couples, families & seniors!

    WHERE do we practice?
    We offer virtual & telephone therapy services to clients across Ontario and in person services in Dundas, Ontario. Meet us from your couch, car or comfy space OR come join us in our comfy space!

    WHEN are we available?
    We strive to offer flexible booking options with therapists available mornings, days, evenings & weekends – we’ll find options that work with your schedule!

    WHY do we do it?
    To help clients Bounce Back. We want to help clients work towards their mental health goals in a way that’s practical, approachable and tailored to each individual.

    HOW do we do it?

    With a client centered approach & a personable style, our therapists draw upon their experience, skills, and training. We offer therapy in a variety of modalities – CBT, DBT, ACT, EMDR, Trauma-Focused, to name a few! It’s important that your therapy is tailored to you!

    Why Rebound

    1. Accessibility
      At Rebound, we’re all about options! Options for therapy format – in person, virtual, telephone or text, options for financial accessibility, and options for bookings – morning, day, evening & weekend sessions. Our goal is to make therapy more accessible to our clients!
    2. Approachable
      We’re tired of your typical idea of therapy being stuffy or ‘too zen-like.’ At Rebound we offer a down-to-earth, personable style that clients can actually relate to! We think personality is important, and will take careful consideration in helping you find the right personality fit for you.
    3. Tailored

    Our team is made up of a group of talented, qualified therapists with different experiences, specialties, styles and personalities. We offer a variety of therapy services and modalities to best support our clients. We take time to get to know you, your preferences & unique needs to tailor your therapy experience to you.

    Our Mission

    To us, helping clients Bounce Back means promoting the growth of each client and helping them discover their own version of well-being. We strive to shatter the misconceptions around therapy being ‘stuffy’ or ‘too zen’. Instead, our mission is to offer therapy with a relatable, down-to earth and practical style, connecting on a human, comfortable level. With multiple therapy formats, flexible bookings & affordable options, our goal is to increase convenience & accessibility for therapy services. We strive to respect, honour and celebrate the uniqueness, diversity and viewpoints of each individual we work with.

    1. 1

      Contact Information

      Please provide Brittany with the following contact information:

      Your First & Last Name

      Address, including postal code

      Your personal email address

      Your phone number

      Emergency contact & their contact information

      Your Birthday
    2. 2


      Many of the websites we advertise with ask for gender identity & pronouns. To foster inclusivity, we too, like to include pronouns in our therapist bios. Are you comfortable with us advertising your pronouns and gender identity? If so, please provide us with your pronouns & gender.

    3. 3


      Our student agreement is designed to clarify expectations and add protection for both the student and the site owner. Please take your time to review the agreement sent to you via email. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out! Further steps should not take place until the agreement has been reviewed, signed and returned to the site.

    4. 4

      Vulnerable Sector Check

      Please complete a criminal record check, with vulnerable sector added. Email Brittany a copy of your recently completed vulnerable sector check.

    5. 5

      Mandatory Training

      Rebound Total Health Team members are required to complete AODA and WHMIS training, as mandated by Ontario law.

      Trainings can be accessed at the links below. Please provide a certificate of completion to the director, as soon as completed. Please note that these are a requirement of your contract and will be required before commencing work at Rebound Total Health

      Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Training scroll down and click launch

      Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Training

      If a student is exclusively working virtually and will never be in person, this individual is exempt from being required to complete WHMIS training 
    6. 6

      Liability Insurance

      Please email Brittany a copy of your updated liability insurance.

      If you have not obtained liability insurance, please feel free to check out zensurance for a quote! Brittany's business coaching business, private practice powerhouse, has partnered with them to offer discounted rates to our members. that said, if you follow this link you can obtain a free quote :) No pressure to use them though!
    7. 7

      Personality Tests

      Getting to know your personality helps us best learn what types of leadership and culture work best for you!

      Please complete the following personality tests and forward results to admin

      Big 5 Personality Test: * only complete if you have not already done so in the application process

      Color Code:

      *free option!*

    8. 8

      Education & Training

      Please email Brittany a copy of any completed trainings, your completed education, registration with regulatory body (i.e. CRPO) and/or memberships (i.e. CCPA).

