-- 2900 -- OEN Acceptable Use Policy for Students

    2900 Acceptable Use Policy for Students
    This policy is implemented to comply with the requirements of Rule 6A-1.0955(9), Florida Administrative Code, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”) and other relevant laws.  

    I. Protection of Student Information in Connection with Online Educational Services of the School
    1. Purpose.  This policy is intended to protect the personally identifiable information (“PII”) of students when students are required to use online educational services, including to provide protections against potential misuse of PII, data mining, or targeting for marketing and other commercial purposes. 
    2. Review of Online Educational Services.  All online educational services that students or their parents are required to use as part of school activities must be reviewed and approved as described herein, regardless of whether the online educational service is free, whether use of the online educational service is unique to specific classes and courses, or whether there is a written agreement governing student use.  The Principal or their designee must review each online educational service’s terms of service and privacy policy to ensure compliance with state and federal privacy laws, including FERPA, COPPA, 15 U.S.C. §§ 6501-6506, Section 1002.22, Florida Statutes, and all applicable implementing regulations (the “Applicable Laws”).  The Principal or designee must determine whether the online educational service provider will collect PII, how it will be used, when and how it will be destroyed, and the terms of re-disclosure, if any.  
    3. Approval of Online Educational Service.  If a teacher or other employee at the School intends to utilize an online educational service as part of a school activity, they must first submit a request to the Principal or their designee for review and approval.  No online educational service may be utilized for any school activity unless it has been reviewed and approved.  Following the review described above, the Principal or their designee must approve or deny the use of the online educational service.   The Principal or designee reserves the right to deny the use of any online educational service for any reason, including if the online educational service is determined to have policies or practices that could lead to the misuse of student PII or violate the Applicable Laws.  The Principal or designee may also approve the use of an online educational service subject to parental consent, as described in more detail below.  The Principal or designee will maintain documentation related to the approval or denial of all online educational services.   Nothing herein is intended to supersede the authority of the Governing Board to approve the use of an online educational service to the extent such approval is required by any other policy of the School.
    4. Parental Notification and Consent.  Parents must be notified in writing if student PII will be collected by an online educational service, including what PII will be collected, how it will be used, when and how it will be destroyed, and the terms of re-disclosure, if any.   This notification should be sent to parents at the beginning of the school year, or prior to students utilizing the online educational service if it is implemented after the start of the school year.  If during the review process or at any time thereafter it is determined that an online educational service will share or sell student PII for commercial purposes, school personnel shall be strictly prohibited from allowing students to utilize the online educational service in any school activity without having first obtained written parental consent.
    5. Notification.  For any online educational service that a student is required to use, the School will provide notice on its website of the PII information that may be collected, how it will be used, when it will be destroyed, and the terms of re-disclosure, if any. This notice will also include a link to the online educational service’s terms of service and privacy policy, if publicly available.
    II. Internet Safety
    The following policy guidelines are in place to protect students:
    1. Prevent user transmission of inappropriate material via Internet, electronic mail, or other forms of direct electronic communications while using School issued devices.
    2. To the extent practical, technology protection measures (or “Internet filters”) shall be used to block or filter Internet, or other forms of electronic communications, or access to inappropriate information.
    3. Specifically, as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act, blocking shall be applied to visual depictions of material deemed obscene or child pornography, or to any material deemed harmful to minors.
    4. The use of (or access to) TikTok or any successor platforms is prohibited on School devices.
    5. Prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful online activity.
    6. To the extent practical, steps shall be taken to promote the safety and security of users when using electronic mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, and other forms of direct electronic communications.
    7. Specifically, as required by the Children’s Internet Protection Act, prevention of inappropriate network usage includes: (a) unauthorized access, including so-called ‘hacking,’ and other unlawful activities; and (b) unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors.
    8. Prevent unauthorized online disclosure, use, or dissemination of student personally identifiable information (PII).
    9. Prevent access to websites, web or mobile applications or software that do not protect against the disclosure, use or dissemination of student PII in accordance with rule 6A-1.0955 F.A.C.
    10. Students are prohibited from accessing social media platforms, except when expressly directed by a teacher for an educational purpose.
    11. School staff will educate, supervise, and monitor appropriate usage of School owned equipment in accordance with this policy and the Children’s Internet Protection Act. 
    12. Procedures for the disabling or otherwise modifying any technology protection measures shall be the responsibility of the IT Department.
    13. Schools will provide age-appropriate training for students who use the Internet and School owned devices.
    14. The training provided will be designed to promote the commitment to:
    i. The standards and acceptable use of Internet services as set forth in the AUP and Internet Safety Policy guidelines.
    ii. Student safety with regard to:
    • Safety on the Internet.
    • Appropriate behavior while on online, on social networking Web sites, and in chat rooms.
    • Cyberbullying awareness and response.
    • Following receipt of this training, the student will acknowledge that he/she received the training, understood it, and will follow the provisions of the School's acceptable use and Internet Safety policy guidelines.
      15. Comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act [Pub. L. No. 106-554 and 47 USC 254(h)]. 

