Rounding SOP

    Updated 11/6/2020

    Purpose (Employee Engagement):
    1. A purposeful organization
    2. A worthwhile responsibility
    3. A leader who cares
    4. Systems that work
    5. Tools for their job
    6. Opportunities to learn
    7. Recognition
    8. To work with a team
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      Staff Notification

      Notify staff in advance that there will be an opportunity for rounding (individual, team based, in person, via Google, in a digital form).  (Share schedule if applicable or send invite.)

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      Articulate purpose of rounding to staff prior to staff participation in a rounding session. Be genuine and mention previous issues in the organization and discuss how this quick data serves as an opportunity to collect feedback (to help support future growth within the organization and or to sustain current practices).
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      Ask the Questions (during the meeting time)

      Sample Questions:

      • What is working well at ________?

      • Are there areas that need improvement at ________?

      • Do you have the resources you need to do your ________?

      • Anyone that we can recognize for their efforts at __________?

      The questions can be shared in advance with rounding participants when they are notified of their opportunity for participation.  Some staff may want to write notes or think through the questions in advance before the meeting to feel more prepared for the rounding session (optional).

      New Staff Rounding Interview Questions/Template
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      The person doing the rounding takes notes to keep track of the feedback collected from rounding.  Reiterate to participants that individual rounding responses are confidential and common themes will be shared with a broader audience to improve the organization's efforts.

      Sample Form
      OP Rounding Summary
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      Recognition Opportunity

      Staff are able to recognize people by name for their efforts and the rationale as to why. Keep these shout outs/celebrations in the notes or collected feedback to be able to follow up with the staff member that was recognized (email follow up, card, note, etc.).

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      Rounding Review Cycle

      Utilize a common doc (potential template) to share rounding themes with building or district level teams. Collaboration discussions on take-aways/ideas for next steps with regards to future growth (in the organization/building).
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      Repeat the process where appropriate for the same group or different groups within the same school year if deemed appropriate for monitoring building/district level goals.
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