-- 4400 -- OCAG Release of Financial Information

    The release of financial, personnel, statistical or other information that may be of a confidential nature will be controlled and every request will be referred to the business manager or designee.

    A.  Written Request

    Typical requests are for additional information concerning details of the published financial statements, litigation progress, insurance coverage, personnel, students, etc. If the request is by letter or written correspondence, the materials shall be forwarded to the business manager or designee who will review the information to be released and who will be authorized to reply. All legal requirements regarding public records, and the policy regarding public records requests elsewhere in this policy manual will be adhered to.

    B.  Telephone/Personal Request

    If the request is by telephone or a personal visit to our office, the requester will be referred to the business manager or designee. If either one is unavailable, the requester should be asked to provide their name, organization, telephone number and address, if possible. Also, they should be asked the reason for the request and a brief description of the information desired. This information should be written down and forwarded to the business manager or designee for follow-up.

    Adopted: 02/06/2024