-- 5900 -- OEN General Management Policies

    A.  Student Management

    Supervision of Students
    Students are to be supervised at all times while under the control of the organization. This includes the time students are attending school, while away from the school on school-sponsored events, or while participating in extracurricular activities, such as clubs. Students may not be left alone without supervision while on school-sponsored activities.

    B.  Parent Grievances

    Although no member of the school community shall be denied the right to petition the board for redress of a grievance, the complaints will be referred through the proper administrative channels for solution before investigation or action by the board. Exceptions are complaints that concern board actions or board operations only.

    The board advises the school community that the proper channeling of complaints involving instruction, discipline, or learning materials is as follows:
    1. Teachers
    2. Dean of Students
    3. Principal
    4. Governing Board
    Any complaint about school personnel will be investigated by the administration before consideration and action by the board of directors.

    C.  Photographs of Students

    Frequently throughout the school year school staff take pictures of events that happen during the school day. Should a parent not want their child photographed in such a way, they must submit written notification of their request to the school operations manager. This request will then be passed along to school staff. Snapshots may periodically be used for promotional materials for the school. Every attempt will be made to receive parental permission prior to the publishing of promotional materials which include the photograph of students. Additionally, the school reserves the right to utilize such snapshots through electronic media which do not individually identify any specific student. If a parent or guardian requests the removal of such a photograph, the school staff will comply with the request within 72 hours.

    D.  Prohibition Against Firearms and Weapons

    The presence of firearms or weapons poses a substantial risk of serious harm to organization students, staff and community members. Therefore, possession or display of firearms or weapons is prohibited while a student is in a school session or activity and may constitute a criminal act under Florida law. This prohibition also extends to the sites of school activities, whether or not those school activities are conducted on organizational property.

    Individuals found to be in violation of this policy will be dealt with severely. Students will be disciplined up to and including reassignment as provided elsewhere within this policy manual. Law enforcement officials will be notified and the individual violating this policy will be directed to leave school sponsored activity premises. Non-students violating this policy will be barred from all school activities for a period of one (1) year. Subsequent violations by the same individual will result in a permanent bar from organizational properties and activities.

    Student participation in school sanctioned gun safety courses, student military or ROTC courses, or other school-sponsored firearm related events does not constitute a violation of this policy, provided the student does not carry a firearm or other weapon onto the premises of any activity sponsored or sanctioned by school officials. In addition, persons passing through for purposes of dropping off or picking up a student do not violate this policy if they possess a lawful permitted weapon in the vehicle during this time.

    E.  Volunteer

    Student Supervision Background Checks
    If an adult plans to volunteer with students (such as field trip chaperones, student tutoring, etc.) the individual must complete a volunteer registration form. If the adult will be responsible for student supervision (such as running an after-school club), the parent must go through a Level 2 background check, the cost of which the parent is responsible for. The school district conducts the complete background check to ensure the individual is clear of anything in their past which would prevent them from working with children.

    Adopted: June 28, 2024