      * You must have your CRPO - RPQ before beginning practicum *
    9. 9


      Please email Brittany headshots for use in advertising. Please ensure headshots meet the following requirements:

      • Multiple options, different poses & facial expressions
      • Should be high quality, not blurry
      • Ideally, has a white background or a pain background
      • Should present you as welcoming and down to earth
    10. 10

      Complete Website Profile

      Refer to existing team profiles at

      for reference

      Please answer the following questions to the best of your abilities and email to Brittany. Please note that we can make adjustments and edits to any profile at any point! Upon completion of your profile, we will send it to you for review!

      Write a brief Bio on who you are and your journey – approximately 100 words.

      What is it like working with you? – just 2-3 sentences. Maybe what is your goal when working with clients? How do you want clients to feel at the end of a session?

      What should clients expect to happen in a session with you?  - 3-4 sentences. What ‘things’ do you do in a session with your clients? What is the atmosphere of your sessions like?

       What are 3 ‘perks’ about working with you? Feel free to repeat some that are already on existing team profiles, or come up with new ones yourself. Ideally looking for one buzzword and a brief description of each.

      Provide brief, maximum one sentence answers to these questions:

      Dogs or Cats?

      Favourite Season?

      Biggest Pet Peeve?

      Guilty Pleasure?

      Favourite Saying?

      Ideal Vacation?


      Big Dreams?

      Discuss your approach – about 100 words.

      Four Orientations – what are the top orientations you use? Provide a 1-2 sentence description of each (feel free to recycle from other team member profiles if you like)

      Specialties – what are your top areas of interest or areas you excel in? Think of what your ideal client would be.

      Credentials – top educational credentials along with any relevant licenses and numbers.

      Trainings – any mental health related training you’ve completed, including the year completed and, name of the training, institution/place of training

      2 Quotes – What’s something you like to say a lot either to clients or to yourself that is relatable to therapy/mental health?  Or, what’s a quote you like that’s related to mental health or therapy?  Please provide 2 quotes.

      Videos are extremely valuable! You'll be creating a video in the next step for Psychology Today and we will be using that video in your profile on our website. However, we highly recommend that you send us various videos to highlight different niches that we can rotate through on the website. There's no time restraint for the video on your Rebound profile. 
    11. 11

      Psychology Today Profile

      As part of advertising your services, Rebound Total Health pays for and creates a psychology today profile for you. As such, Please  download the following template, answer the following questions to the best of your abilities and email to admin. Please don't go create a psychology today profile yourself, we do it for you :)  We ask you to complete the answers, so that we can ensure that your profile accurately reflects you and your voice. 
      At any point we can make adjustments and edits to any profile. Upon completion of your profile, we will send it to you for review!
      Answer the following questions in your own words, following the character limit. Note it's not word limit its character limit. As mentioned, we will tweak your answers to appeal to our audience 😊

      We recommend creating multiple to reach out to your ideal client, check out the avatar questionnaire to be able to target those clients! We're here to help if you need another profile. 

      Any time we confuse the client, we can lose them. So keep in mind the client's state of mind when they're reading our profiles. Their brain is looking out for threats - should fill our profile with safety cues (not just stating "safe place") such as how are we relate to our client, how can you relieve their symptoms. They care about their symptoms and how you'll relieve them, speak to this! Keep paragraphs short and sweet, you can use point form. Get them in a state of hope - and keep that momentum going! 

      Any time you're talking about you, you should be talking "to the client". Any time you share about yourself, share how your experience helps the client! 

      To create a personal touch to your profiles, although we'll be using your professional headshots for the main picture, provide us some pictures that help show who you are! Ideas: Selfies, picture with your dog, lifestyle pictures.  
    12. 12

      Consent Form

      Please view the master consent form template to familiarize yourself with the necessary components of the consent form. We will create your consent form for you,  it is important that you are well versed in what your consent form states so that you are able to explain your consent form and answer any questions your clients may have. This step simply requires you to read, review, and understand the contents of the consent form attached.

      You do not need to edit the consent - view only to familiarize yourself. 
    13. 13

      Session Options

      Brittany will set up your various session options in Jane. Typically, you will have a 50-minutes couples and an individual option each with a telephone or virtual option. There is nothing you need to complete here, but if you would like additional session options, please let Brittany know.

    14. 14

      Rebound Email

      Each therapist will be given their own personalized email. I will include in a separate email your new email and login.

      To Login,
      Go to to login

      • You’ll notice that I’ve already set your signature for emails. Please don’t adjust the disclaimer or branding beneath your name/title.

