-- 6200 -- OCAG Compensation, Benefits, Dual Employment and Substitutes

    A.  Compensation and Benefits

    Salaried Employees
    Instructional and administrative staff members shall be salaried (exempt) employees. Annually, the governing board will evaluate the salary schedule to make necessary adjustments that are in alignment with state and federal law and the organization’s annual budget.

    • At Will Employer
      • All contracts offered by the organization will be at-will contracts specifically stating that either the organization or employee may choose to cancel that contract at any time with or without cause.
    • Probationary Contract
      • Employees newly hired by the organization shall be offered a one-year probationary contract in accordance with Florida Statute 1012.335.  The probationary license may only be issued once to an employee unless the employee was rehired after a break of service for which an authorized leave of absence was not granted.
    • Annual Contract
      • After completing one successful year on a probationary contract, the employee may be offered an annual contract conditional upon the following:
        • Employee holds the appropriate state certification from the Department of Education,
        • Employee has not received two consecutive annual performance ratings of unsatisfactory, nor three consecutive needs improvement or unsatisfactory performance ratings the employee will be offered an annual contract.
    Salary Schedule
    Given that all employees shall only receive annual contracts, all academic employees will be paid under the performance salary schedule as defined in Florida Statute 1012.22(1)(c).
    • Initial Placement - The governing board will annually establish a starting salary and incremental amount based upon criteria established by the board for determining the initial placement of new employees on the salary schedule.  This approval will be conducted as part of the development of the corporate budget.  The initial placement will be based on the employee’s qualifications as of their first day of work. Experience credit on the instructional salary schedule will be granted for all verified public school experience in accordance with state law. If public school credit is less than eight (8) years, full-time private school experience may also be granted up to a maximum of eight (8) total years.
    • Adjustments for Returning Employees - Employees returning to the school after having completed an annual evaluation will receive annual adjustments in accordance with the amounts established by the governing board.  The annual amounts are subject to change based on the annual budget, and shall only apply to the employee’s base salary, not to any supplemental amounts the employee receives.  The adjustments shall be calculated as follows:
      • Highly Effective - Employees having received a “Highly Effective” rating as part of their annual evaluation shall receive the highest possible annual salary adjustment, as defined by the governing board.
      • Effective - Employees having received an “Effective” rating as part of their annual evaluation shall receive an adjustment equal to 50 percent of the adjustments awarded to the Highly Effective Employees.
      • Other Rankings - Employees not receiving either Highly Effective or Effective will not be eligible for a performance adjustment and will only be given the cost of living adjustment if one is established by the governing board.
      • Cost of Living Adjustment - The governing board may approve a cost-of-living adjustment for all employees.  The cost of living adjustment will be applied to all employees on the schedule equally and can be no more than 50 percent of the amount awarded to employees rated as “Effective” in their annual evaluations.
    Salary Supplements
    An employee’s placement on the salary schedule shall constitute the employee’s base pay. In addition to the base pay, the governing board may annually approve supplements to be paid to employees, which are annual additions to the base salary for specific qualifications or duties. The supplement does not become part of the employee’s continuing base salary. A schedule of possible supplements will be considered by the governing board in the establishment of the salary schedule and corporate budget.
    • Degree Supplements - A degree utilized for salary purposes must have been awarded by an institution, which was accredited at the time the degree was awarded or must have been validated by an accredited institution as covered under Department of Education procedures for implementation of applicable state board rule. It is the employee’s responsibility to provide all applicable transcripts.

    Paid Time Off (PTO)
    Paid time off, herein referred to as PTO, is an employee benefit that includes sick time, vacation days, and personal time.

    Full-time hourly and full-time salaried employees are eligible for PTO. Part-time and temporary employees are not eligible for PTO.

    PTO accumulates in relation to all regular hours actually worked. It does not accumulate on overtime hours or on hours not worked, such as when you using PTO or on a leave of absence. Eligible employees earn five (5) hours per pay period until a maximum of eighty (80) hours are accumulated.

    PTO requests should be submitted as far in advance as possible, in writing, to immediate supervisor. Consideration shall be given to all requests, but approval will be based on the needs of the school. To ensure equitable treatment for all employees, approval will take into account previous leave use and frequency.

    Blackout Dates
    Per the approved school calendar for each academic year, blackout dates (days in which no PTO will be granted) are defined as the day preceding and succeeding the following breaks: Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, and Spring break. Employees must be on paid status the day before and the day after a school break in order to receive pay for the break period.  

    Employees may begin using PTO after you have accumulated enough hours to cover fully any time off. You may not use PTO in advance of accumulation. PTO taken without sufficient accumulation to cover the time may be deducted from the next paycheck.

