3.5.1 Entering Payroll

  1. 1

    First review and determine your commission options

    You may visit: getsquire.my.site.com/help/s/article/Whataremycommi...  for an explanation of the options for setting up commissions in Squire.

    We generally recommend you start cosmetologists at 45% commission and barbers at 50%.  However, different areas vary on norms.  It is recommended you do research of current average commission in your area prior to offering set commissions.

    In addition, new hires with strong clienteles justify higher commissions if they will bring in clientele to your barbershop.
  2. 2

    Once Determined, Set Up Commissions in Squire's settings page

  3. 3

    Run Your Payroll - Download Your Squire Payout Report

    Once commissions have been properly set up, you will download all necessary payroll information from the Squire portal. sweetprocess.com/video/Gk0ESwJK.mp4

    To download the report:

    • Click on Reports (upward arrow icon) > Open drop down menu under More and click on Commission Payout
    • Click on the dates for the payroll period of Sunday - Saturday  (ex.9/20/20-9/26/20)
    • Click Submit > Click Export CSV (Excel Sheet)
    • Click Open file or Go to downloads folder to open file
    • Once file is open > Adjust/Widen all columns to read contents
    • Delete the following columns:
    • Personnel ID, Card Fees (on Total), Commission Splits Fee (on Total), Squire Tips, POS Tips, Gift Card Tips, Tax

    The excel sheet should have two sections with staff names listed for both:  
    • The top section is for Services Sales
    • The bottom section is for Product Sales    
    Go to the File tab in your excel sheet > Click Print > Before printing click on/make these setting adjustments:
    1. Landscape orientation
    2. Fit on one page
    3. Click on page set-up > Click sheet > Check the box for gridlines > click ok (gridlines will show up in preview if box is checked) 
    Then Click Print
  4. 4

    Fill out the payroll calculation worksheet

    Take the information off the Squire commission sheet and enter the information into the attached excel sheet using the following instructions:
    • Input the numbers from the columns of the Squire Commission Payout Report into the Gusto Template excel worksheet as listed below for each barber:
    Squire Report     
    equals Gusto Template 
    Hours Worked

    Hours Worked (anything over 40 put in the Overtime column)
    Total (from product sales section - bottom )

    Bonus - Product sales calc
    Not Applicable
    Miscellaneous Bonus (ex. educator course, contest incentives, etc)
    Due to Barbers or Barber Commission
    Due to Barbers

    Paycheck Tips
    Total to Barber

    Gross Pay

    Payroll Calculation Worksheet​​​
  5. 5

    Review info and save the excel sheet as a CSV file

    If the commission column is red for a barber(s) in the Gusto template file, change that barber's hourly rate to the tipped employee rate for your state.  Once the commission column is all positive (not RED) you're ready to verify gross pay.

    In Squire, verify that all barbers' numbers in the Total To Barber column match/equal their Gross Pay column in the Gusto Template file (minus the total amount from the Bonus and Miscellaneous Bonus column). The only time they will not match is if the barber has any type of bonus amount from one of those two columns.

  6. 6

    Enter and Submit payroll in Gusto

    Now that the CSV file is saved, you need to upload it to the Gusto website.

    1. Go to the gusto.com and enter your login information for Payroll Admin.
    • On the left side > Click Run Payroll 
    •  Under Regular Payroll select the drop down box for the current pay period (ex. Sept 20 -Sept 26) 
    •  Run Payroll
    • On the right side under Hours & Additional Earnings > Click Upload CSV
    • Click Select File < find your CSV file located in your monthly folder listed in Step 3
    • Click the CSV file 
    • Click Open 
    • Click Upload CSV

    The file will import into the designated names.  Please verify that the gross pay amounts in Gusto imported correctly and match your Gusto Template file's gross pay amounts, including any bonuses.
    Once verified > Click Save & Continue

    The next screen will ask you to verify Time Off, including PTO or sick leave (unpaid) requests. You must make sure all barbers have zero listed in their sick request columns (Gusto has a glitch that will pay staff for those sick requests even though its upaid leave). Only PTO can be paid at this time.  If there are sick hours listed for a barber, you must zero out that column and log their appropriate hours taken off in their profile before proceeding with finishing payroll.

    • On the left hand side, Click People 
    • Click on Barber Name 
    • Under barber name Click Time Off 
    • Click View next to the approved request >
    • Click Decline Approved Request 
    • Click box Under Notes and type - Admin Reasons (this will zero out the column in the Payroll section mentioned above) 
    • Click Save/Update

    On the right side under the Time Off tab in the Policies section 
    • Click Edit > Add the hours of requested sick time to the current balance (ex. if the balance is currently 0, and 1 day (8 hrs)of sick leave was taken you would put -8 as the new balance)
    •  Click Update (The new balance will show -8)
    Repeat steps for each barber and their appropriate sick leave requests.

    After that is done, you can rerun payroll from Steps listed above.
    • Click Save & Continue in the hours and earnings section 
    • Verify all time off requests are zeroed out (unless PTO is requested)
    • Click Save & Continue
    • Submit Payroll.