Weekly Inspection Process - Sarah

  1. 1

    Ensure QuickBooks entries are correctly categorized

    Ensure all QuickBooks entries are categorized correctly. Examples of typical categories are below. If you are unsure how to categorized an entry, ask in the Manager's channel. 

    • Reuzel and Historic orders are retail
    • Amazon orders are typically shop supplies
    • Walmart orders are either customer food and beverage or shop supplies
    • Atlanta Barber is men's service supply
    • SalonCentric orders are typically women's service supply.

  2. 2

    Check your books in the preceding week for gray appointments

    Grayed out appointments mean the barber did not take payment for that appointment.  These can be a sign of employee theft, but many times it is just an error.  However, it is important to catch these and understand what happened to keep money from being lost.

  3. 3

    Do a discount check up

    Go into Squire reports and choose, Barber Sales Summary.  Look for your top 5 discounters and determine if there are any issues.

  4. 4

    Check if it is time to hire

    Review the last 3 weeks for any shifts where you felt like you lost customers because you were too full. If 3 or more shifts were full, start the hiring process.
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    Review appointments with no barber preference

    This should be done daily if you want new hires to grow quickly.  If a veteran barber has an appointment with the double crossed symbol, move that appointment to a newer barber.  This symbol indicates the client has no barber preference.

  6. 6

    Review shop analytics to determine if growth or loss is occurring - report findings to managers

  7. 7

    Complete Payroll for any shops that need it and review cost of labor numbers