Harvest Timekeeping: Visual Advocacy (Trial Graphics) Phases & Tasks

    Visual Advocacy (Trial Graphics) Phases Offering Types

    Offering PhasePhase InitialsEngageable PhaseNotes
    Trial Graphics Service N/ANoUsed when we don't know the specific scope of work
    Animation Graphics Phase ANYesGraphics/demonstratives that are 3D modeling and animated demonstratives 
    Arb/Med Graphics PhaseAMYesGraphics/demonstratives for Arbitration, Mediations, alternate dispute resolutions, settlement conferences 
    International Graphics Phase IGYesGraphics/demonstratives that will be taking place in a venue that is not in the US 
    Medical Illustrations Phase MIYesGraphics/demonstratives that are to be used as medical illustrations 
    Other Graphics PhaseOHYesGraphics/demonstratives for legal matters that have not been filed in court yet. Includes litigation mediation, visual forensic investigations, pre-litigation consulting and client meetings. Graphics/demonstratives that do not fit into other categories,
    non-litigation graphics. Use for Chronos work so we can easily track time to budget. 
    Tutorial Graphics Phase
    TUYesGraphics/demonstratives for Tutorial
    Trial Graphics PhaseTGYesGraphics/demonstratives for a mock trial or other jury research hosted internally or externally, opening, closing, war room or on-site support, for hearings such as ITC, PTAB, Summary Judgment, §101 patent validity challenge, Markman, Claim
    Construction Hearing 
    Visual Strategy PhaseVSYesAny type of strategy work done by the Trial Graphics/Visual Advocacy team. It can include Mental Mining sessions, trial summits, or any other strategy work. 

    Visual Advocacy (Trial Graphics) Tasks Code Descriptions

    PrepAll normal consulting & graphics time (meetings, reviewing case materials, sketching, creating graphics & PPTs). Prep for media tasks.
    AnimationTo be used by Graphic Designers specifically working on animation work 3D or Flash but not PPT
    AudioTo be used when working with audio (i.e., doing voiceover for tutorial graphics)
    OnsiteTo be used when working in a war room or other client setting. Also, use this task code when doing billable work while traveling for that specific case. Please continue to use TG-Travel while traveling to/from the war room if you are not working, and TG-Prep if you are traveling or on-site but working on other cases.
    TravelTime spent traveling out of city limits for client when billable work is not possible
    VideoTime spent on active video shoot (excludes setup and breakdown time), and for video editing of recorded presentations for online research projects
    RenderTo be used when rendering animation work
    PresentationTime spent doing trial presentation tasks in addition to graphics work
    Visual Strategy Only Tasks
    Strategy PrepPrep time for strategy sessions and wrap-up time (reviewing materials, creating content, writing memo)
    Strategy MeetTime spent meeting with clients in strategy/theme developing/Mental Mining session
    Strategy TravelTime spent traveling out of city limits for strategy sessions with clients when billable work is not possible