Intake Process

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      Intake Process

      It’s your responsibility to understand how to proceed when you receive a new inquiry. It is recommended that clinicians reference this information sheet each time they receive a new inquiry, until they are very familiar with the process.

      Current positions:

      Consultation Counsellors  - Olivia, Sierra  

      Clinical Management Team - Brittany Barratt & Erika

      Therapist - you!

      There are currently two means by which you receive clients from the clinical management team - general consultations and direct inquiries. Therapist expectations for each type of client inquiry are detailed below. 

      Direct Inquiries

      1. Client reaches out to the clinical management team either via email or telephone, requesting to work with a specific therapist.

      2. Clinical management emails the therapist directly with any information obtained from the client thus far.

      3. Therapist to contact client directly, ideally within 1 business day to set up next steps together.

      • It is encouraged that the therapist follow up via call should the client not respond to the email sent. If the therapist is unable to connect with the client via email or call within 4 business days, they are required  to update the clinical management team.

      4. Therapist to add client to Jane, Therapist must send client their consent form, checking to ensure it is signed before beginning sessions, add any notes you have taken in an intake session to the client file, then proceed with providing services.

      General Consultations

      ** These steps take place before you hear from the Clinical Management Team **

      1. Initial video or telephone consultation call booked online with Consultation Counsellor. Client is told what to expect in the consultation call and everything that will happen with their information.

      2. Initial video or telephone consultation call with Consultation Counsellor. Consultation counsellor tells the client that they will hear from the clinical management team regarding their therapist match within 1-2 business days.

      3. Consultation Counsellor  to send client summary to Clinical Management Team  via email


      4. The Clinical Management Team determines the best matched therapist. Clinical Management Team will email the therapist with the client summary.. Clinical Management Team will send a bridging email connecting both the therapist and the client (bridging email). If the Clinical management team is unsure of the match, they will connect with therapists directly to determine therapist comfortability before connecting therapist to client.

      ** These steps are the therapist steps & expectations **

      5. Therapist to read the client summary, and should they not feel comfortable accepting the client, inform the  clinical management team as soon as possible so the client can be redirected.

      6. Therapist to respond to the bridging email ideally within 1 business day,, ensuring they remove the clinical management team off the CC.

      • It is encouraged that the therapist follow up via call should the client not respond to the email sent. If the therapist is unable to connect with the client via email or call within 4 business days, they are required  to update the clinical management team.

      7. Look up the client in jane via their 4-digit code. Therapist must send client their consent form, checking to ensure it is signed before beginning sessions

      8. If the client proceeds with therapy with the therapist, the  Therapist adds the “client summary” from Step 5 to the client's chart as the first note (as per college mandates). 

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      Converting Consult Calls

      Learn how to convert consultation calls to bookings, and how to enhance retention by watching the video below

      Find consultation script Therapist Consultations