CS | How To Manage Orders Shipped by Customers Originally Assigned to ShipCalm

    • Orders were assigned to ShipCalms Ship From location and imported into InfoPlus but were unable to ship due to an Out-of-Stock (OOS).
    • Our customer then changed the Ship From location in ShipStation to their Ship From location and shipped a large number of orders (approx. 150 orders).
    • By changing the Ship From location it broke the InfoPlus Marvin sync connection and orders in IP did not receive the Hold Code C stating that the order was shipped outside of InfoPlus.
    • Orders stayed On Order in InfoPlus, the product then arrived in a new shipment and ShipCalm shipped the orders causing orders to be double shipped to customers.

    Key Highlights:
    • When an order is imported into InfoPlus, changing the Ship From location in ShipStation away from ShipCalm will break the InfoPlus Marvin sync connection and the order will no longer receive any updates from ShipStation about whether the order was shipped or not.
      • i.e. No HOLD CODE C
    • Orders assigned to ShipCalms Ship From and imported into InfoPlus should be fully shipped by ShipCalm.
    • Orders requiring a SPLIT: If an order requires a Split Shipment, the order should be split first and then the Ship From location changed in ShipStation.
      • This way the Marvin updates can be seen and updated in InfoPlus with the split order items.
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      What System are the Orders shipped in?

      The first step to knowing how to troubleshoot the orders shipped by customers that were assigned to ShipCalms Ship From location in ShipStation is to confirm WHERE or in WHAT SYSTEM the orders are being shipped out of.
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      Orders Shipped out of Shopify

      If shipped out of Shopify:
      1. The order status will be updated in ShipStation to Shipped
      2. Marvin will update the order to Hold Code C
      3. Confirm order in InfoPlus is ‘Cancelled’
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      Orders Shipped out of ShipStation

      If shipped out of ShipStation
      1. Confirm order numbers that the customer is shipping
      2. Confirm order in InfoPlus is ‘Cancelled’ - Not On Order or Processed
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