-- 2700 -- OEN General Student Policies

    A.  School Calendar

    Working together, the school operations manager and principal will develop a proposed school calendar. The calendar will be presented to the board for approval.

    B.  Student Dress Code

    A strong correlation exists between student appearance and the perception of excellence. Students are required to dress and groom themselves in a way that aligns with our philosophy of maintaining a learning environment focused on the development of each student’s academic potential, personal character and leadership skills.

    Our uniform policy and dress code will promote a safe environment for students which fosters learning and improves school safety and discipline. It will support an environment in which our school virtues can thrive: Courage, Honesty, Perseverance, Self Government, Service, Courtesy, and Responsibility. Daily reinforcement of strong personal habits promotes courtesy, the honor of self and others, modesty, and discipline. Adherence to the code diminishes economic and social barriers between students; increases a sense of belonging and school pride; encourages good judgment; models good citizenship and encourages all to perform at their highest level.

    All students in kindergarten through grade eight and grades nine through twelve are expected to be in school uniform during school hours and during all school activities and events unless otherwise specified. Attire which attracts undue or negative attention or which infringes on the rights or values of others is not considered to be in the spirit of the dress code not only for students, but also for staff and parents visiting the campus. Attire is expected to be clean, in good condition, business-like, and properly sized to fit.

    Students, staff and parents are to commit to the code and remain dedicated to interacting with one another as ladies and gentlemen. In doing so, we are choosing to be actively engaged in the safe and secure, nurturing environment of this exceptional learning community.

    Any medical, religious concerns or disability that might preclude meeting the uniform guidelines should be addressed with the school principal to determine reasonable accommodations as necessary.

    C.  School Equipment and Materials Policy

    Students may be issued School owned equipment or materials in some of their classes, which remain the property of the School. Any lost, stolen, or damaged School owned equipment or materials are the sole responsibility of the student and their parent or guardian. If something occurs to this property, the incident must be reported immediately to the teacher. Students not returning School owned equipment, including technology resources, and/or materials will be required to make payment for the replacement or repair costs to the School.

    Adopted: June 28, 2024