Shop Televisions Usage
This policy applies to all employees of Company who use the company's televisions and is aimed at ensuring proper utilization and maintenance of the equipment.
This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and representatives of Company who have access to and use the company's televisions.
Televisions provided by Company are intended for business-related purposes only. They should be used to display informative content, training materials, presentations, or for any other work-related activities as authorized by the management.
Employees should not use the televisions for personal entertainment, watching non-work-related videos, or accessing inappropriate or offensive content. Personal devices should be used for personal entertainment purposes.
All employees are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and physical condition of the televisions. If a television is malfunctioning, damaged, or requires maintenance, employees should report it to the IT department promptly.
No modifications, alterations, or additions should be made to the televisions without prior approval from the IT department.
All televisions should be kept in secure areas, ensuring they are not accessible to unauthorized individuals. Proper security measures, such as locking the room or securing the television when not in use, should be strictly followed.
Employees should not connect any personal devices or removable media to the televisions without authorization from the IT department to prevent the risk of introducing malware or unauthorized content.
Any employee found to be in violation of this policy may face disciplinary action, up to and including termination, as per the Company Disciplinary Policy.