    III. Acceptable Use
    The following are typical uses of the digital network and electronic resources:
    1. Students’ use of the School’s electronic resources, including equipment and participation in the School’s online courses and activities, is a privilege. As a condition of that privilege, students must comply with this Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”). The following general rules govern students’ use of the School’s digital network and technology resources:
    2. The use must be consistent with the School’s educational goals and policies.
    3. The use must comply with this Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”).
    4. The use must comply with the instructions of teachers and staff.
    5. The use must be in accordance with the School’s Student Code of Conduct.
    6. Require that students who access School courses or content with School owned or personally owned electronic equipment ANNUALLY sign this Acceptable Use Agreement.
    7. The use must comply with applicable laws and regulations, including (a) bullying and harassment and (b) copyright laws.
    IV Prohibited Activities

    The following are prohibited:
    1. Use that violates the Code of Conduct.
    2. Use of School technology resources, including Virtual Reality (VR) headsets, to search, access, or participate in online platforms, rooms, chats, Metaverse spaces, or any other virtual experiences not specifically part of the School’s program.
    3. Use of another individual’s account or providing individual account information to another person.
    4. Use of School equipment for financial gain or for political or commercial activity.
    5. Attempting to send or sending anonymous messages of any kind or pretending to be someone else while sending a message.
    6. Attempting to access, modify, harm, or destroy another user’s data.
    7. Harassing, insulting, ridiculing, attacking or defaming others via network communications.
    8. Attempting to subvert, defeat or disable installed access filters, workstation security software, antivirus software or other features, network firewalls or other measures in place to secure the school’s technology resources.
    9. Users of unauthorized methods of access to School’s technology resources such as modems and virtual private networks (VPN’s).
    10. Use of remote access software or services to access remote computer networks, workstations or servers from the School’s system.
    11. Attempting to transmit damaging agents (e.g., computer viruses, Trojan horses, worms) or otherwise wilfully damaging or disrupting any computer facility, software, or data.
    12. Attempting to interfere with the normal operation of computers, terminals, peripherals, or networks.
    13. Usage which invades the privacy of others.
    14. Use or experimentation with software or hardware without written approval from the School’s Head of School.
    15. Wilfully publishing, storing, displaying, transmitting, playing, or editing material that is obscene, threatening, profane, sexually suggestive or otherwise inappropriate.
    16. Changing, deleting, or modifying Internet browser settings including hiding or deleting Internet history or records of Internet use.
    17. Use of the system for an unauthorized purpose.
    18. Students shall not perform any kind of maintenance, repair, configuration or installation of services on School owned or managed devices or equipment, including factory resets or any methods which remove or disable School required or installed software, controls, or limitations. 
    19. The use of TikTok or any successor platforms used to communicate or promote any School or School sponsored event/club/team/organization.
    V. Enforcement
    Students who violate these procedures may be denied access to the School’s computing or technology resources and may be subject to disciplinary action, including possible expulsion. Alleged violations will be subject to the School’s disciplinary procedures.
    VI. No Expectation of Privacy
    Students have no expectation of privacy in their use of the School’s technology resources. 
    VII. AUP Agreement and Acknowledgement
    As a condition of the privilege of using the School’s system and technology resources, students/parents are required to annually acknowledge and agree to the School AUP guidelines contained herein. 

    VIII. The Use and Operation of Personally Owned Technology Devices or Electronic Property
    Students who are authorized to use or operate personally owned devices must adhere to the following:
    • School employees are not authorized to install software, perform any repair, configuration or maintenance on student-owned technology resources, that are present during school sponsored activities including both software and hardware resources.
    • Students who are authorized to bring and/or use a personally owned technology devices are responsible for the safe keeping and proper use of their property. The School is in no way liable for any loss or damage for student-owned devices.
    • The School will not be responsible to hold or store student-owned devices.
    • The use of TikTok or any successor platform used to communicate or promote any School or School sponsored event/team/club/organization.

