Timesheets and Wages Records
Employers have to keep time and wages records for 7 years.
Time and wages records have to be:
- readily accessible to a Fair Work Inspector (FWI)
- legible
- in English.
Time and wages records can’t be:
- changed unless the change is to correct an error
- false or misleading.
Best practice tip
Employers should keep records of hours worked for all employees (including pieceworkers). Employers are also required to keep these records in some circumstances.
Adopting best practice record-keeping makes it easier to:
- keep track of employee details
- identify payroll mistakes
- keep a business running efficiently.
It also helps avoid fines for doing the wrong thing.
Use our templates to help manage record-keeping obligations for:
- Timesheets
What records have to be kept and what needs to be in them?
Certain information needs to be kept for each employee. If an employee is paid an annual wage under an award, employers are required to keep extra records for these employees. See Annualised salaries for more information.
Here is a list of the records that an employer has to keep and what information has to be in the record.
- employer’s and employee’s name
- employer’s ABN (if any)
- employee’s commencement date
- whether the employee is full-time or part-time
- whether the employee is permanent, temporary or casual.
- pay rate paid to the employee
- gross and net amounts paid
- any deductions from the gross amount paid
- details of any incentive-based payment, bonus, loading, penalty rate, or other monetary allowance or separately identifiable entitlement paid.
Hours of work
- any penalty rates or loadings paid to employees for overtime hours worked, including:
- the number of overtime hours worked by an employee during the day
- when the employee started and finished the overtime hours
- the hours an employee works if the employee is a casual or irregular part-time employee who is paid based on time worked
- a copy of the written agreement if an employer and employee have agreed to an averaging of the employee’s work hours.
Download the Timesheet template below 👇
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