Accounts Receivable - Therapist Support

    Occasionally, clients don't pay and therapists attempt to chase them down to get payment, but it doesn't work. When this happens, Therapists are trained to reach out to admin to get admin to reach out. Often times, clients will respond to admin.
    There are two steps here

    1) Email the client from the admin email address. Search the client # on Jane to find their email address.
    Copy paste their email address into a new email
    Go to the 'drafts' section of the admin email:
    look for the draft ****Collections

    Copy paste the body of that email into the new email draft to the client.
    Edit the email details. 
    Send email.
    Snooze the sent email to show back up in your inbox in 3 days

    2) Call the client - block your phone number and call them to follow up to receive payment.