Emergency Management

    Emergency Response Policy

    Emergency Situations

    An emergency situation may include, but is not limited to; fire, earthquake, severe weather conditions, bomb threats, workplace violence, and medical emergencies.

    Emergency Notification

    Staff must follow the flowchart for their shop and report any emergency situation immediately to emergency services by calling 911, and then notifying their shop manager.

    All staff, contractors, and visitors must comply with the directions of the CHOP emergency response team, including evacuation orders. The CHOP emergency response team follows advisement from local and state government emergency management agencies. 

    Employees must report any injuries, no matter how minor, to their shop manager as soon as possible.


    We follow the local city, county, and state office closure decisions. If the local offices are closed, we will close and we will alert you as soon as we can through text and email. 

    If we close, staff working on the last shift prior to closure will shut down the shop with the manager and/or owners making sure to do all the evening checklist items. All electronics will be unplugged. ALL STAFF WILL TAKE TOOLS HOME - IF TOOLS ARE NOT TAKEN HOME WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE. The manager/owner will take all cash and place in safe and will remove any ipads or computers from the store. 

    In the event the hurricane is higher than a Category 2, it will be expected that some staff will evacuate. At this point, you will want to check your chopneverstops app daily for updates as to the state of your store and when it will reopen. If, financially, you need to work during your evacuation period, please let us know by emailing admin@chopbarbershop.com. We will do our best to get you a seat at one of our other stores that is not impacted by the hurricane, and find you inexpensive lodging or ask other Chop staff to host your stay. 


    Any employee found to be in violation of this policy may face disciplinary action, up to and including termination, based on the severity of the violation.