      • Please don’t change the password – I’ll have access to the emails in this account for the duration of practicum – don’t worry I won’t be creeping your emails, but I need access to it during practicum for liability & in case of any issues.

      • Action item: Download the GMAIL app if you don’t already have it and log into this email on your phone so you have access to it on the go for any new client inquiries that come in!

      • Once you have this email set up, please contact me through that email address moving forward in order to keep everything more streamlined on one email train!

    15. 15

      Learning Jane

      For those that are new to Jane Practice Management System, it will be important that you learn this! We use jane for everything – consent forms, intake forms, bookings, client charting/notes, payment, emailing appointment reminders,  and I’m sure lots of other things I can’t think of right now. You will do a lot of learning as you go but Jane is quite user friendly and easy to learn. I will also be available to help you if you get stuck with any of the Jane technicalities.

      When learning jane, you can use jane's demo clinic which is a fake jane clinic that allows you to do all the things without messing up on our Rebound clinic's Jane account.
      To access the demo clinic, go to the top right of your jane account, click "need help" then select the blue writing "demo clinic" then select sign in at the top right. Use the username "counsellor" enter the password that the help guide provides. Note the password for the demo clinic will change each week. 

      I’ve provided your Jane login credentials in a separate email.

      in your URL type in
      At the top right, click sign in
      under practice name, search Rebound Total Health
      Type in credentials

      To get a quick overview of what you will need to do, please take some time to view the training videos below. Specifically you want to watch the “PRACTITIONER TRAINING” located on the left side.

      The things that you must know are listed below. Please learn the following before our scheduled pre-practicum meeting.

      Learning the Schedule:

      Adding New Clients:

      Booking Appointments:

      Paying for Appointments:

      Paying for Appointments:

      Please note that if a client opts to pay via e-transfer, you will receive an email from Brittany once the client has paid via e-transfer. Do not “pay” for the client session, until you have received that e-transfer notification from Brittany. It is recommended that you remind your clients at the end of session to send the e-transfer, if this is their preferred method of payment.

      If clients are taking too long to pay, you can urge them to pay with a ‘pay balance’ reminder email.

      Charting Basics:

      Assigning Chart Notes to Sessions * REQUIRED *
      Assigning Charts for Appointments
      It's important that the charts we input into jane are assigned to specific appointments. Of course, this does not apply to 'extra' notes such as consent notes or email correspondence notes that aren't associated with a specific session.

      Each note that is related to a session, will have a session date stamp attached to it. 
      In the photo below, you can see the TOP chart note has a little calendar at the top right of the chart note - this has been 'assigned' to an appointment/session.

      The other charts do not have the little calendar symbol, meaning they have not been assigned to an appointment/session

      how to assign a date to the appointment/session:
      option 1) When you go to CHART, click the appointment on the schedule, then view the client profile from there, and click chart. This tells jane that you are charting for that specific appointment

      Option 2) Chart as normal, then click the top right down arrow, and click add appointment (as pictured below)

      Editing Invoices:

      Sending Consent Forms: 
      Go to client profile, scroll down, look for “online intake forms”, click email, then select your consent form.

      • On JANE  you will see other clinicians clients, though you cannot view their notes  - as per the contract obviously any information you see on Jane must be kept confidential, though I know this is obvious I always just mention it to be safe.

      • Other clinicians can see your clients, but again they will not be able to see your notes

      • In practicing with Jane, please do not “pay” any sessions as this will mess up accounting. Please delete any bookings you make using your client profile as the “client.” If you make any mistakes in the process of learning Jane, just let me know so I can fix anything right away 

      Once you’ve made it this far in the Jane training, please feel free to review the following video created by myself, which goes over the basics of what you need to know:
    16. 16

      Couples/Family/Multiple Party Counselling Requirements

      Any counselling that involves more than one party involves a couple extra steps.

      1) Ask Brittany for a couples/group/family counselling session option

      2) Add each party to Jane

      3) Follow the the following "group guide" to add the couple to a group.

      This will allow your invoices to reflect the correct names, for the chart notes to be duplicated for each partner (and placed under each of their profiles), and will generally make your life easier!

