Harvest Timekeeping: Visual Advocacy (Trial Graphics) Phases & Tasks
Visual Advocacy (Trial Graphics) Phases Offering Types
Offering Phase | Phase Initials | Engageable Phase | Notes |
Trial Graphics Service | N/A | No | Used when we don't know the specific scope of work |
Animation Graphics Phase | AN | Yes | Graphics/demonstratives that are 3D modeling and animated demonstratives |
Arb/Med Graphics Phase | AM | Yes | Graphics/demonstratives for Arbitration, Mediations, alternate dispute resolutions, settlement conferences |
International Graphics Phase | IG | Yes | Graphics/demonstratives that will be taking place in a venue that is not in the US |
Medical Illustrations Phase | MI | Yes | Graphics/demonstratives that are to be used as medical illustrations |
Other Graphics Phase | OH | Yes | Graphics/demonstratives for legal matters that have not been filed in court yet. Includes litigation mediation, visual forensic investigations, pre-litigation consulting and client meetings. Graphics/demonstratives that do not fit into other categories, non-litigation graphics. Use for Chronos work so we can easily track time to budget. |
Tutorial Graphics Phase | TU | Yes | Graphics/demonstratives for Tutorial |
Trial Graphics Phase | TG | Yes | Graphics/demonstratives for a mock trial or other jury research hosted internally or externally, opening, closing, war room or on-site support, for hearings such as ITC, PTAB, Summary Judgment, §101 patent validity challenge, Markman, Claim Construction Hearing |
Visual Strategy Phase | VS | Yes | Any type of strategy work done by the Trial Graphics/Visual Advocacy team. It can include Mental Mining sessions, trial summits, or any other strategy work. |
Visual Advocacy (Trial Graphics) Tasks Code Descriptions
Prep | All normal consulting & graphics time (meetings, reviewing case materials, sketching, creating graphics & PPTs). Prep for media tasks. |
Animation | To be used by Graphic Designers specifically working on animation work 3D or Flash but not PPT |
Audio | To be used when working with audio (i.e., doing voiceover for tutorial graphics) |
Onsite | To be used when working in a war room or other client setting. Also, use this task code when doing billable work while traveling for that specific case. Please continue to use TG-Travel while traveling to/from the war room if you are not working, and TG-Prep if you are traveling or on-site but working on other cases. |
Travel | Time spent traveling out of city limits for client when billable work is not possible |
Video | Time spent on active video shoot (excludes setup and breakdown time), and for video editing of recorded presentations for online research projects |
Render | To be used when rendering animation work |
Presentation | Time spent doing trial presentation tasks in addition to graphics work |
Visual Strategy Only Tasks | |
Strategy Prep | Prep time for strategy sessions and wrap-up time (reviewing materials, creating content, writing memo) |
Strategy Meet | Time spent meeting with clients in strategy/theme developing/Mental Mining session |
Strategy Travel | Time spent traveling out of city limits for strategy sessions with clients when billable work is not possible |