-- 2500 -- OEN Extracurricular Activity Policies

    A.  Attendance Required for Extracurricular Participation

    Students participating in any school-sponsored event must have been in attendance at school the day of the event, otherwise they will be disallowed from participating in the event. Additionally, students who are considered truant based on this policy manual may be disallowed from participating in any extracurricular activities sponsored by the school.

    B.  Extracurricular Activities

    Participation in interscholastic and extracurricular activities is a privilege and not a right. Interscholastic competition and participation in extracurricular activities may be withheld from any student as a condition of discipline. Furthermore, all policies that apply to the regular school day apply also to interscholastic competition and extracurricular activities. Coaches and sponsors may establish policies for their groups in addition to those set out by athletic associations.

    The organization supports the use of clubs to allow students student’s extracurricular experience at school. When clubs are available, they will be advertised amongst the students and parents. All students participating in a school club are required to maintain a 2.0 GPA, have no behavioral concerns, and meet the expectation of the club. A copy of the club expectations will be provided to students joining an individual club. Clubs must be sponsored and supervised by a school staff member.

    Student hazing is inconsistent with the educational goals of the organization and poses a significant risk to the physical and mental welfare of students. Hazing of students, on or off school property, is prohibited and may result in suspension from school and from activity/athletic participation.

    C.  Field Trips, Off Campus Events

    Field trips are school-related events for which school staff arranges transportation and ensures an appropriate number of chaperones. All trips shall be subject to prudent safety precautions and conducted according to the rules established by the school. Every effort will be made to schedule field trips without interrupting other school functions.

    D. Concussion and Head Injuries

    It is the policy of the academy school board that the school operations manager provide the materials developed by the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) to educate coaches, student athletes, and parents/guardians of student athletes about the nature and risks of concussions and head injuries, including continuing to play after a concussion or head injury, before any student athlete is allowed to participate in any interscholastic athlete activity or practice for any school-sanctioned athletic team. Student athletes and their parents shall be required to sign Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) Preparticipation Physical Evaluation form EL2 and FHSAA Consent and Release from Liability Certificate form EL3 before participating in any practice or interscholastic competition. Per the FHSAA rules and this policy, coaches and licensed trainers shall document completion of the online training program provided by the FHSAA annually.
    During any athletic season, a coach or licensed trainer who suspects that a student athlete may have sustained a concussion or head injury shall remove the student athlete from participation or competition at that time. For purposes of this policy, a "student athlete" is any student who tries out for or participates on any athletic team sponsored by the academy. When a student athlete is removed from an interscholastic athletic activity or other competition, including any practice session, because of a suspected head injury or concussion, that student athlete may not return to the contest or the practice until written clearance to participate from a medical provider licensed in Florida has been provided.

    Adopted: June 28, 2024