Rachel - Therapist Matched Client Follow Ups

    This procedure is to make sure that the clients who we matched with a therapist were able to book in with their therapist.
    Once per week, you're going to review the "Starting Therapy at Rebound" emails you send the week prior. 
    This should be done on a thursday or friday of the week, to allow lots of time for the clients to have an opportunity to book in with their therapist.

    Go to your "sent" box in your email
    then click "advanced search"
    under "subject line" write "starting therapy at rebound"
    This will populate all the bridging emails you've sent.
    This is where you only want to look at emails from the specific date range you are seeking, which again, should be the week prior.
    The dates are listed at the right side of the list.

    You want to go through each email from the week date range you are reviewing.
    Click the email, then copy paste the clients email, and search that in jane to bring up the clients profile.
    Check to see if the client has an upcoming appointment or has had a past appointment with the therapist.
    If they have an upcoming appointment or have had a past appointment with the therapist, then move on to the next email in your date range.
    If they do not have an upcoming appointment or have not had a past appointment with the therapist, follow next steps:

    1) Email the therapist:
    Subject line: "Client Follow Up"
    Hey (Therapist). I'm just following up on client ####. I wanted to check to see if you were able to connect with them at all, as I've noticed they haven't made a booking yet. If you haven't been able to get a hold of them, I'll send an email from my end!

    2) We want to wait until the therapist gets back to us. Once the therapist gets back to us, depending on the circumstances, we will follow up with the client. For example, if the therapist hasn't heard back, we'll email the client. If the therapist has heard back and the therapist has told you the client just needs some time to book, or said they're going to book etc... just leave it, we don't want to bug the client.

    If you need to email the client, send them the following email;

    Subject Line: Checking in
    Body of email:

     Hi there!
    Hope you're enjoying the (____ season) and that this email finds you well! I'm just following up to see if we can support in any way with next steps as we noticed you weren't able to book in for a subsequent session. Of course, if you didn't feel that it was the right therapist fit for you, let us know and we'd be happy to provide alternate recommendations - we know that finding the right fit for therapy is crucial and we're happy to support with that! 

    As always, we're here to help with any questions, concerns or support in any way we can - just reach out!

    All the best,