      4) Connect the two profiles by following this guide:  Connecting Two Profiles . Make sure you have consent (and chart said consent) to enable different permissions. For example, if client A will be using client B’s credit card then Client B must consent to this (and complete an automatic billing authorization form)

      Note, every time you work with more than one member, they should be added as as group.
    17. 17

      Your Schedule & Jane

      Shifts are the hours you are opening up to be available to clients to book with you, using the online booking tool.  Please note, that you can work and book clients outside of a shift however, for purposes of online booking clients will not be able to view those times. Our goal at Rebound is to make therapy super accessible and one of the ways we do this is with flexible, online booking options. The more generous and flexible you can be with setting shifts, the better. Ideally, each practitioner will have shift availability set 2 moths in advance at the minimum. Also note that at any time, you can block off certain times during your ‘regular shifts’ using the break tool – if you make plans, have an appointment etc.

      Students are required to have a ‘chunk’ of morning, day, evening & weekend. Evening is a very popular time, so it is recommended to include multiple evening availabilities. As the months progress, we will remove ‘chunks’ that aren’t very popular to free up more of your time!

      ACTION ITEM: Before putting your shifts on Jane, send Brittany & Erika a proposed shift schedule via email, meeting the above requirements! We will confirm or ask for any changes - once confirmed add them to Jane! 


      Below is a how-to on setting up shifts. Please ensure your shifts are set to ‘bookable online

      When you add shifts, you need to add tags to shifts to tell Jane what kind of appointments can be booked within what shift: 

      Type & Tags: 
      1. Virtual & Telephone appointments, will have the tag: "virtual
      2. In person appointments will have the tag "in-person

      SO when you make your shifts, if it is an "in person shift" you will want to add the tags "in-person" and "virtual" to the shift, which tells jane that virtual, phone and in person can all be booked within that shift. If your shift is work from home and just virtual/telephone, you want to add JUST the tag "virtual" to the shift.

      To start, you will add all your shifts as VIRTUAL. we will determine your in person shifts based on clients demands, once your in person requests come in. Sometimes, students get no in person requests until months into practicum, so we can't take up an in person spot in office, when you have no in person clients. We will also create the in person shifts based around the office availability which you can find here: 

      Once you get in person shift's, we'll assign you one or two in person slots in the office, and then your future in person requests, you'll want to strategically book to "add on" to your existing in person slots. I hope that makes sense :) Note that for in office shifts, we can ONLY book in person clients. Due to limited office space, we work to maximize the office availability by only scheduling in person clients in office. That means, that you will need to book your virtual and telephone shifts to be separate from in person.

      Once you've added all your shifts, go to the jane client booking page and test out each of your session options to make sure that they are all working correctly!
      booking page:

      Brittany will review your shifts and make recommendations for changes if needed.

    18. 18

      Psychology Today Video

      For your psychology today profile, profiles with short video introductions receive the most views from potential clients. As such as part of your profile, we ask that you create a brief video. The video should include a quick hello, maybe a short sentence about yourself then a call to action (email to book a free chat!). You can record this on your phone – but similar to your headshot make sure you have good lighting and present yourself in an approachable fashion. The most impactful videos are those that let your true personality shine, so that clients have an idea of what being in a session with you would be like! The video cannot be more than 20 seconds! Please send this via email once complete. You are welcome to re-do or change this video at any point.

       Please reference the video section of the following document
    19. 19

      Weekly Communication Email

      At the end of each week, students are expected to send Brittany a weekly email. This will allow for streamlined organization and communication, as well as allow you to schedule your time each week.

      For the purposes of organization, weeks will run Sunday - Saturday.

      Following your final session of the week, please send Brittany and email including the following:

      1. List of completed chart notes (using Jane ID # instead of identifying info) for Brittany to review

      2. Session plans for clients. To prepare a session plan, you want to address multiple POTENTIAL topics that could come up in a subsequent session. You should include how you will explore said topics (what questions are you asking), any psychoeducation you want to provide, and any potential interventions you can use. Note that you will NOT get through an entire session plan in a session, it is simply intended to help you feel prepared. You can reference the learning document for ideas. Please view a  Sample Session Plan

      3. Screen shot of sonia hours submitted for the week

      4. Screen shot of sonia total hours summary

      5. Indirect hour participation – 1 instagram video & 1 blog per month. see section 21

      6. Learning document contribution. Please find the learning document here

      7. Any questions, concerns etc you have

      Brittany will review each piece of communication and provide feedback as soon as possible after receiving this email! Please remember that if you have any urgent communication throughout the week, you’re always welcome to email, text or call with questions!

    20. 20

      Learning the Intake Process

      Please review the Intake Process to understand how new inquiries work at Rebound Total Health and what your responsibilities will be when you receive new inquiries.

