Rachel - Client accounts Receivable

    This procedure is to remind any clients that haven't paid last week, to settle their bill.
    This should be done on Mondays
    To do this, go to reports -> sales
    Click date range and then select the week you were looking to run (this should be the week PRIOR)
    Click 'all invoice states' then select "unpaid"

    This will populate a list of all the clients that have outstanding balances between the dates you selected.
    one by one,we'll send them reminders to pay.

    On your keyboard hold "CTRL" key and then with your mouse Click the "blue letters" of the clients name, this will open their profile in a separate tab on your computer (this way you dont lose the original list of clients). Click that new tab, to view that clients billing profile.

    Select "Pay balance" then select send - this will send the client an email reminder to pay.
    Then, exit that tab and go back to the list of unpaid clients.
    Repeat for each client on the list.