In Office Information & Policies

    All Passwords, passcodes and keys etc., are for Rebound Total Health team only. Do not store passwords/passcodes on your phone or any other unsecure place.  Team members must take all precautions possible to keep physical keys safe and secure.
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      In-Person Booking

      2024 Booking System
      • Each clinician coordinates with Brittany to be assigned an in-office "shift." Please note, that the shifts operate on a biweekly basis, meaning each week may be different. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure you are following the correct weeks' schedule each week (please!!!!)

      • We base the shifts off of your in person demand. So, your shift will be based on the clients you have that require in person. If your in person demand increases and you need more time, you'll need to ask Brittany and we can expand the shift based on schedule availability :) 

      • If your in person demand decreases and you end up with more time than you need in person, please let Brittany know so we can reduce your shift and give that in person space to another clinician who can use it 

      • Please do not book a client for in person if you do not have a shift for that time.

      • Shifts for in person are dedicated only to in person clients. Because the office space is limited and we continue to get busy, we have to optimize the in office hours for just clients that require in person meetings. This means that any of your virtual or telephone clients should not be scheduled during your in person shift. I do understand that occasionally clients will call/email last minute to switch from in person to virtual/telephone and of course we can accommodate, but the goal is to only be booking in person clients during in person hours :)

      • If you hope to see in person and virtual clients on the same day, please make sure that you allot adequate time to travel between work to home in order to take your virtual clients from home.

      • Your in person shifts need to have "in-person" tagged in jane. Your virtual shifts should have "virtual" tagged in jane. 

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      Creating your In Person Shifts

      To begin, all consults will be virtual or through telephone, and all Jane shifts are tagged with the “Virtual” tag. 

      1. During a consult, if a client requests in person: 

        • collect their availability (get multiple availability options)

        • Let them know you will look into the office availability and will confirm with them within one business day

      2. Review office schedule, find an available office time that works with your client's availability and your schedule.

      3. Reach out to Brittany and let her know the in person times your client has requested and office availability.

        • Brittany will confirm the time / office availibility and add you to the office schedule.

      4. Once Brittany has confirmed the in person session, your in person shift will revolve around this session. 

        1. In Jane, get rid of the “virtual” tag and add the “in-person” tag instead.  

        2. Change your shift to only include the hour before the session and the hour after the session. This will allow clients to book in before or after the session which will help build out your in person shift and optimize office space. 

        3. This shift can be extended if needed, consult with Brittany. 

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      Office Culture & Courtesy

      Culture is EXTREMELY important to us here at Rebound! So far we have such an amazing team of cooperative, collaborative, kind, bubbly, amazing humans and I have full faith that we can keep that going! When in office, please treat each other and the space with respect. Please also be mindful that we aim to have the office be a calm, restful place for clients to come. That said please be mindful of your noise levels when in the office and when interacting with each other as to maintain that calm, restful tone and to not interrupt any sessions or therapists who are working in the office. 
      Please keep all topics discussed professional in nature and appropriate for a workplace setting 

      I want us all to be able to have fun and interact, but please be mindful of noise and being respectful to those in office. It would be very difficult for someone processing a trauma or significant grief to hear and office full of folks laughing, so just be mindful of self!

      Lastly, to help foster inclusive team atmosphere, please leave your doors partially open when not in session or when you aren't super busy! 

      Rebound is a drama free, inclusive, judgement-free zone,  no exceptions :) 

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      Opening & Closing Procedures

      Find the opening and closing procedures below.
      Please make sure all of these things are executed if you are the first or last therapist to leave the office.

      Opening & Closing Procedures
      Don't forget to turn on/off lights including the shelf in reception, the lamp in reception, as well as the kitchen undercabinet lighting- these add warmth and light to the space.

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      Allergies Nut-Free & Fruit Policy

      Due to airborne anaphylactic allergies on the team, please do not bring any nut products to the office. This is also a very common allergen and is best to avoid for the safety of our clients. Save the Reece's Pieces for home ;)  

      Additionally, we have a member on the team who is allergic to stone fruit ( apples, peaches, kiwi etc). You can definitely have these at the office and eat them, but please do not leave contaminates behind and clean up after yourself to keep all team members safe. Thank you for your cooperation on this!! 
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      Wi-Fi is only for Rebound Total Health team member use. Please don't share the Wi-Fi Information with clients or others, in order to help us keep the network as secure as possible.