      It’s your responsibility to understand how to proceed when you receive a new inquiry. It is recommended that clinicians reference this information sheet each time they receive a new inquiry, until they are very familiar with the process.

    21. 21

      Indirect Hour Participation

      Students are expected to provide 1 blog post and 1 video per month. You can decide which week(s) out of the month that you would like to complete these items, based around your own schedule, However, they are due by the 1st of each month. Feel free to do multiple at once, when you have a slower week in order to ‘stock up’ to give you more breathing room when clients pick up! These items are to be included in your weekly email.

      Use of AI: It can be used as an idea generator only. It 1000000% MUST be thoroughly edited for two reasons: 
      • 1) AI isn't fact checked. 
      • 2) AI created content does not perform nearly as well in the SEO world as organically created content 


      Creating quality content is important to help get your name out there and turn viewers into your clients! You also know I’m a total nerd for the business of therapy, so we also include all of this information as useful knowledge for you if you ever wish to start your own private practice as content creation may be part of it for many of you!

      Students MUST watch the following video on how to structure social media

      • Look right at the camera lens
      • Must Start with a hook
      • Speak quickly
      • Make it natural
      • Bright, good lighting ideally a shadow somewhere to add depth
      • Ideal background is one with depth - where they can see deep into the room or space you are in
      • Link your video  to the trending keywords provided each month. You can speak about whatever you’re interested in, but include keywords
      • Ideally, your video will be connected to your blog post, to improve SEO
      • Must be 60 seconds or less

      Recommendations from marketing for the CONTENT of the videos

      • Use trending sounds, music and general trends - recreate these with something therapy specific
      • Incorporate animals if you have them! Pet Reactions, pet as a fake client etc.
      • Frequently asked questions (about therapy or questions you've received from clients), answer them in your video
      • Relevant personal stories and/or challenges 
      • Therapy example in general (no client identifiers)
      • Leaning into your unique factor as a therapist- what makes you stand out as a therapist? Lean into those in your videos
      • POV videos
      • Videos with no speaking, you performing a background action (reading, making coffee, on your laptop, out in nature… ANYTHING) with a relevant quote, tip or ANYTHING therapy related written over top, with a trending song or sound
      • Day in the life - get ready with me, show your routine related to mental health etc
      • Client humour examples
      • For posts that are just a background video with words over top (no speaking), those we want to keep at 15-20 seconds.

      RTH Video ideas and examples - right from marketing!

      Objective: communicate themes, ideas, & philosophies relating to therapy in news - that are creative, fun, relatable…and uniquely Rebound Total Health

      • Challenge their team to choose a current popular song that relates to a topic they’re discussing with their clients - and lipsynch

      • POV videos:

        • POV trying to go to work, stay healthy, take care of family, keep up social life, drink enough water, get in exercise (with the caption being about being overwhelmed and stressed, and how rebound can help)

        • POV waking up every morning dreading getting out of bed - with text popping up describing different things that may stress someone out, such as “10 page to-do list”, “20 errands to run”, etc.

        • POV before meeting with a new client for the first time

      • Client humour - when your client says… / when your client thinks that… / when your client…

      • Just a casual video of therapist playing with pet, working on a computer, making coffee, anything that can be used as more of a background video with the text “Comment your favourite quote” / “Comment your favourite relaxation technique/activity” / etc. over it

        • This will help with engagement as it encourages viewers to comment and reply to each other

      • Me on my way to… - featuring different scenarios with the therapist or pet/animal doing a silly dance walking toward the camera, out the door, into a room, etc.

      • Leveraging a favourite audio clip (from film, tv) and re-enacting in a situation relevant to therapists / therapy. Examples below

      • Mental health tips - casual video of therapist doing something such as making coffee, working, on a walk, cleaning, etc. with a mental health tip over the video. If they’re thinking of a specific tip to share, let us know when submitting the video

      More feedback from marketing: 

      1) Film your videos VERTICALLY Because these will be reels
      on IG & FB, they have to be in portait orientation. Ideally they’re not too
      zoomed in. If there’s a bit of distance between their head and the top and
      sides of the screen, it builds in a bit of buffer if we have to crop the video
      in any way

      2) Please don’t put any words on the video itself, send a
      note with what words you’d like put on top of the video and marketing team will
      edit and add it so we don’t run into formatting issues.  If they can pass
      along what text they want added to the screen, we’ll add it here. It helps
      ensure it’s placed properly so nothing’s cut off

      3) They can add the sounds when they create it (via
      Instagram). However, just need to let us know the name of that sound effect as
      we’ll need to re-add it when it gets uploaded on our end. So if you use a
      sound on your video, please tell us the sound so they can properly edit it when
      they upload to different platforms


      Blog posts are great for a few reasons! Primarily, our hope is to gain you greater levels of exposure. In order for google (and other search engines) to notice your blog posts, our marketing team has provided us with a list of requirements. 

