-- 2100 -- OEN Admission of Students

    The schools operated by the organization are public charter schools which receive their Charters from the local school district, and as such, complies with all applicable requirements of state law and the public-school system as well as their Charters. Federal law may also apply if the school is the recipient of federal grant funds.  As such, schools will admit all students based on space availability through use of the lottery process described below.

    A.  Student Selection 

    As per Florida Statute 1002.33, a lottery will be conducted at each grade level to select students for enrollment. All lotteries will be conducted in a manner that ensures each eligible student receives an equal chance of being selected. Applicants will be selected in random order until all applications have been ordered. In order of selection (with consideration of any applicable preference), applicants will be offered admission until all seats have been filled. The remaining students’ names will be placed on a waiting list in the order in which their names were selected.

    Enrollment Deadlines
    The school operations manager shall develop an enrollment schedule each year to establish the enrollment deadlines. The initial student selection lottery will be conducted at least six months prior to the opening of the school year. The initial application period must be at least 30 days and be advertised on the school’s website and through other methods allowed for within the budget. The initial application period will have a beginning and end date.

    After the initial application period, the school operations manager shall establish a regular schedule of application windows for the random selection of applications, and post this along with the enrollment schedule. Each subsequent application period will have a beginning and end date. Registration periods will also be posted on the school website.

    The deadlines and processes shall be clearly explained on the school’s website.

    Consistent with the school's Non-Discrimination Statement, state and federal statutes, the school will not discriminate against any student on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, religion, gender, sex, national origin (including English language learners), marital status, disability or any legally protected class. All students who are eligible to apply shall be included in the student selection lottery and have an equal chance of being selected.

    Publication of the enrollment process will include a non-discrimination statement.

    Student Preferences
    The following students will be given a priority in the admission process under state law:
    1. Students who were enrolled with the organization the year before.
    2. Students whose parents are staff members with the organization.
    3. Students whose parents are on the governing board of the organization.
    4. Students who have siblings enrolled with the organization.
    5. Students who have successfully completed, during the previous year, a voluntary prekindergarten education program under ss. 1002.51-1002.79 provided by the charter school, the charter school’s governing board, or a voluntary prekindergarten provider that has a written agreement with the governing board.
    6. Students who are the children of an active duty member of any branch of the United States Armed Forces.
    7. Students who attended or are assigned to failing schools pursuant to s. 1002.38(2).
    8. Students who are the children of a safe-school officer, as defined in s. 1006.12, at the school.
    9. Students residing in the school district.
    Selection Process
    The selection process will be conducted using third-party software to ensure all students have an equal chance of being selected for enrollment. On the dates specified within the enrollment schedule, the school shall abide by the following selection process.

    All Applicants will be Placed into the Lottery
    In the event that more students apply to, a specific grade, at the school than openings are available, all completed applications received within the enrollment period up until the enrollment deadline will be included in the lottery for the applicable grade.

    Determine Openings
    The school operations manager, in accordance with direction from the governing board, will determine the number of openings to be filled within the lottery process. The number of openings will be determined based on the contractual limits of the Charter Contract, facility limits, and enrollment limits. The board will approve the capacity of the school.

    B.  Registration

    Health Examination 
    As per FS 1003.22, a student has up to 30 school days to present a certification of a school-entry health examination for initial entry into a Florida public or private school. Children and youths who are experiencing homelessness and children who are known to the department, as defined in s. 39.0016, shall be given a temporary exemption for 30 school days.  However, a child shall be exempted from the requirement of a health examination upon written request of the parent of the child stating objections to the examination on religious grounds.

    Per FS 1003.22(1), prior to admittance to or attendance, the academy requires that each child has on file with the immunization registry a certification of immunization for the prevention of those communicable diseases for which immunization is required by the Department of Health. Any child who is excluded from participation in the immunization registry pursuant to s. 381.003(1)(e)2. must present or have on file with the school such certification of immunization. Certification of immunization shall be made on forms approved and provided by the Department of Health or be on file with the immunization registry and shall become a part of each student’s permanent record, to be transferred when the student transfers, is promoted, or changes schools. The transfer of such immunization certification by Florida public schools shall be accomplished using the Florida Automated System for Transferring Education Records and shall be deemed to meet the requirements of this section.

    Per FS 1003.22(4), the academy requires the screening of students for scoliosis IAW FS 381.0056.

    The provisions of this section shall not apply if:
    1. The parent of the child objects in writing that the administration of immunizing agents conflicts with his or her religious tenets or practices;
    2. A physician licensed under the provisions of chapter 458 or chapter 459 certifies in writing, on a form approved and provided by the Department of Health, that the child should be permanently exempt from the required immunization for medical reasons stated in writing, based upon valid clinical reasoning or evidence, demonstrating the need for the permanent exemption;
    3. A physician licensed under the provisions of chapter 458, chapter 459, or chapter 460 certifies in writing, on a form approved and provided by the Department of Health, that the child has received as many immunizations as are medically indicated at the time and is in the process of completing necessary immunizations;
    4. The Department of Health determines that, according to recognized standards of medical practice, any required immunization is unnecessary or hazardous; or
    5. The principal/head of school issues a temporary exemption, for up to 30 school days, to permit a student who transfers into a new county to attend class until his or her records can be obtained. Children and youths who are experiencing homelessness and children who are known to the department, as defined in s. 39.0016, shall be given a temporary exemption for 30 school days. The public school health nurse or authorized private school official is responsible for follow up of each such student until proper documentation or immunizations are obtained. An exemption for 30 days may be issued for a student who enters a juvenile justice program to permit the student to attend class until his or her records can be obtained or until the immunizations can be obtained. An authorized juvenile justice official is responsible for follow up of each student who enters a juvenile justice program until proper documentation or immunizations are obtained.

    Adopted: 6-28-2024