    IX. Additional Rules Governing the Use of Video, Photo and/or Audio Recording Devices at School
    This section addresses the use of devices that can record audio, photo or video content in the school environment, particularly the classroom, including virtual courses. Such recording devices include:
    • Smart Pen (i.e. Livescribe Echo), Personal audio recorder
    • Mobile/Smart Phone (i.e. iPhone), Personal Media Player/MP3/MiniDisc Player (i.e. iPod)
    • Mobile Tablet or Slate Device (i.e. iPad, Nexus), eReader (i.e. Nook, Kindle)
    • Mobile Computer System capable of recording video, photo, audio (i.e. notebook, netbook)
    • Digital or film-based Camera or video recorder
    • Digital or film-based Audio Recorder (i.e. Cassette player)
    General Rule
    Except at open house and public events, students, parents, and visitors are not allowed to videotape, photograph or make audio recordings while participating in school hosted events, including virtual events. All recording devices must be turned off at school. The purpose of this general rule is to foster an appropriate educational environment and prevent unwarranted disclosure of student images and information.

    X. Web Content Developed by Students
    As part of class/course projects, students may be developing and publishing content on web page(s) for the Internet. The following procedures apply:
    The following procedures apply:
    • Student web pages which profile a student are prohibited. No web page shall contain a student’s phone number, address, e-mail address, opinions, or other personal information.
    • As a precaution, teachers should avoid identifying students by using students’ first names initials, or other codes, or listing the teacher’s name and a number for each student, within the web page and with all file names.
    • Blogs in use by Optima Academy Online students must be registered with an accountable publisher and content approver who is responsible for all content posted to the blog.
    • Students are not authorized to share or post personal photos and other profile information to public or school websites when using School or personally owned electronic devices during school hours or school activities. 
    • The School does not warrant nor guarantee access or data integrity of student developed web content. Any and all web content created for class projects or course work should be backed up frequently using local resources.

    XI. Virtual Reality (VR) Safety Rules
    • Alterations and adjustments to VR equipment, including factory resets, are prohibited.
    • Students are only permitted to attend School related courses, platforms, experiences, and similar virtual environments while using technology resources managed by the School, including any software or controls implemented by the School.
    • Students are not permitted to have food and/or drink near VR equipment.
    • Students may experience discomfort such as nausea or motion sickness when using VR. It is the student's responsibility to identify if this is occurring and remove the headset.
    • Students who experience any discomfort or difficulties with VR are required to report the matter to their teacher.
    • Any attempt to circumvent restrictions within the VR environment or software installed on the VR headset will be considered a breach of the agreement. 
    • I have read and agree to follow the School’s Acceptable Use Policy.
    • I understand that the equipment provided, including but not limited to the VR headset, is only to be used for the manner in which it is intended, and I will abide by the following:
    • I will use the equipment only for educational purposes as directed by my teacher and in accordance with the course syllabus. 
    • I will not use the equipment for personal use or to access illegal, dangerous, inappropriate, or offensive content.
    • If I accidentally find content that is illegal, dangerous, inappropriate, or offensive, I will clear the content from my screen and immediately notify my teacher.
    • I will adhere to the VR Safety Rules at all times when using VR.
    • I understand that the School monitors equipment, including VR equipment. If the School determines I have broken these rules, appropriate action will be taken. Any attempt to circumvent the policies will be considered a breach of this Agreement and the Acceptable Use Policy. Consequences of any breach may include my access being disabled (i.e. no school computer/VR access) for specified durations or other consequences consistent with the Student Code of Conduct.
    Student’s Name:________________________________________ Grade: _____________________________
    Student’s Signature: _____________________________________  Date: _____________________________
    • I understand that School equipment, including VR headsets, can provide students with valuable learning experiences.
    • I also understand that the internet gives access to information on computers around the world, that the school cannot control what is on those computers, and that some of that information can be illegal, dangerous, or offensive. I accept that, while staff will always exercise their duty of care, caring for equipment and students’ personal health and safety must depend upon responsible use by students.
    • I believe ____________ (name of student) understands this responsibility and I hereby give my permission for him/her to access School equipment, including VR headsets, under the school rules. I understand that students breaking these rules will be subject to appropriate action by the School. This may include loss of equipment access. 

    Parent/Legal Guardian’s name: ______________________________________________________
    Parent/Legal Guardian’s signature: _________________________________    Date ____________
    Adopted: June 28, 2024