    Unused PTO may be rolled over to the next school year. Maximum amount of rollover is forty (40) hours.

    In the circumstance that your employment is ended with the organization, there is no PTO payout.

    Pay Calculations
    Salaried employees of the organization shall be paid year-round, even though the services the employee provides to the organization is less than a full year.
    • Contract Days - Each year the school operations manager shall ensure a calendar is created specifically identifying the number of contract days for all salaried employees. This calendar should identify all of the paid versus unpaid days for each employee class.
    • Pay Periods - The organization shall pay employees every two weeks, resulting in a total of 26 pay periods per year. If an employee starts work in the middle of the fiscal year, they will be paid an annual equivalent for the remaining pay periods that fiscal year.
    • Salary Employees Daily Rates - The school operations manager shall ensure that a daily rate is calculated and communicated to each employee. This daily rate shall be their employee’s annual salary amount divided by the contract days in the fiscal year. The daily rate shall be used to calculate the actual amount each employee earns for services provided to the school in the event the employee leaves the organization prior to the end of the school year or is required to take unpaid leave.
    School Holidays
    Hourly employees who normally work full time, at least 40 hours per week, during the following times will be provided holiday pay for the following days. Holiday pay shall equal the “straight time rate” per the employee’s employment agreement multiplied by the employee’s average hours per day, not to exceed eight (8) hours. Average hours per day are calculated based on all straight time hours worked in current employment term divided by number of days worked in current employment term.

    Salaried (exempt) 10-month employees will be provided holiday pay for the following school holidays as well as their normal compensation for the remainder of school break periods, such as Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, and Spring break, as long as they are on a paid status on the day before and the day following such break.

    Salaried (exempt) 12-month employees will be provided holiday pay for the following school holidays.

    Paid School Holidays
    • Independence Day (observed)
    • Labor Day
    • Thanksgiving Day
    • Christmas Day
    • New Year’s Day
    • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
    • Presidents’ Day
    • Memorial Day
    Overtime Pay
    Whether an employee is exempt from or subject to overtime pay will be determined on a case-by-case basis and will be indicated in the employee’s job description.

    Non-exempt employees may be required to work beyond the regularly scheduled workday or workweek as necessary. In determining whether non-exempt employees are entitled to overtime pay, only actual hours worked in a given workday or workweek will be considered. All overtime work must be previously authorized by the school operations manager. The organization provides compensation for all overtime hours worked by non-exempt employees in accordance with state and federal law as follows:

    For employees subject to overtime, all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in one workweek shall be treated as overtime. PTO hours (including holiday pay) are not counted toward the overtime calculation. Compensation for hours in excess of 40 for the workweek shall be paid at a rate of one and one-half times the employee’s regular rate of pay. Compensation for hours in excess of 12 in one workday and in excess of eight (8) on the seventh consecutive workday of the workweek shall be paid at double the regular rate of pay. Workweeks begin each Sunday at 12:01 a.m.

    The organization provides a comprehensive benefit plan which may vary from year to year as determined by the governing board.

    A comprehensive, quality insurance program is available to employees and their families. You become eligible for coverage on the first day of the month following your date of hire. A full benefit and cost breakdown will be provided by our insurance company.

    Regular employees who meet the full-time threshold are eligible for benefits, per individual contracts.

    Organizational Contribution
    The organization contributes toward the cost of certain employee benefits each pay period during the school year in which a paycheck is earned. In any period during which a paycheck is not earned, the employee is required to make normal contributions to pay their portion of premium(s) the employee normally pays for coverage to continue. Payment must be received the first of the following month.

    Termination of Coverage
    Insurance coverage ends the last day of the month in which an employee no longer meets eligibility requirements or terminates employment.

    Leaves of Absence
    While on an approved, unpaid leave of absence, employees are required to make normal contributions to pay the portion of premium(s) the employee normally pays for coverage to continue. The employee must work with the employer prior to going on approved, unpaid leave regarding payment of premiums. Payments  must be received by the first of each month. Nonpayment of premiums by the required due date will result in cancellation of insurance coverage. The organization will continue to pay their portion of health coverage as they would if employee were not on leave.

    Suspension Without Pay: While on suspension without pay, an employee is considered to be on unpaid leave of absence. As such, the employee is required to maintain insurance coverage by paying their normal contribution of premiums by the required due date. If the employee is not reinstated, the insurance will terminate the last day of the month in which the employee is dismissed. If the employee chooses not to continue insurance and is reinstated, insurance will be terminated the last day of the month in which the employee elects to terminate their insurance.  
    Worker’s Compensation
    The organization provides Workers’ Compensation benefits pursuant to Florida law.

