-- 2200 -- OEN Attendance Policies

    A.  Philosophy

    The classroom experience is of unique value and it cannot be duplicated by make-up work. Student interaction and the development of ideas through discussion are lost when a student is absent. A student's enrollment in a course is his/her commitment to attend all class sessions and complete all coursework. 

    B.  Purpose

    The purpose of this attendance policy is to foster responsibility and reliability on the part of academy students to attend all classes and complete all coursework
     Florida Statutes § 1003.21 mandates that all students are required to attend school and sets forth specific requirements for the school. Parents and students can be held legally accountable for truancy.
    C. Parent and Guardian Responsibilities 
    • Alert School of Student Absences – Attendance is based on students logging in to our student information systems and our learning management system, as well as the regular submission of coursework. Regardless of the amount of time a student misses due to absences, the student is required to complete all coursework included in the course gradebook and assessment list. Excessive absences may lead to a student being considered truant. In addition, requests for excused absences due to scheduled appointments for a student’s treatment of autism spectrum disorder will be honored upon receipt of documentation provided by licensed health care practitioners or certified behavior analysts. Health related absences of three or more consecutive school days may also require a doctor’s note. Regardless of the amount of time a student misses due to excused absences, the student is required to complete all coursework included in the course gradebook and assessment list. All other absences will be considered unexcused. 
    • Complete Defined School Year – Regardless of the number of hours of schooling a student may complete prior to the last day of the school year, students are required to complete all coursework and earn a final course grade. Students enrolled in live courses are required to attend all scheduled classes and complete all coursework. Students enrolled in on-demand courses are required to log into the course at least once per week and complete an assignment at least once per week.
    • Required Instructional Hours
    To meet the state’s requirements, students who are enrolled full-time should complete the following minimum hours of coursework each week. 
    Grade LevelsMinimum Hours per DayMinimum Hours per WeekMinimum Hours per Year
    • Vacations or Days Off – Optima Academy Online allows students 24/7 access to their courses. While the access allows students to work ahead or catch up, the expectation of course completion remains. Students are able to take days off that align with the school calendar, or additional days off as needed, but are still required to complete all coursework. Extended travel should not occur during state testing windows, which prevents a student’s required participation. 
    • Official Attendance Record – The Student Information System (SIS) tracks attendance. This is the record of the student’s documented attendance. It is, however, only one of many sources used to determine if a student is meeting the minimum instructional hours requirement. In certain cases, where it has been determined that a student has not completed enough work or that certain other school requirements have not been fulfilled, an administrator may invalidate the attendance record, resulting in sanctions up to and including withdrawal.

    D.  Truancy Consequences

    Florida law defines "habitual truant" as a student who has 15 or more unexcused absences within 90 calendar days with or without the knowledge or consent of the student's parent or guardian, and who is subject to compulsory school attendance. 
    Due to the unique online educational environment at Optima Academy Online, 15 unexcused absences may be equivalent to 15 or more school days in which the student has not completed any work, is not making adequate academic progress and has not responded to communication attempts made by a teacher or administrator. When a truancy concern arises, the Student Support team will convene to determine interventions that may need to be implemented to support student/family needs. If students/families are nonresponsive to these attempts, then local law enforcement may be contacted to perform a well-being check. As a last resort, a student may be withdrawn/disenrolled from Optima Academy Online for truancy if the student is not completing any work and not responding to communication attempts.


