-- 3600 -- OEN Student Services

    A.  English as a Second Language (ESL)

    The organization is committed to identifying and assessing the educational needs of students whose native or home language is other than English. Once identified, the school will provide appropriate programs to address the needs of these students.

    Home Language Assessment
    Upon being accepted to the school, the school operations manager will ensure each student’s records are reviewed to ensure a home language survey/assessment has been completed, and if it has not, will ensure the survey is completed by the student’s parents within the first two weeks of enrollment.

    The organization will also take steps to ensure to the maximum extent practicable that the interests of ESOL students are included in the development and implementation of school programs and services that are offered by the school to and for its student body. The school operations manager will ensure that all legal requirements are adhered to in regards to the instruction and services provided to students who qualify for ESOL students.

    B.  Exceptional Student Education (ESE)

    Acceptance of Students
    The organization operates public schools that are required to admit all students, based on space availability. The school does not however serve the broad array of all exceptional educational needs. We provide classroom services, and contract with providers for therapeutic needs. If additional services are required that we are unable to provide or contract out, we will consider the option of dual enrollment at another with the school district.

    Limitation of Services
    The organization strives to meet the needs of all of our students. We attempt to provide individualized instruction to all of our students. The school will retain the services of an ESE teacher to assist with working with children who have special needs. The organization does not, however, provide the full-range of ESE services that are available from other public schools in the county. When a child with special needs is considering enrolling with the organization the family will be informed of the services provided by the school and the current staffing levels.

    C.  Section 504 Policies

    Section 504 Plans
    The organization provides a free and public education to each student who is disabled within the definition of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 regardless of the nature of severity of the disability.

    When a 504 Plan Will Be Considered
    The organization will consider a 504 plan for accommodations if a School Based Leadership Team feels that the child may have a disability which would meet the criteria for such a plan. This can occur when a teacher identifies a student who is having difficulties, a parent requests a team to consider the needs of a student, or if a medical report has been submitted identifying a student as having a disability.

    Meeting to Consider 504 Plan
    If the School Based Leadership Team recommends a student be considered for a 504 plan, the principal or designee will coordinate a meeting among the student’s teachers and school specialist. The teacher will also ensure the parents have been notified and invited to the meeting. While at the meeting, the team members will consider whether the student’s disabilities qualify them for accommodations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. If so, the team will identify the accommodations necessary to allow the student to be successful within the school environment. The authorizing school district’s forms will be used for both determination and the actual 504 Plan.

    To determine if a child has a disability that qualifies them for a 504 Plan, the team will utilize the policies of authorizing school district in regards to eligibility.

    D. Involuntary Examinations

    Reasons for Involuntary Examination
    Pursuant to Section 394.463(1), Florida Statutes, a person may be taken to a receiving facility for involuntary examination if there is reason to believe that the person has a mental illness and because of his or her mental illness:

    1. The person has refused voluntary examination after conscientious explanation and disclosure of the purpose of the examination; or
    2. The person is unable to determine for himself or herself whether examination is necessary; and
    3. Without care or treatment, the person is likely to suffer from neglect or refuse to care for himself or herself; such neglect or refusal poses a real and present threat of substantial harm to his or her well-being; and it is not apparent that such harm may be avoided through the help of willing family members or friends or the provision of other services; or
    4. There is a substantial likelihood that without care or treatment the person will cause serious bodily harm to himself or herself or others in the near future, as evidenced by recent behavior.
    Required Communication
    In the event the principal or the principal's designee attempts to remove a student from a school-sponsored activity to be taken to a receiving facility for an involuntary examination, the principal or the principal's designee shall make a reasonable attempt to notify the parent or legal guardian of the student prior to the student's removal.
     For purposes of this policy, “a reasonable attempt to notify” means the exercise of reasonable diligence and care by the principal or the principal’s designee to make contact with the student’s parent, guardian, or other known emergency contact whom the student’s parent or guardian has authorized to receive notification of an involuntary examination.
     At a minimum, the principal or the principal’s designee must take the following actions:

    1. Use available methods of communication to contact the student’s parent, guardian, or other known emergency contact, including but not limited to, telephone calls, text messages, e-mails, and voice mail messages following the decision to initiate an involuntary examination of the student.
    2. Document the method and number of attempts made to contact the student’s parent, guardian, or other known emergency contact, and the outcome of each attempt.
    A principal or his or her designee who successfully notifies any other known emergency contact may share only the information necessary to alert such contact that the parent or caregiver must be contacted. All such information must be in compliance with federal and state law.

    Delayed Communication
    The principal or the principal’s designee may delay notification for no more than 24 hours
     after the student is removed if:

    1. The principal or the principal’s designee deems the delay to be in the student’s best interest and if a report has been submitted to the central abuse hotline, pursuant to s. 39.201, based upon knowledge or suspicion of abuse, abandonment, or neglect; or
    2. The principal or the principal’s designee reasonably believes that such delay is necessary to avoid jeopardizing the health and safety of the student.
    Before a principal or his or her designee contacts a law enforcement officer, he or she must verify that de-escalation strategies have been utilized and outreach to a mobile response team has been initiated unless the principal or the principal’s designee reasonably believes that any delay in removing the student will increase the likelihood of harm to the student or others. This requirement does not supersede the authority of a law enforcement officer to act under s. 394.463.

    Parental Rights
    Parents of students have a right to timely notification of threats, unlawful acts, and significant emergencies pursuant to Sections 1006.07(4) and (7), Florida Statutes. Parents of students also have a right to access school safety and discipline incidents as reported pursuant to Section 1006.07(9), Florida Statutes.

    Conflict of Law
    This policy is intended to supplement Section 394.463 & 1002.33(9)(q), Florida Statutes. If there is any provision of this policy which conflicts with and Florida Statute, the Florida Statute shall control.

    Adopted: June 28, 2024