Rachel - Deactivating Clients
As per the CRPO, it is really important that we keep ‘up to date’ records for all of our clients. Part of this process involves ‘deactivating’ any clients who either just ‘no showed,’ created a profile and didn’t do anything with it, did a consultation and didn’t proceed with counselling etc.… basically anyone that isn’t currently active, needs to be inactive.
On a monthly basis, you’ll need to run a report of a list of all clients that Jane tells us haven't been booked in 3 months.
How to run this report:Jane - > Report -> Unscheduled clients (Last Visit) -> Adjust the date since to "3 months" -> export the list by clickinig the 3 dots at the top right, export to excel -> download XLSX document. be sure once you have completed this task that you securely delete this report from your computer and from your recycling bin
Your job will be to sort through this report, confirming which clients in fact need to be deactivated.
What to do:
Search client ID
See if they have any upcoming appointments (Click Appointments, view Upcoming appointments) . If they do, no further action is needed, this client needs to stay active.
See when their last appointment was (Click appointments, click total bookings, view last appointment) If it was less than 3 months ago, no further action is needed, this client needs to stay active.
See if they have any relationships on Jane (view client profile, scroll down to bottom left, view relationships, view each of those relationship profiles for appointments) – if any of their relationship clients on Jane have upcoming appointments, no further action is needed, this client needs to stay active.
Determine if the client has worked with a specific therapist already or if they are planning to work with a specific therapist (Click appointments, view total bookings). The goal is to determine if they have been matched with a specific practitioner. If they have been assigned to a particular practitioner and the client is inactive based on previous steps, then create a list for that practitioner, listing this client number. We will not discharge clients that have been assigned to a clinician. Please note, a specific practitioner DOES NOT include a free consultation with a consultation counsellor (Samantha, Vanessa, Malina, Melissa). If the client has had only one previous appointment with any of those consultation counsellors, they are considered not to be assigned to a practitioner/therapist as they have only completed a general consultation. Later, we will email each practitioner which clients of theirs they need to terminate. After this, no further action is needed, the client will stay active until the clinician discharges them.
If the client has not yet worked with a therapist, at this point, you will deactivate them in Jane. Please see steps below for deactivating clients in Jane
Deactivating Clients in Jane
Step 1: Chart
Click client’s profile –> Chart -> New Chart Entry -> Termination
Date of Discharge: Insert Todays Date
Reason for Discharge #4 or #7, depending on your findings.
If #4) Copy-Paste the following next to #4 “Have not heard from client after general consultation”
If #7) Write in the reason which is probably something like “client did not proceed with any action or communication with Rebound”
Condition of Client Upon Discharge: #5 and copy paste the following beside #5 “Client has not communicated with Rebound Total Health” or “Client has not communicated with Rebound Total Health after consultation” depending on if they have had a consultation or not.
Final Communication with Client Type “N/A”
Sign the chart – bottom right of chart note.
Step 2: Deactivate
Click Clients profile -> edit/settings -> scroll down until you see “discharged” -> Select the “discharged” box.