How to Close the Cash Register at Night

  1. 1

    Go to register drawer/ cash register

  2. 2

    Count out $300, and remove the rest from the drawer

    The $300 will stay in the drawer. Remove large bills first for the nightly deposit to ensure that the morning shift has enough small bills for their day.
  3. 3

    Count the remainder and verify amount in Squire

    $300 plus the remainder should match the value in Squire called "Current Balance."
    If it's less, the deposit is under. If it's more, the deposit is over.

  4. 4

    If the deposit is under by $30 or more

    A reason for the shortage must be found. Alert manager and make a note in the Squire register under, "Notes" and also on the deposit envelope. 
  5. 5

    Place the remainder in a deposit envelope

    You don't need to itemize the bills, just write out the total cash enclosed. Try to avoid putting too many ones or fives in the envelopes.Fill out the deposit envelope with the date, your name, the location, and the amount included. If there is an overage or shortage, please note why.
  6. 6

    Close register in Squire.

    Click the red "close register" button in top right corner. Actual balance should read $300.00. If deposit over/under leave closing note. Ex: "deposit short $17"
  7. 7

    Put nightly deposit in a safe space for manager