Rachel - Booking Reminders >3 Weeks Clients

    For any clients that haven't had a session in greater than 3 weeks, we want to send them a reminder to book.
    First, we need to run a report to get a list of all the existing clients that haven't booked in >3 weeks.
    To do so, go to reports at the top of Jane, then on the left hand side, scroll down to "Unscheduled Clients (Last visit)
    Now we need to add three filters 
    1) Adjust the "Days since last session" to 3 weeks

    2) Click "any state" then "last visit happened"

    3) Change the dates, so under date range, select the 1st to the last day of the previous month.

    Then, we want to export this list
    To do this, click the 3 dots at the top right, then click export to excel

    This will  prepare a document to download and then you'll see a button "download xlxs document" click that button download an excel document, and  you can then click that downloaded document and see something like the following:

    You will now go through the clients one by one to send them return visit reminders.
    Here's how you do that!

    1) Search the client name in Jane
    2) Locate their profile then  check to see if they have any upcoming appointments. If they do, skip this client and go to the next client. If they do not have any upcoming appointments, go to the next step
    3) on their profile at the top right youll see in blue writing "add return visit reminder"

    Then click
     Return visit reminders -> add return visit reminder -> next visit in 1 week -> send now

    Then repeat this process for all clients on the excel sheet list.

    Once complete, you must delete the excel spreadsheet from your computer AND from your recycling bin