      Wi-Fi information is located below and will periodically be updated

      Username: Bell328
      Password: DD499633 

      For anyone who has struggled with Wifi in any of the front rooms (Arizona / Cow Room) , You can try to connecting to the wifi extension network. 
      Wifi:  rebound
      Password: rebound315
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      During orientation, we will walk you through where to locate supplies throughout the office space. Please feel free to help yourself to supplies as needed. While we will do our best to keep things well stocked, if something is running low and you need something, please let admin know!

      Office & Stationary
      - Reception Desk Desk Drawers
      • Pens, pencils, staples, sticky-notes, tape etc
      - Underneath reception desk
             Paper shredder
      - Kitchen Cabinet, Right of Sink
      • Printer
      • Printer Paper
      • Lapdesks - feel free to use in office!

      Cleaning Products
      - Beneath the sink
      • Chemicals, scrubbies, cloths, dish drying rack
      - Cabinet to Right of Sink
      • Paper Towel, Toilet Paper, Bathroom Folded paper towel

      Cleaning Equipment
      - HVAC Closet Office 5
      • Mop, broom, outdoor broom, outdoor shovel, duster, vacuum

      - Above Fridge
      • batteries, measuring tape, rug tape, photo/art tape, glue, miscellaneous hardware pieces.

      Safety & First Aid
      Above Fridge
      • First Aid Kid, Bandaids
      - Cabinet to right of sink
      • Fire Extinguisher 

      Food & Kitchen
      - Upper cabinets above sink
      • Food, snacks, coffee, tea, sugar, splenda
      - Upper cabinets to left of sink
      • Plates, cups, bowls etc.

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      Please keep the space neat and tidy. Be sure to reset the office space after use. 
      You are welcome to use any of the dishes in the kitchen, just please be sure to wash them immediately after use, so we don't have dirty dishes in the sink.

      Please wipe counter tops after making coffee - splatter unfortunately stains the white counter tops

      Please dry and return dishes to the cupboard after you wash them.

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      If admin or reception is not present the front office is available for your use as you like!
      The following tabs/apps should be open on the reception desk at all times:

      Jane Login Page
      Sweet Process Site for Independent Contractors, typically opened to the in office info!
      Square Retail
      Therapist Database

      Please keep the music on (both kitchen & reception) whenever clients are present in office, as we use this as white noise to help with in office confidentiality.
       Please use the Rebound Total Health playlist and not your own personal music.
      Music can be found by locating the "spotify" app on the reception computer, then playing one of the playlists we have saved.

      Please turn the diffuser on if it is not already on. To use the diffuser, take off the top, unscrew the cap, fill with tap water to the fill line. Add 5-6 drops of essential oil, located in the top drawer in reception. Put the cap back on, the top back on. On the back of the diffuser, click the light button then the 4h or 8hr button, depending how long you'll be there.

      If there is no reception present, we will leave a sign up on the desk that asks clients to take a seat and lets them know that their therapist would be right with them. In this case, it is your job to keep an eye on the waiting room to greet your client.

      If reception is present, they will 'arrive' your appointment in Jane so you can know that the client is present and in the waiting room, if you are waiting in your office. They may also communicate with you via google chats.

      Jane on the reception desk computer must always have privacy mode enabled as clients can view the screen. We have created a reception profile in jane, so that it can be up at all times and all practitioners can arrive/pay for sessions through the reception jane, without being able to see one anothers chart notes. do not write your chart notes from the reception login. 
      Below are the login credentials for reception jane:
      username: reception
      password: 3153Yellow

      The password to the front reception desk computer is 3153. You are not permitted to share this code with any members outside of Rebound Total Health.
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      Temperature - HVAC

      The temperature at the office is set on a programmed schedule.
      Feel free to adjust the temperature a bit if needed, but keep temperatures between 68-72  degrees Fahrenheit. 
      The HVAC controls are found in office 5 (RMT room)
      Please be sure that the settings don't accidentally get switched to "AC" in winter!
      You can confirm this by looking at the red circle (and heat  label at the bottom left)
      If the circle below turns into a snowflake, that means it has been switched to AC
      See step 17 for more about how to control HVAC.
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      Food & Water

      Feel free to bring your own food and snacks, but be mindful of the nut-free policy!
      We have stocked the cupboards with snacks you are welcome to!
      Fridge is for staff use.
      The coffee maker is for staff use as well.
      While the tap water is potable, we don't recommend you drink it as it tastes a bit funny due to high iron from the well. Instead, we have provided jugged water that will be stored in the fridge, with backups under the counter in the kitchen.

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      Client Experience

      Our hope is to give clients a GREAT experience at Rebound, and part of that will involve your participation and support in fostering that.

      Consistent experiences are shown to help clients relax, feel more stable, secure and help reduce stressors or anxiety. That said, it's important to us that each guest has the same experience each time, which includes the ambiance. Please be sure that music, lighting, sound machines, diffuser are set up for all clients.

      We hope to have reception or admin present on site occasionally, but when they aren't present, its important you walk your clients through the following

      1) Please take outdoor shoes off at the office entrance door. There is a shoe rack in the waiting area. Staff shoes should be stored underneath the reception desk in shoe bins specifically when the office is super busy (we've run out of shoe space for clients haha)
      2) We have coat hooks in the waiting area as well as in each individual office, if clients are more comfortable taking their coat off in office they can do that!
      3) Please offer your clients a coffee, tea or water.
      4) Let the clients know where the washroom is.
      5) Encourage your clients to get comfy! They can curl up on the couch, move pillows around, whatever they need to do to make it most comfortable for them! Feel free to adjust the dimmer lighting as well if your client likes.
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      Please make yourself comfortable in your office space! Feel free to re arrange as you see fit or to make yourself comfortable. We just as that you put items back where you found them once your sessions are complete for the day.

      When you are not in with a client, or busy doing chart notes, please crack your door or open your office door - this just lets us know that you are available to chat or are available if needed! Opening up your doors when you're available between session or during charting breaks really helps encourage more team connection and convo!

      If a door is closed, we will assume you are in session or very busy. 
      Please avoid interrupting a therapy session (closed door) unless absolutely necessary (i.e. emergency)

      At the end of your shift you must leave your door wide open so that we can confirm no one is in the office before setting the alarm.

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      Shift Change

      Please be mindful of therapy sessions that are taking place in the office you are using before or after your shift. Note that there isn't always a break between room bookings, which means you need to be prompt in resetting your room and leaving the room to allow for the transition of one therapist out of the office and a different therapist in. Please respect your time slots as to not delay any other therapists. Of course, please tidy your space before leaving it for the next therapist
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      I know the candles are pretty, but for fire safety please do not light them. Also for fire safety, when using the microwave please keep the cabinet open, and don't leave unattended. 

      The office is equipped with an alarm system, including panic buttons in each office, for therapist safety.


      The keypad for the alarm system is located in the reception drawers - second drawer. Below is a photo:
      The code to arm and disarm the alarm system is: 9461
      If prompted for a verbal password, the password is LEATHER

      To DISARM 
      type in "9461" then hit the  shield with an X in it at the top left.
      When you arrive first at the office ( no one else is there) the alarm system will be armed, and you'll need to disarm it FIRST before doing anything else.

      To ARM when you leave the office, 
      type in "9461" and then hit the top right button, with the moving 'stick person'
      this will set a timer for you to leave before being 'set'. Please arm the system every time you are leaving and the office is empty. Be sure to arm the system LAST to be able to exit in time.

      You are not permitted to share these codes with anyone outside of Rebound Total Health.

      Panic buttons are to be used in the case of an emergency. Panic buttons will notify Brittany as well as the police.

      If you are alone in the office, please feel free to lock the front door for your safety. You can email your clients to let them know you will meet them at the door at the time of their appointment.

      When in session, we recommend you select the seat that is closest to the door for safety purposes. To encourage your client to sit in the opposing chair, one 'trick' we've used is to place your papers/materials/sweater/clipboard on the chair you will be sitting in when you welcome your guest inside the office.
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      Retail Procedure

      As you may have noticed, we have some retail items for sale in our reception area. By no means are we pushing retail sales, we have simply included these items to add to the culture, ambiance and vibe for clients.

      That said, if a client ends up wanting to purchase a retail item and an admin or reception is not present to complete the purchase, we wanted to include these really easy retail sales procedures below!

      If a client wants to purchase an item, the easiest way to process this is by using the point of sale terminal located on the desk.

      The homepage will look like this:
      Click Library, then select the item(s) that the individual would like to purchase

      Once items are selected, Click Review Sale, adjust as needed, then hit charge

      You do not need to add a customer.
      Provide the customer with their reciept.

      In the 3rd drawer of the office desk is tissue paper and bags. Put their retail item in a bag with tissue paper, and provide to customer.

      Returns and Exchanges

      There are a couple of ways to process a return or exchange through Square for Retail Plus.

      Processing a Return or Exchange from Transactions

      1. From the Square for Retail app, tap Transactions.

      2. Locate the original transaction by either swiping your customer’s card or searching for the receipt number.

      3. Tap Return or Exchange.

      4. Select item(s) to restock > tap Next.

      5. You can either issue a refund or search your item library to add additional items to the cart. The cart amount will automatically adjust, calculating the difference between the original and replacement items.

      Cart Total: Depending on the price of the replacement item, the cart total will either be positive, negative or even.

      • If the replacement item is less than the returned item, you can issue a refund to your customer’s card for the difference.

      • If the new item is more, collect payment with any of the standard payment methods.

      • If the replacement item is the same price as the returned item, tap Even Exchange to close out the transaction.

      Note: When you issue a refund for an item sold as a decimal quantity, you will need to refund the entire item.

      Help with Square:

      We Do not accept cash payments. 
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      In Person Payments

      Our hope is that payments will continue as normal, with most clients paying via their stored credit card on file, or via e-transfer. However, if you have a client that wishes to pay in person, you may do so using the square terminal located at the reception office.

      We Do not accept cash payments. 

      To process an in person payment, do the following:

      Select "KeyPad"

      Enter the amount the client owes (pre tax), then hit review sale

      Ensure that the tax has been added.

      Charge the client.

      Provide them with their debit receipt

      In Jane, process the payment as normal, but when you have the option to select how they pay, please select either  in person credit or debit transaction depending how they paid.

      You're finished :)
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      What Clients Need to Know About In Person

      "Our office address is 315 Brock Road, Dundas L9H5H6. Parking is free and when you arrive, you'll see the "Rebound Total Health" sign above our office unit. Come on in, be sure to take your shoes off at the front, and take a seat in our waiting room - your therapist will greet you at the time of your appointment! We look forward to seeing you in person! " 

      Note that on apple maps, our address is showing up incorrectly (currently working on getting this updated) so its imperative your clients are given the correct address.

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      Sound Reduction Strategies

      Implementing the following sound reduction strategies is critical when there is more than one team member working in office at a time. We should be using these strategies at all times in order to provide a consistent guest experience. We are continuing to work on ways to reduce sound transference.

      1) Music - please be sure to turn music on and turn speakers up as needed to drown out voices.

      2) Turn on sound machine in whatever office you are using, as well as the sound machine in reception. Reception has the biggest sound transference, so we added a sound machine for extra white-noise. Sound machine is located on the retail shelves, hidden behind a pink notebook. Just hit the "o" button in the middle to turn on, then adjust the volume as needed

      3) HVAC - the most sound transfers through the air ducts, which means we need to have the HVAC blowing 'air' in order to muffle the sounds. To do so, we switch the HVAC fan to 'on' whenever folks are in office. If you are an RMT, be sure to make sure the HVAC fan is set to 'ON' before starting your shift, as noone will be able to access your room when you are in it, to change the hvac settings.

      a) click the power button to make the buttons light up

      b) Click the "fan" Icon

      c) Be sure the fan setting has been changed from 'auto' to 'on'

      d) if you are the last to leave the office, repeat this process to put the 'on' setting back to 'auto'