    Additional Compensation

    Compensation for Additional Responsibilities
    From time to time employees may take on additional responsibilities beyond that covered within their contract. The governing board may authorize stipends or additional funds to be paid for such activities as described below:

    • Non-Exempt Employees - Employees who are not exempt from wage and hour laws will be paid their typical hourly rate based on the amount of time spent on the tasks. Efforts should be taken to avoid overtime in the completion of the additional tasks. If overtime is unavoidable, the approval of funds to cover the activities should take the additional cost of overtime into consideration.
    • Exempt Employees - Stipends for additional responsibilities will typically be paid in one lump sum on the date authorized by the governing board, unless another arrangement is authorized by the board.

    The governing board shall annually approve a schedule of stipends to pay for additional responsibilities above the typical job responsibilities. The schedule should include the task for which the stipend is offered, when the stipend will be paid, and the amount which will be paid.

    Examples of activities for which stipends might be offered include: tutoring outside of school hours, coaching extracurricular activities, providing additional services on behalf of the school.

    In the event that multiple employees share a responsibility of a task approved by the board (i.e. coaches who are sharing coaching responsibility), the school operations manager and principal may authorize the stipend to be split appropriately between the employees.

    Employee Bonuses
    The governing board may from time to time elect to approve employee bonuses, recommended by the principal, if the annual budget allows for such bonuses to be made. All bonuses must be approved by the governing board and will be done so by their discretion.  

    Instructional Personnel Performance Awards
    Instructional personnel will be eligible for any bonus awards defined by current Florida statute, provided the instructional personnel meets all eligibility criteria outlined in the current statute. School must be eligible for and receive the full amount of instructional personnel bonus funds in order to disburse payment to instructional personnel, minus any deductions for payroll withholding as permitted. Any instructional personnel receiving bonus awards under current Florida statute must receive the recommendation of the principal and be in good standing under the terms of the instructional personnel employment agreement for the current school year.


    Employees who complete educational degrees or obtain a professional teaching certificate that would necessitate a move on the salary schedule or hourly rate are required to provide appropriate documentation to the school operations manager. Such changes to the salary shall only be made at three times during the year: at the start of the fiscal year, at the start of the school year, at the start of second semester of the school year.

    Retroactive Payments
    When salary and benefit agreements are reached, any approved retroactive payments due employees will be paid only to those in active pay status on the date of board approval.

    Return of Overpayments
    If an employee is overpaid due to an error, resignation, or any other reason, the organization is entitled to recover any overpayment.

    Payroll Withholdings
    The organization shall withhold taxes from each employee’s pay according to the law. Every deduction from your paycheck is explained on your check voucher. If you do not understand the deductions, ask the school operations manager to explain them to you.

    You may change the number of withholding allowances you wish to claim for Federal Income Tax purposes at any time by filling out a new W-4 form and submitting it to the school operations manager or designee. The office maintains a supply of these forms.

    Federal, state, and social security taxes will be automatically deducted from paychecks. Federal withholding tax deduction is determined by the employee’s W-4 form. The W-4 form should be completed upon hire and it is the employee’s responsibility to report any changes in filing status to the school operations manager or designee and to fill out a new W-4 form.

    Retirement Program
    Retirement account details are outlined in the 401K plan document. 

    B.  Dual Employment

    An employee may provide services regarding a non-school developed curriculum or program or participate in programs sponsored by other agencies when approved in writing by the principal or school operations manager or their designee. An employee who chooses to request temporary paid leave when engaged in such activities must remit to the organization any remuneration (honorariums, stipends, consultant service fees, etc.) received. In addition, the employee shall remit any travel expense reimbursement provided by the sponsoring agency to the organization when the organization is liable for travel expenses authorized by the approved request.

    An employee may not retain such compensation without utilizing personal leave chargeable to Paid Time Off (PTO), or personal leave without pay. An employee wishing such compensation must request the leave through the submittal and approval of the prescribed forms. The organization will not be responsible for workers’ compensation or liability protection or any benefits for employees on personal leave.

    An employee providing consultation concerning a curriculum developed by the organization or an individual school operated by the organization, must remit to the school any remuneration received.

    C.  Substitutes

    The organization will utilize only qualified substitutes for all employee groups. The school operations manager or designee will develop procedures for reporting absences, assigning substitutes and developing a substitute compensation plan.

    Substitute teachers shall meet all legal requirements for substitute teachers. The rate of compensation shall be according to the annual school budget approved by the governing board. Records shall be kept by the school operations manager concerning number of days taught by substitutes and the amount of funds expended. The governing board shall be informed concerning this data at periodic intervals.

    Staff members who require substitutes are responsible for making arrangements for substitutes themselves. A list of potential substitutes will be supplied to staff members annually.

    Adopted: 02/06/2024