      Below are the requirements for your blog posts.

      • Minimum 600 words ** google ranks longer articles higher 

      • Needs to include links to other pages on the website, between 1-5 of these.

      • keep the title of the blog short

      • Use an active voice and end with a call to action

      • Use short and basic sentences (8th grade level). 

      KEY WORD FOCUS: Most importantly will be the new keyword focus. Keywords is what google finds in your blog post that sends people there. Every couple months, the marketing team is going to give us new keywords to focus on. I need to stress that the topic of your blog CAN be on one of these topics but it really doesn't need to be! Your goal is just to incorporate these keywords into your blog. The best blogs will be the ones that include the most keywords, without 'seo stuffing' however, if you can't work a given keyword in to your blog without it sounding stupid or not making sense, DONT. Do what you can to incorporate them, or focus on these topics! Brittany will post important keywords throughout the month. If she has not yet posted the new keywords for the month, you can reuse last months!

      Other requirements for keywords:

      • Include the focus keyphrase in the introduction.

      • Use synonyms of these keywords throughout your blog or words and phrases that Google sees as semantically-related to a topic.

      To help you: I know that this is a big adjustment for blogs! Here's a tool that you can use to support you with the SEO portion of blog writing :)
      Use an SEO writing assistant if possible. eg.   

      Here are some examples of blogs: 

    22. 22

      Emailing Clients

      Here are a few things to remember when beginning your work with clients:

      1. If clients would like to start with a free consultation with you, you can provide them your booking link - go to then click on your name and the session, then copy that URL. Or, you can communicate with them via email and book them in manually if your client is having struggles booking themselves in online

      2. Be sure to send the client your consent form and ensure that it is fully completed prior to beginning your first session. Don’t send your clients a consent form until they have completed a consultation and decided they want to work with you.

      3. Tell clients how they can pay

      4. Tell clients how to access the session.

      Below is a sample email template you can tweak for your use, if you like, which outlines all the necessary information clients need to know before getting started with therapy.

      Please also review the attached here is Email Templates you can customize for your use. This is to help you understand the type of communication needed.

      Subject Line: Starting Therapy


      To begin next steps, I have emailed you online consent forms which will need to be signed prior to your session. Please take the time to fill this out before your session and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about the content! We'll also recap this in our first session. They're online forms and you'll receive them from our booking software system so no need to print them off, simply follow the prompts.

      Once those forms are complete, we're all set to continue with meeting! 

      To book your first session, you can use the booking link below:

      Simply click on either Individual Virtual or Individual Telephone sessions (whichever your preference) then  any available time that works for you and you'll be booked in! If you have any issues with the online booking system, just email your availability and we can find something that works for both of us.

      If you opt for virtual therapy, to access the session the day of, our booking system will automatically send you an appointment reminder 30 minutes prior to  our session. There'll be a link in this email that takes you right to our secure platform. You'll just see yourself on the screen until I enter! If for some reason we have any technical difficulties at any point, I will contact you via phone to sort it out! Ideally, virtual sessions work best when you're in a quiet, private space where the internet is very strong! Some people prefer to use headphones to aid in sound quality and to minimize feedback so having headphones on standby is a plus! Additionally, we highly recommend you use Google Chrome, as this platform appears to work best for our virtual sessions.

      Finally, regarding payment options, payment for virtual sessions is required prior to the beginning of each session via e-transfer or credit card. Debit payments can be sent to and you will receive an emailed receipt once we receive your payment.  If you prefer to pay via credit card, I'll ask for your credit card in our first session (on the secure platform!) and add it to your account. The total for each session,  including tax is (insert price)

      Of course if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out via email at any point. I'm very much looking forward to getting this process started with you!

      talk soon,

    23. 23

      Google Spaces

      We currently have a group chat set up on google spaces. This is where we will be posting and communicating regarding ANYTHING relevant to the team - referral recommendations, group supervision reminders, admin updates, and of course - casual conversation, funny memes and chit chat are always welcome :)

      This will work to streamline (and provide a running history) of communications, all in one spot and include any relevant files in the 'files' section!