    E. Absences

    Excused Absences    
     Excused absences include:
    1. An illness of the student of two (2) or less days needs to be documented by a parent email or a documented medical/dental appointment.
    2. Mental health counseling for the student. A note on business stationery from the mental health facility or personnel may be required by the principal.
    3. Major illness in the family. (If illness persists for three or more consecutive days, or requires numerous non-consecutive absences, a doctor’s note may be required, as requested by the principal).
    4. Death in the immediate family of the student. A student’s immediate family includes biological parents, grandparents, siblings, or adults and siblings from an immediate extended family unit, at the principal’s discretion.
    5. An observance of an established religious holiday or for prearranged religious instruction as defined in F.S. 1003.21 (documentation of the religious affiliation of the student may be required by school officials).
    6. Religious institutes, conferences, or workshops (only two days allowed if the request is signed by a parent and given to the school at least forty-eight (48) hours before the absence).
    7. Subpoena or forced absence by any law enforcement agency. A copy of the subpoena or summons will be given to the school’s principal (or designee). This includes detention at a juvenile center in which the student continues his/her education.
    8. A major disaster, as decided by the administration.
    9. Other approved student activities such as Student Council, National Honor Society, class meetings, and academic/athletic competitions.
    10. Any absence, including those for field trips or other parental requests as judged appropriate by the school’s principal, provided that the request is submitted to the principal forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the absence. The principal may waive the requirement for advance notice if extenuating circumstances exist.
    The student's parent or legal guardian shall make a call to the school or give advance written notification to the school when a student will be absent for excused reasons.
     Validated Absences
     Brief illness, appointments, and family business are considered absences for purposes of meeting attendance policy requirements. Non-medical absences must be documented by emailed notes from parents.  All notes can be scanned and emailed.
     Unexcused Absences
     Unexcused absences shall include, but not be limited to out-of-school suspensions, vacations, truancy, and class cuts. 

    F.  Attendance Procedures

    Make-up Work 
     It is the responsibility of the student to arrange for such make-up work. Work not made up within the time specified by the teacher will receive a grade of "F". The principal may extend the time for make-up work when in his/her judgment extenuating circumstances justify such extension. However, long-term assignments given before the student is absent are expected to be turned in on the date the student returns to school. These provisions shall apply to all grade levels.
     Classroom Activities 
     Classroom activities are of unique value and cannot be duplicated by make-up work. Student interaction and the development of ideas through discussion are lost when a student is absent. A student's enrollment in Optima Academy Online is a commitment to attend live classes, if applicable to a course.  Therefore, it is the intent of this rule to encourage students to be present daily in school unless a situation exists which makes their absence absolutely necessary.
     Further, it is incumbent on the academy to provide a meaningful and relevant program with appropriate incentives to promote student commitment to education and attendance. In addition, educators have the responsibility to encourage regular attendance of students, maintain accurate attendance records, and follow reporting procedures prescribed by the principal. The academy will record absent and tardy students in the automated student attendance record-keeping system.
     School attendance shall be the responsibility of parents and students. All students are expected to attend school regularly and to be on time for classes in order to benefit from the instructional program and to develop habits of punctuality, self-discipline, and responsibility.
     A student who is absent without the principal's or designee's approval shall have his/her parent or legal guardian report such absences to the academy.
     A student shall be considered truant when absent without parent or legal guardian permission or when the parent or legal guardian consents to unnecessary absences (e.g., vacations, etc.) which will be recorded as unexcused.
     Student Absence Notification 
    Live Classes
     Parents/Guardians are required to notify the school when their child is absent and inform the school of the reason for the absence within twenty-four (24) hours by a telephone call or email. In order to qualify for an excused or validated absence the parent must notify the school of the child's absence within twenty-four (24) hours of the date of the absence. A phone call on the date of the absence prior to 10:00 a.m. is preferable. Failure to notify the school within twenty-four (24) hours by phone or email when the student returns will result in the absence being unexcused regardless of the reason for the absence. If the school is not notified by 10:00 a.m. on the day of the absence, the school will attempt to contact the parent when practical and possible. The principal may waive the twenty-four (24) hour notification requirement when in his/her judgment extenuating circumstances justify such a waiver. In addition to parent notification, absences require written verification to be excused.
     The school will make a good faith effort to contact parents per F.S. 1003.26.
    On Demand Classes
    Students enrolled in on demand courses are required to log in and complete assignments at least once per week. Absences greater than one week require written notification from the parent to the school. 
     High School Course Credit 
     High school course credit shall be a function of demonstrated mastery of the student performance standards in the course of study as provided by the rules of the academy school board. At the high school level and for high school courses taken at middle school, credit is earned by attaining a passing average for the semester. 
     Adopted: 06/28/2024