Quarterly Maintenance Recommendations

This policy provides recommended guidelines to ensure quarterly maintenance of shop tools and equipment are completed on a regular schedule. The suggested schedule below details timeframes for quarterly maintenance. Maintenance in each quarter should not slip into other quarters.

Q1 (Jan-Mar)

Q2 (April-June)

Q3 (July-Sept)

Q4 (Oct-Dec)

Stain Floor (as needed)
Dryer Vent Cleaning+
Clean Hair Traps
Pipe Clog Removal
Check Station Floor Mats
HVAC Filter and Cleaning+
Check Towel Warmers
Check Latherers
Set External Sign Light Timer*
Dryer Vent Cleaning+
Clean Hair Traps
Pipe Clog Removal
HVAC Filter and Cleaning+
Check Towel Warmers
Check Latherers
Set External Sign Light Timer*
+Hired service or manual as applicable
*If external sign has a light timer