      Once you are added to the Rebound google space, please pay attention to any important/relevant updates and information for you!

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      CRPO Training

      As per the student agreement, and as per CRPO regulations, it is critical that you understand and adhere to CRPO requirements. It is your responsibility to become aware of the CRPO requirements and regulations that you must adhere to.

      For greater ease & access, here are some quicklinks to familiarize yourself with

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      PHIPA Training

      As per the student agreement, and the laws applicable to our field, it is imperative that as agents of personal health information, students adhere to the regulations set forth by PHIPA. 

       Please take time to review and understand the various policies in place at Rebound Total Health. Please ensure you have implemented all safeguards for protection of PHI and that you adhere to these policies at all times.

      Review the following linked documents:

      HIC vs Agents

      Virtual Health Care Policy

      Written Public Statement

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      Preparing for Consultation

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      Preparation for First Session

      I’ve included a list of questions/topics we explore as a biopsychosocial exploration in the very first session with a client. This also includes the housekeeping topics we explore at the beginning of the first session. I have these added as a chart note template on Jane which I’ll show you later. This will help you prepare for the types of things you will be discussing in your first session with clients.

      First Session Biopsychosocial Questions


      1. Confirm the client has signed the consent form & completed credit card authorization form if they wish to pay via credit card.
      2. Review the consent form with the client and ensure the consent obtained was INFORMED.
      3. Review limitations surrounding internet and audio/visual calls on Jane practice management software.
      4. Explain the process of note-taking.
      5. Termination discussion - what to expect.
      6. Discuss Cancellation policy
        6) Conflict of interest & Dual Relationship
      7. Discuss payment, confirm payment method. If a client is late or misses a payment, it is our policy that we then require a valid credit card to be added to the clients file to prevent any payment issues from occurring in the future that could interrupt the therapeutic process or therapeutic alliance. 
      8. Client Agreed to a payment fee of : _______

      8) Ask client if they have any questions before moving forward.

      o   Do you have any questions?

      o   Describe first Session is information gathering – extension off of intake.

      Personal Background

      oFamily of Origin

      oPersonal Identity (Gender, Sexuality, Cultural,Religious etc) *Reminder to ask consent, answers are never required!*

      oExtended Family

      oSocial Norms of Family

      oRules of the family  & Social Norms

      oGrowing Up – childhood, middle school, high school

      oPost secondary school/career path?

      oWork life

      oMeeting partner (husband/wife/kids)

      oSocial Network: Friends, socializing, Partner(s)


      oHobbies – Self care activities, activities you enjoy, interests

      oHabits - Caffeine, Alcohol, Drug & Weed Habits, food, sleep if any

      oWhat does any average day look like?

      Presenting Problem

      oDiagnoses & meds?

      oWhat does it look like?

      oExplain symptoms


      oExamples of experiences

      oThought process


      Any themes you’ve identified throughout this session?

      Closing Up

      oGoals for Therapy

      oOverarching Plan for therapy

      oHomework for this week – recording, journaling, writing down thoughts and experiences related to the presenting problem

      oOpening can of worms- normalizing the first session, promise to ‘give more’ next session

      oPayment Options- if not done.

      oRebook following session.


      Did you assign any tasks for them to complete in between sessions? Did you set a plan for therapy?

      Thoughts for future sessions

      Therapist use - do you have any thoughts for next session?

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      Therapist Database

      The therapist database is a tool used by administration at Rebound to help accurately match clients with the right therapist. Please complete the unfinished sections beside your name in the therapist database found here

      Please keep this database up-to-date throughout practicum.

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      Client Feedback

      We are less likely to give feedback face to face. We want to offer surveys as a way for clients to offer feedback so that we can then customize our session to the client and their needs. This will be exclusively internal - and will be incorporated into Jane.

      Questions that will add more value: 
      1. What do you enjoy in session that you want more of? 
      2. What do you not enjoy in session that you want less of? 
      *If what they don't like is therapeutic necessary, then we get the opportunity to speak to that and to them about it, explain the why. 

      These client feedback surveys should be sent out after the 2nd complete session then after the 7th session. 

      Here's how to send the forms: