Frequently Asked Questions

    1. 1

      What do I do if the client isn’t responding after I follow up via email?

      Sometimes when we first email new clients, our emails end up in spam. I recommend sending a quick follow up email about 24-36 hours after the first email was sent just stating “sorry to bother again – just ensuring my email went to your inbox as occasionally our emails end up in spam. Usually, this second email helps bump it to the inbox if that’s the case! Let me know your thoughts when you have a chance! All the best”
      If after a few days there is still no response, then you call the client if you have their phone number. Do not leave a conspicuous voicemail.

      The best way to remind yourself to do these follow ups is by using the ‘snooze’ feature on Gmail that way Gmail will bring back the email to your inbox when it is time for the next follow up.

      If you have not been able to make contact with the client at this point, let admin know as admin may have had previous contact with the contact. At this point, there is nothing further you need to do. This does happen occasionally and it’s okay, as long as you are following all previous steps, there is nothing more you can do.

    2. 2

      My client has not paid for their session, what do I do?

      Step 1: Send pay balance email with customized message (Client profile -> Billing -> Pay Balance Email)
      If they do not pay within 2 days, move to next step
      Step 2: Send an email to the client directly from your email reminding them that payment was due at the end of session, as per the consent form they signed.
      If they do not pay within 2 days, move to next step

      Step 3: Call client to request payment, referencing the consent form that they signed.
      If they do not pay within 2 days, move to next step

      Step 4: Tell admin (Britt)
      Notes – DO NOT proceed with sessions until the client has ‘paid up’ as per our consent form. You’ll have to let the client know the day before their next session that you have to cancel their session due to outstanding fees. If this issue proceeds we will require a credit card on file.
    3. 3

      My client still has not completed their consent form and their session is tomorrow, what do I do?

      Do your absolute best to have the client sign before your session – send them an email noting the importance of this being signed before starting therapy. You can also resend the intake form via Jane. If the client has still not completed the consent form at the beginning of the session you need to let them know right at the beginning of the session that we have to go through the entire consent form before we can move forward as it ‘has to be signed’. You’ll then have to use the ‘fill out’ function on Jane to fill out the intake form for them. You’ll then have to read every single word to the client and have them verbally consent to every piece. This has to be done before proceeding with the regular first session template. It is definitely a big hassle if this happens, so we do all we can to avoid it from happening :)
    4. 4

      I made a payment/billing error, what do I do?

      Inform admin as soon as you can via email – don’t worry it happens. All payment/billing errors require full access to edit. admin will let you know of any steps you need to complete such as informing the client.
    5. 5

      What if I run into a client in public?

      • Anytime I have a client that lives nearby (or within 30-60 minute drive of me) I tend to bring this possibility up in the first session. I’ll say something like “In the event that I run into you in public, I won’t be able to say hello first, unless you approach me and communicate with me first. I promise I’m not being awkward or ignoring you, I just have to maintain confidentiality unless you break it! So if this ever happens, you know why!”
      • If you do run into a client in public and haven’t had this conversation, don’t communicate with the client unless they communicate with you first. Then, debrief this in your next session and explain why you responded the way you did (I.e not saying hello first).
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      My Client has multiple profiles, what do I do?

      This happens! Occasionally clients add multiple profiles or forget their password and create another profile etc. Keep on top of this and make sure to merge profiles that are duplicates. Here's a Jane training on how to merge profiles
      Training Here
    7. 7

      Do consultations with children need to have parents present?

      ** Each clinician has their own methods for consultations, these are just our recommendations **

      We typically leave this up to the client - often times they'll show up with a parent, depending on their comfortability level. If you notice the parent/guardian are answering all the questions, similar to couples consultations I recommend directing some confirmation towards the client (child). "Thanks for sharing that (parents name), (childs name) do you agree with that? Do you have anything to add to what mom just said?". OFten times if the client is younger, the parent might attend alone. For older children (for example 13 year old), we'd ideally want them there. If the child is older and is NOT present for the consultation, I like to let the parent/guardian know that any details shared in the consult will be discussed with the client as we can't keep secrets from clients.